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This plugin saves time and cost by reducing the complexity of blockchain development, offering a unified framework for 40+ blockchain protocols and thousands of digital assets. Our API features powerful endpoints that simplify complex blockchain into single API requests. Code for all supported blockchains using unified API calls.

How to setup

Tatum is a development platform that allows any developer to build blockchain apps. They provide you access to infrastructure for over 40 blockchain protocols and a unified framework for communicating with them. You don’t need to learn to code for any specific blockchain and you can build apps for all of them. You can easily build cross-chain or multi-chain solutions or switch between blockchains at any time.
First, let’s get you signed up and grab a free API key. You’ll use this key to communicate with our infrastructure in all of your API calls. You can use the same API key to communicate with any supported blockchain in Tatum.

1. Sign up for a free API key from Tatum here.

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2. Click Create API key.

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3. Select a plan. You can do everything with a Free Plan, you only need to upgrade when you require more than 5 API calls per second. You can upgrade at any time.

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4. Set your API key name and select testnet or mainnet, then click Create API key.

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5. After creating a new API key, click on the Show button and copy your API key.

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Tatum API Call

1. Get token

To maintain the highest security level, Tatum requires X-API-Key HTTP header. This X-API-Key represents the identification of the plan and can be used by 1 developer or per environment. Each X-API-Key is bound to the test or production blockchains.
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2. Get Blockchain information: Bitcoin

Gets Bitcoin blockchain information. Obtains basic info like the testnet / mainnet version of the chain, the current block number, and its hash
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  • none
Return values:
  • chain - Chain of the blockchain, main or test.
  • blocks - Last block.
  • headers - Last headers.
  • bestblockhash - Hash of the last block.
  • difficulty - Difficulty of the algorithm.

3. Get transaction by hash: Bitcoin

This endpoint triggers an account sync.
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  • hash - Example: 1451692ebbfbea1a2d2ec6fe6782596b6aa2e46c0589d04c406f491b5b46bc6a
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • hash - Transaction hash.
  • witnessHash - Witness hash in case of a SegWit transaction.
  • fee - Fee paid for this transaction, in satoshis.
  • rate - number
  • mtime - number
  • blockNumber - Height of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • block - Hash of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • time - Time of the transaction.
  • index - Index of the transaction in the block.
  • version - Index of the transaction.
  • inputs (list) :
    • prevout (object) : hash - Transaction hash of the input. index - Transaction index of the input. 
    • script - Data generated by a spender is almost always used as variables to satisfy a pubkey script.
    • witness - Transaction witness.
    • sequence - number
    • coin (object):  version - number blockNumber - number value - Amount of the transaction, in Satoshis (1 BTC = 100 000 000 Satoshis) script - string address - Sender address. coinbase - Coinbase transaction - miner fee.
  • outputs (list):
    • outputs - The sent amount in satoshis.
    • script - Transaction script.
    • address - Recipient address.
  • locktime - Block this transaction was included in.

4. Get transactions by address: Bitcoin

Gets a Bitcoin transaction by address.
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  • address - Example: 2MsM67NLa71fHvTUBqNENW15P68nHB2vVXb
Return values:
  • hash - Transaction hash.
  • witnessHash - Witness hash in case of a SegWit transaction.
  • fee - Fee paid for this transaction, in satoshis.
  • rate - number
  • mtime - number
  • blockNumber - Height of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • block - Hash of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • time - Time of the transaction.
  • index - Index of the transaction in the block.
  • version - Index of the transaction.
  • inputs (list) :
    • prevout (object) : hash - Transaction hash of the input. index - Transaction index of the input. 
    • script - Data generated by a spender which is almost always used as variables to satisfy a pubkey script.
    • witness - Transaction witness.
    • sequence - number
    • coin (object) :  version - number blockNumber - number value - Amount of the transaction, in Satoshis (1 BTC = 100 000 000 Satoshis) script - string address - Sender address. coinbase - Coinbase transaction - miner fee.
  • outputs (list):
    • outputs - The sent amount is in satoshis.
    • script - Transaction script.
    • address - Recipient address.
  • locktime - Block this transaction was included in.

5. Get the balance of an address: Bitcoin

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  • address - Example: 2MsM67NLa71fHvTUBqNENW15P68nHB2vVXb
Return values:
  • incoming - Total sum of the assets that arrive at the address.
  • outgoing - Total sum of the assets that leave the address.

