Video Player Plugin for Bubble

Demo to preview the plugin:


This Video Player plugin allows you to play most video formats simply by uploading a static file, dynamic URL, or playlist. Its advanced features allow you to set the speed of the playback, enable auto-play, auto-replay at the end, and workflows to play the next, previous, first, and last video. You can also customize the colors of the play button and the color of the playing bar.

How to install

Place the plugin element on the page and fill in the settings fields

Plugin elements

Video Player (deprecated)

- is provided as is and not maintained.

New VideoPlayer

Image without caption

Element params

  1. Theme Dropdown - Select one of the suggested topics from the list ***Default, Black & white, Highlight Green, iPlayer Rose, iPlayer Red
  1. Upload a video or type the youtube link in the dynamic input Video source. It can be either a link to one video or a list of links in the database
  1. Add video poster Image source. Allows you to upload an image to use as a poster for a video
  1. Video playing speed Dropdown - Select one of the suggested playback speed modes 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x
  1. Remove full-screen button Checkbox - Choose whether to show or not to show the fullscreen button
  1. Play video automatically on load Choose whether to start playing the video when the page loads or not
  1. Display button to change playback speed Choose whether to display the button to change the playback speed or not !!!Can not be used with YouTube videos!!!
  1. Play video on mouse hover Select whether the video plays on mouse hover or not
  1. Prevent the player bar from disappearing Choose whether to prevent the player panel from disappearing or not !!!Can not be used with YouTube videos!!!
  1. Show the control panel first Choose whether to show the control panel before starting the video or not NOTE! Don't forget to make sure that the "Disable Control Panel" checkbox is unchecked
  1. Hide the playback button when the video isn't playing Choose whether to hide the play button when the video is not playing, or not
  1. Replay video when over Choose whether to replay the video when it ends or not
  1. Muted video Choose whether to turn off the volume in the video or not
  1. Playing bar color Choose a color for the control panel
  1. Play button color Choose a color for the play button color
  1. Progress bar color Choose a color for the progress bar color
  1. Landscape lock Lock/unlock landscape mode
  1. Disable control bar Enabling/disabling the display of the control panel β—’β—€ Auto play when in viewport:
  1. Auto play in: Enable auto playing video, when the video player appears in a viewport. Choose where the video player is exist: in Repeating group or on the page.
  1. RG ID When video player is in Repeating group, fill this filed with ID of the repeating group. β—’β—€ Play part of video
  1. Enable When checked, player plays video from "Start time" to "End time". When one of dynamic start/end time is changed, player changes current play time to the new position.
  1. Start time Time from which the video starts.
  1. End time When player reach End time, player pauses video and call plugin's event "ended" If field "Replay video when over" is checked, instead of pause, changes current play time to the start time and play again, also call plugin's event "ended".

Return value

Value name
Playback finished
Returns true when the video was finished
boolean (yes/no)
Playback position (s)
Get the position of the video being played in seconds
Is Playing
Returns true when playing a video
boolean (yes/no)
Media Length
Get the duration of the video
Video Not Found
Return true when video source not found or incorrect
boolean (yes/no)
Current video
Return the source of the current video


Name of event
Triggered when the video has been finished
is Playing
Triggered when the video is playing
Playlist ended
Triggered when the playlist ended


  1. dynamic_link(deprecated) - deprecated action
    1. Image without caption
  1. Play next video - Action to play the next video from the list or from the inserted URL Params: Video URL -(optional) source to video for play
    1. Image without caption
  1. Play previous video - Action to play the previous video from the list Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Play - Play the video at the current URL from the list Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Pause - Pause the video at the current URL from the list Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Set playback position (s) - Set the playback position to play from the inserted time. In seconds Params: Seconds - The time in seconds from which to start playback
    1. Image without caption
  1. Play the first video - Play the first video from the list Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Play the last video - Play the last video from the list Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Fullscreen mode - Start the video in full-screen mode Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Unmute - Action to unmute the video player. Params: -
    1. Image without caption
  1. Mute - Action to mute the video player. Params: -
  1. Playback Rate- Action change playback rate. Params: New Rate - numbers strictly greater than 0, where 1 means regular speed (100%), 0.5 means half-speed (50%), 2 means double-speed (200%), etc.
    1. Image without caption

Workflow example

Image without caption
Image without caption
Image without caption
Image without caption
Image without caption


Update: 28/06/2022 - Version: 2.41.0

  • fixed - issue with YT links

Update: 14/08/2022 - Version: 2.42.0

  • fixed plugin element collapse.

Update: 29/09/22 - Version: 2.47.0

  • Added "Poster" field in the "Play next video" action

Update: 07/10/2022 - Version: 2.48.0.

  • Adapted to the new responsive engine

Update: 17/11/2022 - Version 2.50.0

  • Fixed simultaneously playing two audio tracks

Update: 6/03/2023 - Version 2.55.0

  • Fixed "Play" and "Pause" actions

Update: 10/03/2023 - Version: 2.57.0

  • Fixed "Playback position(s)" state

Update: 07/03/2023 - Version: 2.58.0

  • fixed full screen with iOS

Update: 26/04/2023 - Version: 2.59.0

  • Fixed old responsive height.

Update: 19/06/2023 - Version: 2.62.0

  • Fixed autoplay for YouTube and Vimeo

Update: 27/06/2023 - Version: 2.63.0

  • Added the ability to work with the dynamic video data source (on change) and the autoplay with scrolling in RG.

Update: 05/07/2023 - Version: 2.64.0

  • Added preload video length and a state "video length in seconds".

Update: 27/12/2023 - Version: 2.73.0

  • Fixed element height

Update: 10/01/2024 - Version: 2.75.0

  • Added "Play part of video" option.

Update: 17/01/2024 - Version: 2.76.0

  • Fixed element height

Update: 30/01/2024 - Version: 2.78.0

  • Minor fixes

Update: 14/02/2024 - Version: 2.79.0

  • Fixed element height

Update: 29/02/2024 - Version: 2.80.0

  • Fixed unexpected playing previous video.

Update: 27/03/2024 - Version: 2.81.0

  • Enhanced functionality to include support for playing YouTube Shorts.

Update: 20/05/2024 - Version: 2.84.0

  • Added support to .m3u8 extensions