Paint by Numbers

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Bring a trendy entertainment tool to your Bubble app. Try out this no-code Paint by Numbers plugin that allows you to process any image and convert it to a “paint by number” canvas.
Image without caption

How to setup

  1. Add the "Paint By Numbers" Element to the Page
      • In the Design Tab, drag the Paint By Numbers element onto your page.
      • This element is responsible for processing the image and generating the paint-by-numbers template.
        • Element → Paint By Numbers.
          Element → Paint By Numbers.
  1. Set Up the Input Image
      • The Paint By Numbers element requires an image to process.
      • You can set this image in different ways:
        • Selecting a static image in the editor.
        • Using a dynamic image from an upload or database.
  1. Configure the Workflow to Process the Image
      • Go to the Workflows tab in the Bubble editor.
      • Click Add EventElement ActionsProcess Image A Paint By Numbers.
        • Workflow action → Process Image A Paint By Numbers.
          Workflow action → Process Image A Paint By Numbers.
      • Once the image is processed, you can set up additional actions, such as enabling downloads or displaying the result.
  1. Enable Download of the Processed Image
    1. If you want users to download the processed image, create a button and configure a workflow:
      • Button to Download PNG
        • Go to WorkflowsAdd ActionDownload PNG A Paint By Numbers.
        • Select the Paint By Numbers element and configure the settings.
          • Workflow action → Download PNG A Paint By Numbers.
            Workflow action → Download PNG A Paint By Numbers.
      • Button to Download SVG
        • Go to WorkflowsAdd ActionDownload SVG A Paint By Numbers.
        • Select the Paint By Numbers element and configure the settings.
          • Workflow action → Download SVG A Paint By Numbers.
            Workflow action → Download SVG A Paint By Numbers.
      • Download Color Palette
        • Go to WorkflowsAdd ActionDownload Palette A Paint By Numbers.
        • This allows users to obtain the exact colors used in the generated template.
          • Workflow action →  Download Palette A Paint By Numbers.
            Workflow action → Download Palette A Paint By Numbers.
  1. Display the Processed Image on the Page
    1. If you want to show the processed version of the image, add the Processed Image element to your page.
      • In the Design Tab, drag the Processed Image element onto your page.
      • In the Image Source field, connect it to the processed output from the Paint By Numbers element.
        • Element → Processed Image.
          Element → Processed Image.

Plugin Element Properties

Paint by Numbers

Element properties → Paint by Numbers.
Element properties → Paint by Numbers.
The input image that will be processed to generate the paint-by-numbers template.

Processed Image

Element properties - Processed image.
Element properties - Processed image.

Element Actions

  1. Load Image - Loads an image into the Paint By Numbers element and prepares it for processing.
    1. Title
      Resize Image If Too Large
      If checked, the input image will be resized if it exceeds the specified dimensions, maintaining its aspect ratio.
      Processing settings
      Number of colors
      The number of colors to quantize the image to
      Resize image if too large
      If checked and the input image is larger than the given dimensions then it will be resized to fit but will maintain its ratio
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Larger than Width
      The maximum width allowed for the input image before resizing.
      Larger than Height
      The maximum height allowed for the input image before resizing.
      Amount of times to halve border segment complexity
      Amount of times
      Reducing the amount of points in a border segment (using haar wavelet reduction) will smooth out the quadratic curve more but at a loss of detail. A segment (shared border with a facet) will always retain its start and end point
      Remove small facets smaller than
      Smaller than
      Removes any facets that are smaller than the given amount of pixels. Lowering the value will create more detailed results but might be much harder to actually paint due to their size
      Cluster precision
      The threshold delta distance of the k-means clustering to reach before stopping. Having a bigger value will speed up the clustering but may yield suboptimal clusters
      Label Font Size
      Font size of the color number labels in each facet
      SVG Size Multiplier
      Increases the SVG size compared to the original image, useful when the labels don’t fit inside the tiny segments
      Show Borders
      Show borders on final output
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Fill facets
      If checked, each region is filled with its assigned color instead of being transparent.
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Show Labels
      Show Numbers
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Reduce Resolution
      The bigger this number is, the smaller final image will be, and the faster the image will be processed. For big resolutions like 4k, processing may take more than 10 minutes, but you can download it in SVG format so I would recommend to reduce the size at least by 2 times.
  1. Download PNG - Generates and downloads the processed image as a PNG file.
  1. Download SVG - Generates and downloads the processed image as an SVG file, preserving scalability and vector-based details.
  1. Download Palette - Downloads a color palette containing the extracted colors used in the generated paint-by-numbers template.
  1. Process Image - Processes the loaded image, applying segmentation and color clustering to generate the paint-by-numbers effect.

Exposed states

Image was processed
Returns confirmation when the image has been successfully processed.
Colors RGB
Provides the list of RGB color values extracted from the processed image.
Colors numbers
Displays the total number of colors used in the processed image.
SVG generation Loading
Indicates the progress of the SVG generation process.
K-means clustering Loading
Shows the progress of the k-means clustering algorithm used for color segmentation.
Status Face building
Represents the progress of face detection and segmentation in the image processing pipeline.
Status Facet Pruning
Indicates the progress of removing unnecessary small facets to optimize the final template.
Border Detection
Displays the progress of detecting and outlining the borders of the segmented regions.
Border segmentation
Shows the segmentation progress for the detected borders.
Label Placement
Indicates the progress of placing number labels inside segmented color regions.
Image Ready To Process
Returns true when the image is properly loaded and ready for processing.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Image without caption