6. Get the current block number: Ethereum

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  • none
Return values:
  • Current block number

7. Get Ethereum account balance

Gets an Ethereum account balance in ETH. This method does not display the balance of ERC20 or ERC721 tokens in the account.
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  • address - Example: 0x3223AEB8404C7525FcAA6C512f91e287AE9FfE7B
Account address
  • x-testnet-type - Default: ethereum-ropsten
Enum: "ethereum-ropsten" "ethereum-rinkeby"
Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to Ethereum-ropsten.
Return values:
  • balance - Balance in ETH.

8. Get Ethereum Transaction

Get Ethereum transaction by transaction hash.
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  • account_id - The Vezgo account identifier.
  • Authorization - Bearer ${token} .
Return values:
  • body (list)
    • id - The Vezgo history entry identifier.
    • date - The date when the history entry was recorded (milliseconds since Epoch).
    • wallet - ID of the account wallet recorded in this history entry..
    • account - The Vezgo account identifier.
    • fiat_ticker - The fiat currency which fiat_value is reported.
    • fiat_value - The total fiat value of the wallet (string representation of a number).

9. Get Ethereum transactions by address

Get Ethereum transactions by address. This includes incoming and outgoing transactions for the address.
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  • address - Example: 0x8ce4e40889a13971681391aad29e88efaf91f784
Account address
  • offset - Example: offset=0
Offset to obtain next page of the data.
  • from - Example: from=1087623
Transactions from this block onwards will be included.
  • to - Example: to=1087823
Transactions up to this block will be included.
  • sort - Default: "DESC"
Enum: "ASC" "DESC"
Example: sort=ASC
Sorting of the data. ASC - oldest first, DESC - newest first.
  • x-testnet-type - Default: ethereum-ropsten
Enum: "ethereum-ropsten" "ethereum-rinkeby"
Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to Ethereum-ropsten.
Return values:
  • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in.
  • status - TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction.
  • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
  • from - Address of the sender.
  • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice - Gas price was provided by the sender in Wei.
  • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction.
  • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
  • nonce - The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • to - Address of the receiver. is 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block.
  • value - Value transferred in Wei.
  • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
  • cumulativeGasUsed - The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block.
  • contractAddress - The contract address is created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
  • logs (list):
    • address - From which this event originated.
    • topics - An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topics 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the log.
    • data - The data containing non-indexed log parameters.
    • logIndex - Integer of the event index position in the block.
    • transactionIndex - Integer of the transaction’s index position, the event was created in.
    • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction this event was created in.

10. Get Ethereum internal transactions by address

Get Ethereum internal transactions by address.
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  • address - Example: 0x8ce4e40889a13971681391aad29e88efaf91f784
Account address
  • pageSize - Example: pageSize=10
Max number of items per page is 50.
  • offset - Example: offset=0
Offset to obtain next page of the data.
  • x-testnet-type - Default: ethereum-ropsten
Enum: "ethereum-ropsten" "ethereum-rinkeby"
Type of Ethereum testnet. Defaults to Ethereum-ropsten.
Return values:
  • from - Address of the sender.
  • to - Address of the receiver. 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
  • value - Value transferred in Wei.
  • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
  • timeStamp - Time of the transaction in seconds.
  • hash - Hash of the transaction.
  • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
  • traceId - Trace ID.
  • type - Type of the transaction.
  • errCode - Error code.
  • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
  • isError - 1 if the transaction was not successful, 0 otherwise.
  • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
  • contractAddress - The contract address created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.

11. Get Binance's current block

Get Binance's current block number.
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  • none
Return values:
  • number - Gas is provided by the sender.

12. Get Binance Account

Get Binance Account Detail by address.
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  • address - Example: tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn
Account address
Return values:
  • account_number - number
  • address - string
  • address (list):
    • free - string
    • frozen - string
    • locked - string
    • symbol - string
  • flags - number
  • sequence - number

13. Get the current block number: Polygon

Get Polygon's current block number. This is the number of the latest block in the blockchain.
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  • none
Return values:
  • number - Current block number

14. Get Polygon Account balance

Get Polygon account balance in MATIC. This method does not print any balance of the ERC20 or ERC721 tokens on the account.
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  • address - Example: 0x3223AEB8404C7525FcAA6C512f91e287AE9FfE7B
Account address
Return values:
  • balance - Balance in MATIC

