Bunny.net Cloud Storage

Demo to preview the settings


The Bunny.net Cloud Storage plugin is a powerful tool that enables users to effortlessly connect their Bubble applications with the high-performance cloud storage solution offered by Bunny.net. With this plugin, you can easily create storage zones to store and manage files within your application.
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How to setup

Place the plugin’s element “Bunny Storage” on the page and fill the field “API key” with the Bunny.net account API key .
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Where to get the Access key for account - in the profile dashboard :
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Where to get the Storage Zone passwords you will need for storage zone actions - from the dashboard or other API calls (”List Storage Zones” or “Get Storage Zone”). From the dashboard:
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Where to get the Storage Zone hostname - from the dashboard or other API calls (”List Storage Zones” or “Get Storage Zone”). From the dashboard:
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Securing Your Bunny.net Cloud Storage

To keep your files secure while exposing the account access key in the plugin:
  1. Connect a CDN to your storage zone: Integrate a CDN with your Bunny.net storage zone to optimize file delivery and enhance performance.
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  1. Set Allowed Referrers: Configure the Allowed Referrers field in your Bunny.net settings. This ensures that only authorized websites or services can access your content, preventing unauthorized sources from linking directly to your files.
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By restricting file access through referrer validation, you can minimize the risk of misuse or unauthorized access to your files, even if the account access key is exposed.

Plugin element: Bunny Storage

The main and only element of the plugin.
Element’s fields:
API key
The key of the account, taken from the dashboard of the account settings - https://dash.bunny.net/account/settings .

Plugin’s Element Exposed States

Created storage ID
The id of the last created storage with "Add storage zone" action. It is a number that is returned after the storage has been created successfully.
Error message
The message of the caught error in any of the element’s actions.

Plugin’s Element Events

File uploaded
Triggers if the response of the "Upload file" action is success, informs if the file was uploaded successfully.
File deleted
Triggers if the response of the "Delete file" action is success, informs if the file was deleted successfully.
Zone added
Triggers if the response of the "Add storage zone” action is success, informs if the zone was successfully added.
Storage zone updated
Triggers if the response of the "Update storage zone” action is success, informs if the zone was successfully updated.
Storage zone deleted
Triggers if the response of the "Delete Storage Zone” action is success, informs if the storage zone was successfully deleted.
Password changed
Triggers if the response of the "Reset password" or "Reset read-only password" action is success, informs the user if the storage password changed.
Returned error
Triggered when an element's action returns an error.

Plugin’s Element Actions

Upload file

Delete file

Download file

Add storage zone

Update storage zone

Delete storage Zone

Reset password

Reset read-only password

Plugin API calls: Bunny.net Storage

List Storage Zones

Check the storage zone availability

Get Storage Zone

List Files

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