Tilt Elements on Mouse Movement

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Try Tilt Elements on Mouse Movement no-code plugin to add tilt effects to any Bubble element. The tilt function is initiated from the workflow by running the “setup Tilt” action.
Here’s how it works:
1. Add a unique ID to one or more elements. 2. Indicate these elements in the tilt workflow. 3. Watch your UI shine with this unique effect.
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How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab.
      App Settings → General Tab.
  1. Add an Element
      • In the Bubble Editor, insert an element where you want to apply the tilt effect, such as:
        • Image
        • Button
        • Group
        • Element → Button.
          Element → Button.
      • Assign a unique ID to the element:
        • Open the Properties panel.
        • Locate the ID Attribute field.
        • Enter a unique name.
          • Element properties → Button → ID Attribute.
            Element properties → Button → ID Attribute.
  1. Configure the "Setup Tilt" Action
      • Go to the Workflow tab.
      • Click Add an Event and select a trigger to activate the effect, such as:
        • When Page is loaded (if you want the effect to be always active).
        • When an element is hovered (if you want the effect only when hovering).
      • Click Add an Action and select Setup Tilt.
        • Workflow action → Setup Tilt.
          Workflow action → Setup Tilt.
        • Fill in the action parameters:
        • Element ID: Add each element's ID by creating key-value pairs:
          • textfield = textfield
          • group = group
          • button = button

Plugin Actions

  1. Setup Tilt - Essa ação permite adicionar um efeito de inclinação a vários elementos, bastando informar seus IDs únicos. O efeito será ativado conforme o usuário mover o mouse sobre os elementos.
    1. Image without caption
      For each element you wish to tilt, input the elements id in both the left and right sides.
      Element ID
      Element ID
      List of key/value reperesenting text
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