15. Get Polygon Transaction

Get Polygon transaction by transaction hash.
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  • hash - Example: 0xe6e7340394958674cdf8606936d292f565e4ecc476aaa8b258ec8a141f7c75d7
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in.
  • status - TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction.
  • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
  • from - Address of the sender.
  • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice - Gas price was provided by the sender in Wei.
  • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction.
  • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
  • nonce - The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • to - Address of the receiver. is 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block.
  • value - Value transferred in Wei.
  • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
  • cumulativeGasUsed - The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block.
  • contractAddress - The contract address created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
  • logs (list): 
    • address - From which this event originated.
    • topics - An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topics 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the log.
    • data - The data containing non-indexed log parameters.
    • logIndex - Integer of the event index position in the block.
    • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
    • blockHash - Hash of the block.
    • transactionIndex - Integer of the transaction’s index position, the event was created in
    • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction this event was created in.

16. Get Polygon transactions by address

Get Polygon transactions by address. This includes incoming and outgoing transactions for the address.
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  • address - Example: 0x8ce4e40889a13971681391aad29e88efaf91f784
Account address
  • pageSize - Example: pageSize=10
Max number of items per page is 50.
  • offset - Example: offset=0
Offset to obtain next page of the data.
  • from - Example: from=1087623
Transactions from this block onwards will be included.
  • to - Example: to=1087823
Transactions up to this block will be included.
  • sort - Default: "DESC"
Enum: "ASC" "DESC"
Example: sort=ASC
Sorting of the data. ASC - oldest first, DESC - newest first.
Return values:
  • body (list) :
    • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in.
    • status - TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction.
    • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
    • from - Address of the sender.
    • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
    • gasPrice - Gas price was provided by the sender in Wei.
    • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction.
    • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
    • nonce - The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
    • to - Address of the receiver. 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
    • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block.
    • value - Value transferred in Wei.
    • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
    • cumulativeGasUsed - The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block.
    • contractAddress - The contract address created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
    • logs (list):
      • address - From which this event originated.
      • topics - An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topics 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the log.
      • data - The data containing non-indexed log parameters.
      • logIndex - Integer of the event index position in the block.
      • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
      • blockHash - Hash of the block.
      • transactionIndex - Integer of the transaction’s index position, the event was created in.
      • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction this event was created in.

17. Get Solana Transaction

Get Solana transaction by transaction hash.
You can find the full data description here -
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  • hash - Example:5oSXZkPregqGhHrTcbWhgHQJETvBHtBYssuuCMJ3qroAgHsHndsr8fyY8kY76AgwmMaZBZW8ThHAXwjDaUSweApS
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • blockTime - number
  • meta (object): 
    • err - string <nullable>
    • fee - number
    • innerInstructions - Array of objects
    • logMessages - Array of strings
    • postBalances - Array of numbers
    • postTokenBalances - Array of numbers
    • preBalances - Array of numbers
    • preTokenBalances - Array of numbers
    • rewards - Array of objects
    • status (object): 
      • Ok - string <nullable>
  • slot - number
  • number (object): 
    • message (object):
      • header (object):
      • numReadonlySignedAccounts - number
      • numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts - number
      • numRequiredSignatures - number
      • accountKeys (Array of objects):
      • _bn - string
      • recentBlockhash - string
      • instructions (Array of objects): 
      • accounts - Array of numbers
      • data - string
      • programIdIndex - number
      • indexToProgramIds - object
  • signatures - Array of strings

18. Get Solana Account balance

Get Solana account balance in SOL. This method does not print any balance of the SLP or NFT tokens on the account.
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  • address - Example: FykfMwA9WNShzPJbbb9DNXsfgDgS3XZzWiFgrVXfWoPJ
Account address
Return values:
  • balance - Balance in SOL

19. Get the current block number: Solana

Get Solana's current block number. This is the number of the latest block in the blockchain.
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  • none
Return values:
  • number - Current block number

20. Get the current block number: Algorand

Get Algorand's current block number. This is the number of the latest block in the blockchain.
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  • none
Return values:
  • number - Current block number

21. Get Algorand Account balance

Get Algorand's current block number. This is the number of the latest block in the blockchain.
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Account address
Return values:
  • balance - Balance in ALGO

