Before & After Slider

Demo to preview the plugin:


Do you need a visual showcase that highlights the differences between the two images? Look no further! This no-code plugin offers a slider mode specifically designed for your Bubble app.
Simply swipe the image left or right to seamlessly transition between the "Before" and "After" states.
Image without caption

How to setup

  1. Add the Plugin Element to the page
  1. Configure the following key settings in the element properties:
    1. Element → Before & After
      Element → Before & After
      • Before Image URL: Enter the URL of the image to display on the left side (before state).
      • After Image URL: Enter the URL of the image to display on the right side (after state).
      • Default Offset Picture: Adjust the initial slider position (e.g., 0.5 for the center).
      • Orientation: Choose between "Horizontal" or "Vertical" slider orientation.
      • Overlay Settings: Configure labels for "Overlay Before" and "Overlay After" to describe the images.
      • Slider Interaction: Decide if the slider moves on mouse hover or requires dragging the handle.

Plugin Element Properties

Before & After

Element properties (1/2).
Element properties (1/2).
Element properties (2/2).
Element properties (2/2).
Image 1
The first image to be displayed (represents the "Before" state).
Image 2
The second image to be displayed (represents the "After" state).
Default offset picture
How much of the before image is visible when the page loads
Orientation of the before and after images (‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’) Available options: Vertical, Horizontal
Don’t show overlay
Don’t show the overlay with before and after
Checkbox (yes/no)
Overlay before label
Set a custom before label
Overlay after label
Set a custom after label
Move slider on mouse hover
Allows the slider to move when the mouse hovers over the image.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Move with handle only
Allow a user to swipe anywhere on the image to control slider movement.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Click to move
Allow a user to click (or tap) anywhere on the image to move the slider to that location.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Image without caption
