Link to the plugin page: https://zeroqode.com/plugin/1543774572414x711605466043777000
Demo to preview the plugin:
Live Demo: https://zeroqode-demo-13.bubbleapps.io/giphy
Now you can search through GIFs and stickers using the Giphy.com API with no additional setup efforts. This handy no-code Giphy plugin from Zeroqode can turn your ideas into reality.
👛 Please support our efforts to keep this plugin free—your donations help us invest the time and resources needed to continue maintaining and improving it for everyone’s benefit: https://zeroqo.de/support.
How to setup
- Obtain Giphy API Key:
- Visit Giphy Developers.
- Log in or sign up for an account.
- Create an app to obtain your API key.
- Configure the Plugin:
- Open the plugin settings in your Bubble app.
- Add the Giphy API key to the plugin settings.
- Use Plugin Actions and Data Calls:
The plugin provides several data calls and actions. Use them in your Bubble workflows or on-page elements as needed.
Plugin Data Calls
Search for Sticker
This API call allows you to search for stickers on Giphy based on a keyword query. It supports options for language, result limits, and content ratings to customize the search.
Name | Description | Type |
Q | The search term to query stickers on Giphy. | Text |
Limit | The maximum number of results to return. | Text |
Offset | The starting point of the results for pagination purposes. | Text |
Lang | The language for the sticker results (e.g., "en" for English). | Text |
Rating | The content rating filter (e.g., "g", "pg", "pg-13"). | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "data": { "type": "text", "id": "text", "slug": "text", "url": "text", "bitly_gif_url": "text", "bitly_url": "text", "embed_url": "text", "username": "text", "source": "text", "rating": "text", "content_url": "text", "source_tld": "text", "source_post_url": "text", "is_sticker": "number", "import_datetime": "text", "trending_datetime": "text", "images fixed_height_still url": "image", "images fixed_height_still width": "text", "images fixed_height_still height": "text", "images fixed_height_still size": "text", "images original_still url": "image", "images original_still width": "text", "images original_still height": "text", "images original_still size": "text", "images fixed_width url": "image", "images fixed_width width": "text", "images fixed_width height": "text", "images fixed_width size": "text", "images fixed_width mp4": "file", "images fixed_width mp4_size": "text", "images fixed_width webp": "file", "images fixed_width webp_size": "text", "images 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"text", "images original frames": "text", "images original mp4": "file", "images original mp4_size": "text", "images original webp": "file", "images original webp_size": "text", "images original hash": "text", "images fixed_height url": "image", "images fixed_height width": "text", "images fixed_height height": "text", "images fixed_height size": "text", "images fixed_height mp4": "file", "images fixed_height mp4_size": "text", "images fixed_height webp": "file", "images fixed_height webp_size": "text", "images looping mp4": "file", "images looping mp4_size": "text", "images original_mp4 width": "text", "images original_mp4 height": "text", "images original_mp4 mp4": "file", "images original_mp4 mp4_size": "text", "images preview_gif url": "image", "images preview_gif width": "text", "images preview_gif height": "text", "images preview_gif size": "text", "images 480w_still url": "image", "images 480w_still width": "text", "images 480w_still height": "text", "title": "text", "_score": 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Search for GIF
This API call enables searching for stickers on Giphy using keywords. It supports pagination, language localization, and content rating filters, allowing flexibility in retrieving the desired sticker results.
Name | Description | Type |
Q | The keyword or search term used to query the stickers database. | Text |
Limit | Specifies the maximum number of stickers to retrieve in a single request. Default is 25 if omitted. | Text |
Offset | Defines the starting point for the results to implement pagination. | Text |
Lang | The language of the results (e.g., "en" for English, "es" for Spanish). | Text |
Rating | Filters results by content rating (e.g., "g", "pg", "pg-13", "r"). | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "data": { "type": "text", "id": "text", "slug": "text", "url": "text", "bitly_gif_url": "text", "bitly_url": "text", "embed_url": "text", "username": "text", "source": "text", "rating": "text", "content_url": "text", "source_tld": "text", "source_post_url": "text", "is_sticker": "number", "import_datetime": "text", "trending_datetime": "text", "images fixed_height_still url": "image", "images fixed_height_still width": "text", "images fixed_height_still height": "text", "images original_still url": "image", "images original_still width": "text", "images original_still height": "text", "images fixed_width url": "image", "images fixed_width width": "text", "images fixed_width height": "text", "images fixed_width size": "text", "images fixed_width mp4": "file", "images fixed_width mp4_size": "text", "images fixed_width webp": "file", "images fixed_width webp_size": "text", "images fixed_height_small_still url": "image", "images fixed_height_small_still width": "text", "images 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Get Random GIF Sticker
This API call retrieves a random GIF sticker from Giphy. You can optionally filter the results using a content rating to ensure they align with your application requirements.