22. Get Algorand Account balance

Get Algorand transaction by transaction id.
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Transaction id
Return values:
  • closeRewards - rewards applied to the close-remainder-to account.
  • closingAmount - closing amount for the transaction.
  • confirmedRound - Round when the transaction was confirmed.
  • fee - Transaction fee
  • firstValid - First valid round for this transaction.
  • genesisHash - Hash of genesis block
  • genesisId - genesis block ID.
  • id - transaction ID
  • intraRoundOffset - Offset into the round where this transaction was confirmed.
  • lastValid - Last valid round for this transaction.
  • note - Free form data
  • paymentTransaction - payment Transaction
  • receiverRewards - rewards applied to the receiver account.
  • roundTime - Time when the block this transaction is in was confirmed.
  • sender - Sender's address
  • senderRewards - rewards applied to the sender account.
  • signature - signature
  • txType - indicates what type of transaction this is. Different types have different fields.

23. Get the current block number: Celo

Get Celo current block number. This is the number of the latest block in the blockchain.
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  • none
Return values:
  • number - Current block number

24. Get Celo Account balance

Get Celo account balance in ETH. This method does not print any balance of the ERC20 or ERC721 tokens on the account.
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  • address - Example: 0x3223AEB8404C7525FcAA6C512f91e287AE9FfE7B
Account address
Return values:
  • celo - Balance of Celo
  • cUsd - Balance of cUSD
  • cEur - Balance of cEUR

25. Get Celo transactions by address

Get Celo transactions by address. This includes incoming and outgoing transactions for the address.
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  • address - Example: 0x8ce4e40889a13971681391aad29e88efaf91f784
Account address
  • pageSize - Example: pageSize=10
Max number of items per page is 50.
  • offset - Example: offset=0
Offset to obtain next page of the data.
  • from - Example: from=1087623
Transactions from this block onwards will be included.
  • to - Example: to=1087823
Transactions up to this block will be included.
  • sort - Default: "DESC"
Enum: "ASC" "DESC"
Example: sort=ASC
Sorting of the data. ASC - oldest first, DESC - newest first.
Return values:
  • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in.
  • status - TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction.
  • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
  • from - Address of the sender.
  • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice - Gas price was provided by the sender in Wei.
  • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction.
  • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
  • nonce - The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • to - Address of the receiver. 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block.
  • value - Value transferred in Wei.
  • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
  • cumulativeGasUsed - The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block.
  • contractAddress - The contract address created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
  • logs (Array of objects):
    • address - From which this event originated.
    • topics - An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topics 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the log.
    • data - The data containing non-indexed log parameters.
    • logIndex - Integer of the event index position in the block.
    • transactionIndex - Integer of the transaction’s index position, the event was created in.
    • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction this event was created in.

26. Get Celo Transaction

Get Celo transaction by transaction hash
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  • hash - Example: 0xe6e7340394958674cdf8606936d292f565e4ecc476aaa8b258ec8a141f7c75d7
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • blockHash - Hash of the block where this transaction was in.
  • status - TRUE if the transaction was successful, FALSE, if the EVM reverted the transaction.
  • blockNumber - Block number where this transaction was in.
  • from - Address of the sender.
  • gas - Gas is provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice - Gas price provided by the sender in Wei.
  • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction.
  • input - The data is sent along with the transaction.
  • nonce - The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • to - Address of the receiver. 'null' when it's a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex - Integer of the transactions index position in the block.
  • value - Value transferred in Wei.
  • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
  • cumulativeGasUsed - The total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block.
  • contractAddress - The contract address created if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
  • logs (Array of objects):
    • address - From which this event originated.
    • topics - An array with max 4 32 Byte topics, topics 1-3 contains indexed parameters of the log.
    • data - The data containing non-indexed log parameters.
    • logIndex - Integer of the event index position in the block.
    • transactionIndex - Integer of the transaction’s index position, the event was created in.
    • transactionHash - Hash of the transaction this event was created in.

27. Get Litecoin Blockchain Information

Get Litecoin Blockchain Information. Obtain basic info like testnet / mainnet version of the chain, current block number and it's hash.
Image without caption
  • none
Return values:
  • chain - Chain of the blockchain, main or test.
  • blocks - Last block.
  • headers - Last headers.
  • bestblockhash - Hash of the last block.
  • difficulty - Difficulty of the PoW algorithm.

28. Get Litecoin Balance of the address

Get Litecoin Blockchain Information. Obtain basic info like testnet / mainnet version of the chain, current block number and it's hash.
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  • address - Example: n4YNG8q5JyxkeWf7zMi1bMyRZbRKK1W7or
Return values:
  • incoming - Total sum of the assets that arrive at the address.
  • outgoing - Total sum of the assets that leave the address.

