Text Read Time Estimator

Demo to preview the settings


Inspired by Medium, Reading Time is a plugin used to display an estimated time to read some text.
It can calculate reading time instantly when page loads or you can control it from workflow and calc it when for example, an article is opened.
It uses default 270 words per minute read speed to calculate the estimated reading time, you can change default speed in plugin settings.

Plugin Elements Properties

This plugin has one visual element which can be used on the page: ReadingTime.


Calculate the time for reading.
Image without caption

Element Fields

When to Run
Calculate reading time from this element settings instantly when the page loads or do it from workflow if you need time only when the article is opened for example.
Element ID
Element ID that contains text to be calculated. For the entire page write main-page, it is the default bubble class name for entire page. Make sure that the selected element is visible on the page when the plugin should run.
Words per Minute
An integer that defines the words per minute at which to calculate the estimated reading time (default: 270)

Element Actions

  1. Calc Reading Time - Calculate the reading time from the workflow.
    1. Image without caption
      Element ID
      Element ID that contains text to be calculated. For the entire page write main-page, it is the default bubble class name for entire page. Make sure that the selected element is visible on the page when the plugin should run.
      Words per Minute
      An integer that defines the words per minute at which to calculate the estimated reading time (default: 270)

Element States

Total Minutes
The total reading time in minutes.
Total Time
The formatted reading time as text. e.g. 10:37
Words Count
The count of words from the provided text.
The error message if an error occurred.

Workflow example

How to calculate reading time with element action

This example presents how to calculate the reading time with action in the workflow.
  1. On the page, it is placed a ReadingTime element with the following settings.
Image without caption
  1. A MultilineInput element is used for content insertion. And, a Button element for action calls.
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  1. On the page, it is placed a Text element with the following settings.
Image without caption
Image without caption
  1. In the workflow, when the Calc Reading Time button is clicked the is called the Calc Reading Time action with the following settings.
Image without caption


Update 17.07.23 - Version 3.4.0

  • updated description

Update 22.11.22 - Version 3.3.0

  • description update

Update 31.10.22 - Version 3.2.0

  • description update

Update 25.10.22 - Version 3.1.0

  • Changed demo

Update 01.04.21 - Version 3.0.4

  • Minor improvements

Update 01.04.21 - Version 3.0.3

  • Description update

Update 15.09.20 - Version 3.0.2

  • Minor improvements

Update 15.04.20 - Version 3.0.1

  • Minor fixes

Update 02.01.20 - Version 3.0.0

  • 2.0.1

Update 03.10.19 - Version 2.0.0

  • description changes

Update 26.09.19 - Version 1.0.0

  • 1.0