LiqPay Payments Extended

Demo to preview the settings


The plugin is intended for payment through the LiqPAY system.
Connect the payment system LiqPay to your site.
  • Create a subscription
  • Unsubscribe
  • Easy Payment


In order to interact with the plugin you'll need to get the PUBLIC and SECRET KEY from LiqPay.
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How to setup

  1. Go to LiqPay and click on the “Sign Upor “Log in button.
  1. On the opened page, insert the phone number then click on the “Sign in” button.
    1. ⚠️
      For successful account creation, you should have a Ukrainian number.
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  1. Fill out the form with the company name and email address then click on the “Create a shop button.
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  1. On the right side of the home page, you will find the keys for the plugin settings.
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  1. Put the LiqPay test keys on the “PUBLIC_KEY - dev.” and “PRIVATE_KEY - dev.” inputs. And, put the LiqPay production keys on the “PUBLIC_KEY” and “PRIVATE_KEY” inputs.
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CheckoutSubscription - This action should be used to create a subscription.
CancelSubscription - This action should be used to cancel a subscription.
CheckoutPay - This action should be used for a one time payment.
Get Order Info - This action should be used for getting info about an order.
Check LiqPay Notification - This action should be used for checking and decoding the LiqPay callback on the server.

Workflow example

How to create a subscription

How to cancel a subscription

How to pay for an order

How to set up the Callback

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