29. Get Litecoin Transactions by address

Get Litecoin Transaction by address.
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  • address - Example: n4YNG8q5JyxkeWf7zMi1bMyRZbRKK1W7or
  • pageSize - Example: pageSize=10
Max number of items per page is 50.
  • offset - Example: offset=0
Offset to obtain next page of the data.
Return values:
  • hash - Transaction hash.
  • witnessHash - Witness hash in case of a SegWit transaction.
  • fee - Fee paid for this transaction, in LTC.
  • rate - string
  • ps - number
  • height - Height of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • block - Hash of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • ts - Time of the transaction.
  • index - Index of the transaction in the block.
  • version - Index of the transaction.
  • flag - number
  • inputs (Array of objects):
    • prevout (object):
      • hash - Transaction hash of the input.
      • index - Transaction index of the input.
    • script - Data generated by a spender is almost always used as variables to satisfy a pubkey script.
    • witness - Transaction witness.
    • sequence - number
    • coin (object): 
      • version - number
      • height - number
      • value - Value of the transaction, in LTC.
      • script - string
      • address - Sender address.
      • coinbase - Coinbase transaction - miner fee.
  • outputs (Array of objects): 
    • value - Sent amount in LTC.
    • script - Transaction script.
    • address - Recipient address.
  • locktime - Block this transaction was included in.

30. Get Litecoin Transaction by hash

Get Litecoin Transaction detail by transaction hash.
Image without caption
  • hash - Example: d60631d8e5c8b6eb0557b5181cf28564d771c628a08abc414e87ad7c05ff2fc2
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • hash - Transaction hash.
  • witnessHash - Witness hash in case of a SegWit transaction.
  • fee - Fee paid for this transaction, in LTC.
  • rate - string
  • ps - number
  • height - Height of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • block - Hash of the block this transaction belongs to.
  • ts - Time of the transaction.
  • index - Index of the transaction in the block.
  • version - Index of the transaction.
  • flag - number
  • inputs (Array of objects):
    • prevout (object):
      • hash - Transaction hash of the input.
      • index - Transaction index of the input.
    • script - Data generated by a spender is almost always used as variables to satisfy a pubkey script.
    • witness - Transaction witness.
    • sequence - number
    • coin (object): 
      • version - number
      • height - number
      • value - Value of the transaction, in LTC.
      • script - string
      • address - Sender address.
      • coinbase - Coinbase transaction - miner fee.
  • outputs (Array of objects): 
    • value - Sent amount in LTC.
    • script - Transaction script.
    • address - Recipient address.
  • locktime - Block this transaction was included in.

31. Get Dogecoin Blockchain Information

Get Dogecoin Blockchain Information. Obtain basic info like testnet / mainnet version of the chain, current block number and it's hash.
Image without caption
  • none
Return values:
  • chain - Chain of the blockchain, main or test.
  • blocks - Last block.
  • headers - Last headers.
  • bestblockhash - Hash of the last block.
  • difficulty - Difficulty of the PoW algorithm.

32. Get Dogecoin Transaction by hash

Get Dogecoin Transaction detail by transaction hash.
Image without caption
  • hash - Example: d60631d8e5c8b6eb0557b5181cf28564d771c628a08abc414e87ad7c05ff2fc2
Transaction hash
Return values:
  • hash - Transaction hash.
  • size - Size of the transaction.
  • vsize - number
  • version - Index of the transaction.
  • vin (Array of objects):
    • txid - Transaction hash of the input.
    • vout - Transaction index of the input.
    • scriptSig (object):
      • asm - string
      • hex - string
    • sequence - number
  • vout (Array of objects):
    • value - Amount of UTXO in 1/1000000 DOGE.
    • n - Transaction index of the output.
    • scriptPubKey (object):
      • asm - string
      • hex - string
      • type - string
      • addresses - Array of strings
  • locktime - number

33. Get the current Tron block

Get current Tron block.
Image without caption
  • none
Return values:
  • blockNumber - Block height.
  • hash - Block hash.
  • testnet - Whether the block is from mainnet of Shasta testnet