Name | Description | Type |
Rating | Filters the random GIF sticker based on content appropriateness (e.g., "g", "pg", "pg-13", "r"). | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "type": "text", "id": "text", "slug": "text", "url": "text", "bitly_gif_url": "text", "bitly_url": "text", "embed_url": "text", "username": "text", "source": "text", "content_url": "text", "source_tld": "text", "source_post_url": "text", "is_sticker": "number", "import_datetime": "text", "trending_datetime": "text", "user avatar_url": "image", "user avatar": "image", "user banner_url": "text", "user profile_url": "text", "user username": "text", "user display_name": "text", "images fixed_height_still url": "image", "images fixed_height_still width": "text", "images fixed_height_still height": "text", "images fixed_height_still size": "text", "images original_still url": "image", "images original_still width": "text", "images original_still height": "text", "images original_still size": "text", "images fixed_width url": "image", "images fixed_width width": "text", "images fixed_width height": "text", "images fixed_width size": "text", "images fixed_width mp4": "file", "images 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Get Sticker Packs
This API call retrieves information about available sticker packs from Giphy. A sticker pack is a collection of thematically grouped stickers. You can optionally filter the packs using a content rating to ensure appropriateness.
Name | Description | Type |
Rating | Filters the sticker packs based on content rating (e.g., "g", "pg", "pg-13", "r"). | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "data": { "id": "text", "display_name": "text", "parent": "number", "slug": "text", "type": "text", "content_type": "text", "short_display_name": "text", "description": "text", "has_children": "yes/no", "featured_gif type": "text", "featured_gif id": "text", "featured_gif slug": "text", "featured_gif url": "text", "featured_gif bitly_gif_url": "text", "featured_gif bitly_url": "text", "featured_gif embed_url": "text", "featured_gif username": "text", "featured_gif source": "text", "featured_gif rating": "text", "featured_gif content_url": "text", "featured_gif source_tld": "text", "featured_gif source_post_url": "text", "featured_gif is_sticker": "number", "featured_gif import_datetime": "text", "featured_gif trending_datetime": "text", "featured_gif user avatar_url": "text", "featured_gif user avatar": "text", "featured_gif user banner_url": "text", "featured_gif user banner_image": "text", "featured_gif user profile_url": "text", "featured_gif user username": "text", 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Plugin Action Calls
Upload a GIF
This API action allows users to upload a custom GIF to Giphy. The uploaded GIF can be associated with a username and tagged with relevant keywords for categorization and searchability.
Name | Description | Type |
File | The GIF file to be uploaded. It must be a valid GIF format. | Text |
Username | The username of the individual uploading the GIF. This is used for attribution purposes on Giphy. | Text |
Tags | A comma-separated list of tags associated with the uploaded GIF. These tags help in categorizing and finding the GIF. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body id": "text", "body meta status": "number", "body meta msg": "text", "body meta response_id": "text", "headers date": "text", "headers content-type": "text", "headers transfer-encoding": "text", "headers connection": "text", "headers server": "text", "headers vary": "text", "headers x-robots-tag": "text", "headers access-control-allow-credentials": "text", "headers access-control-allow-methods": "text", "headers access-control-allow-headers": "text", "headers access-control-allow-origin": "text", "headers surrogate-key": "text", "headers x-kong-upstream-latency": "text", "headers x-kong-proxy-latency": "text", "headers via": "text" }
Update: 12/04/2018 – Version 1.0.0
- initial release
Update: 12/17/2018 – Version 1.1.0
- updated - description
Update: 02/09/2021 – Version 1.2.0
- updated - icon
Update: 07/15/2021 – Version 1.3.0
- updated - icon
Update: 02/21/2023 – Version 1.4.0
- updated - description
Update: 02/23/2023 – Version 1.5.0
- deleted - the icons
Update: 06/17/2023 – Version 1.6.0
- updated - the description
Update: 07/11/2023 – Version 1.7.0
- updated - description
Update: 09/13/2023 – Version 1.8.0
- minor updates
Update: 10/19/2023 – Version 1.9.0
- updated - description
Update: 06/13/2024 – Version 1.10.0
- updated - demo/service links
Update: 07/23/2024 – Version 1.11.0
- minor update
Update: 07/23/2024 – Version 1.12.0
- minor update
Update: 09/14/2024 – Version 1.13.0
- minor update - (Marketing update)