Google Embedder - Docs Sheets Forms

Demo to preview the plugin:


Embed any Google document, such as Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, and Files, into your Bubble app. Simply place this no-code plugin on the page and configure the element properties.
Note: When working with spreadsheets, please go to File -> Publish to the web and then use the ID of the document from the link you obtain if you want to display sheets in the embedder. For Edit sheet mode, please use the sheet ID from the regular URL.
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How to setup

  1. Adding the Google Embed Element
      • Go to the Design tab.
      • Drag the Google Embed element onto the page.
      • In the element properties panel, configure the settings according to the type of content you want to embed.
        • Element → Google Embed.
          Element → Google Embed.
  1. Configuring Google Embed
    1. Choose the Document Type
      In the properties panel, set the Type of Document according to the Google service you want to embed:
      • Document → For Google Docs.
      • Spreadsheet → For Google Sheets.
      • Presentation → For Google Slides.
      • Form → For Google Forms.
      Add the Document ID
      • Copy the URL of the Google document you want to embed.
      • Extract only the document ID from the URL.
  1. Specific Configurations for Each Document Type
    1. Google Sheets
      • Show Headers: Displays column headers (A, B, C, etc.).
      • Show Bottom Bar: Shows the bottom navigation bar of Google Sheets.
      • Range: Defines a specific cell range, e.g., A1:C10.
      • Single Sheet Mode: Displays only a single sheet.
      Google Slides
      • Auto Start?: Automatically starts the presentation.
      • Seconds Between Slides: Sets the time between slides (e.g., 5 seconds).
      • Loop Slides?: Enables looping of the presentation.
      Google Forms
      • Loading Message: Sets a custom message while the form is loading.
  1. Enabling Fullscreen Mode (Optional)
    1. To allow fullscreen mode for the embedded content:
      • In the Google Embed properties panel, check the Allow Fullscreen? option.
        • Element properties → Google Embed → Allow Fullscreen.
          Element properties → Google Embed → Allow Fullscreen.
      • Create a button to activate fullscreen via workflow.
      Creating the Workflow for Fullscreen Mode
      • Go to the Workflow tab.
      • Add a new event: When the button is clicked.
      • Add the action: Fullscreen Mode
      • Select the corresponding Google Embed element.
        • Workflow action → Fullscreen Mode.
          Workflow action → Fullscreen Mode.
      Now, when the user clicks the button, the document will be displayed in fullscreen mode.

Plugin Element Properties

Google Embed

Element properties → Google Embed.
Element properties → Google Embed.
Mode. Make sure to publish your document to the web if you want to use it in ‘Display’ mode. Available values: Display and Edit Available options: Display, Edit
Type of Document
Type of Document. Available values: Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, File and Form Available options: Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, File, Form
Doc/Sheet/File ID
This ID is taken from the URL. For ‘Display’ mode this should be the document id of the published to web.
Text (optional)
————–Global Options—————
Allow Fullscreen?
Allow Fullscreen
Checkbox (yes/no)
Remove Scrollbars?
Remove Scrollbars
Checkbox (yes/no)
—————Spreadsheet Options—————
Show Title Bar
Show Title Bar
Checkbox (yes/no)
Show Headers
Show Headers
Checkbox (yes/no)
Show Bottom Bar
Show Bottom Bar
Checkbox (yes/no)
Hide Borders
Hide Borders
Checkbox (yes/no)
Single Sheet Mode
Single Page Mode
Checkbox (yes/no)
Page ID
Page ID
Text (optional)
Show Range? (single page mode)
Use Range Mode
Checkbox (yes/no)
Text (optional)
————— File Options —————
View Available options: grid, list
Dropdown (optional)
—————Presentation Options—————
Auto Start?
Auto Start
Checkbox (yes/no)
Sec. Between Slides
Sec. Between Slides
Loop Slides?
Loop Slides
Checkbox (yes/no)
—————Form Options—————
Loading Message
Loading Message

Element Actions

  1. Fullscreen mode - Make element fullscreen
    1. Workflow action → Fullscreen mode.
      Workflow action → Fullscreen mode.
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