34. Get Tron Account transactions

Get Tron Account transactions. The default page size is 200 transactions per request.
Image without caption
  • address - Example: TGDqQAP5bduoPKVgdbk7fGyW4DwEt3RRn8
Address to get transactions for.
  • next - Example:next=81d0524acf5967f3b361e03fd7d141ab511791cd7aad7ae406c4c8d408290991
Return values:
  • next - If present, there are more transactions for address.
  • transactions (Array of objects (TronTx):
    • blockNumber - Block, where the transaction was included.
    • ret (object):
      • contractRet - Return the value of the smart contract invocation.
      • fee - Fee of the blockchain transaction. Not present every time, depends on the type of the smart contract, which was invoked.
    • signature - List of signatures of the transaction.
    • txID - Transaction ID.
    • netFee - Fee paid for the transaction.
    • netUsage - Usage of the network.
    • energyFee - Fee paid for the energy.
    • energyUsage - Usage of the energy.
    • energyUsageTotal - Total energy used.
    • internalTransactions (Array of objects):
      • internal_tx_id - Internal TX ID.
      • to_address - Recipient address.
      • from_address - Sender address.
    • rawData (object):
      • expiration - Expiration of the transaction.
      • timestamp - Time of the transaction.
      • fee_limit - Max limit of the fee.
      • contract (Array of objects):
      • type - Type of the Smart Contract.
      • parameter (object):
      • type_url - Type of the smart contract event.
      • value (object):
        • data - Data of the contract method.
        • owner_address - Address of the sender.
        • contract_address - Address of the recipient.
        • ownerAddressBase58 - Address of the sender in Base58 encoding.
        • contractAddressBase58 - Address of the recipient in Base58 encoding.

35. Get Tron Account by address

Get Tron account by address.
Image without caption
  • address - Example: TGDqQAP5bduoPKVgdbk7fGyW4DwEt3RRn8
Account address.
Return values:
  • address - Account address
  • freeNetUsage - Free usage of the network
  • balance - Balance of the TRX, in SUN. SUN is 1/1000000 TRX.
  • trc10 (Array of objects):
    • key - Name of the TRC10 asset.
    • value - Balance of the TRC10 asset.
  • trc20 - Array of objects
  • createTime - Date of creation of the account in UTC millis.
  • assetIssuedId - ID of the issued TRC10 token, if any.
  • assetIssuedName - Balance of the issued TRC10 token, if any.

36. Get Tron transaction by hash

Get Tron transaction by hash.
Image without caption
  • hash - Example: 81d0524acf5967f3b361e03fd7d141ab511791cd7aad7ae406c4c8d408290991
Transaction hash.
Return values:
  • blockNumber - Block, where the transaction was included.
  • ret (object):
    • contractRet - Return the value of the smart contract invocation.
    • fee - Fee of the blockchain transaction. Not present every time, depends on the type of the smart contract, which was invoked.
  • signature - List of signatures of the transaction.
  • txID - Transaction ID.
  • netFee - Fee paid for the transaction.
  • netUsage - Usage of the network.
  • energyFee - Fee paid for the energy.
  • energyUsage - Usage of the energy.
  • energyUsageTotal - Total energy used.
  • internalTransactions (Array of objects):
    • internal_tx_id - Internal TX ID.
    • to_address - Recipient address.
    • from_address - Sender address.
  • rawData (expiration):
    • expiration - Expiration of the transaction.
    • timestamp - Time of the transaction. 
    • fee_limit - Max limit of the fee.
    • contract (Array of objects):
      • type - Type of the Smart Contract.
      • parameter (object):
        • type_url - Type of the smart contract event.
        • value (object):
          • data - Data of the contract method.
          • owner_address - Address of the sender.
          • contract_address - Address of the recipient.
          • ownerAddressBase58 - Address of the sender in Base58 encoding.
          • contractAddressBase58 - Address of the recipient in Base58 encoding.

37. Get file from IPFS

Gets data from the IPFS.
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  • id - Example: QmXJJ6UF5WkF4WTJvsdhiA1etGwBLfpva7Vr9AudGMe3pj
IPFS CID of the file
Return values:
string <binary>


The Tatum API uses the following error codes:
Error Code
Bad Request. Validation failed for the given object in the HTTP Body or Request parameters.
Unauthorized. No valid or inactive subscription key is present in the HTTP Header.
Forbidden. The request is authenticated, but it is not possible to perform the required operation due to a logical error or invalid permissions.
Forbidden. The request is authenticated, but it is not possible to perform the required operation due to a logical error or invalid permissions.

