Touch and Mouse Events Detection

Demo to preview the plugin:


Experience on-page mouse and touch events detection on your web page using our no-code plugin. Detect mouse and touch interactions, and use them to trigger events on your Bubble app.
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How to setup

  1. Add the Detection Pad Element
      • In the Bubble design editor, go to the Design tab.
      • In the visual elements panel, look for Detection Pad.
      • Drag and drop the Detection Pad element onto the page where you want to detect interactions.
      • Adjust its size and position as needed.
  1. Configure Events
    1. The Detection Pad provides several events that can be used in workflows to trigger actions based on user interactions.
      Workflows event → Detection Pad.
      Workflows event → Detection Pad.

Plugin Element Properties

Detection Pad

Element properties → Detection Pad.
Element properties → Detection Pad.
Prevent Default Context Menu?
Prevent Default Context Menu?
Checkbox (yes/no)
Time for long press (s)
Specifies the duration (in seconds) that a user must press and hold on the Detection Pad before triggering the "A Detection Pad Long Press" event. If left blank, a default time is used.
Number (optional)

Exposed states

Inside Area
Inside Area
Checkbox (yes/no)
Mouse/Touch Held
Mouse/Touch Held
Checkbox (yes/no)

Element Events

Mouse Entered Area
Mouse Entered Area
Area Double Clicked
Mouse Double Clicked
Area Clicked
Area Clicked
Mouse Button Held
Mouse Button Held
Mouse Left Area
Mouse Left Area
Mouse Button Released
Mouse Button Released
Touched Lifted
Touched Lifted
Touch Move
Touch Move
Context Menu Opened (right click)
Context Menu Opened (right click)
Long Press
Long Press trigger
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