Welcome Intro step-by-step

Demo to preview the plugin:


Get this plugin to present a feature or in order to guide users step by step on a page. It’s your best choice when you need to demonstrate your product features to the new users.
Additionally, this no-code plugin can be used to showcase new features to your existing users in easy-to-follow steps.
Image without caption

How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab.
      App Settings → General Tab.
  1. Adding the IntroJS Element to the Page
      • Drag and drop the IntroJS element onto your page.
        • Image without caption
        • This element is necessary for the plugin’s actions and events to function properly.
  1. Creating a Step-by-Step Tutorial
    1. To start an interactive guide, you need to configure the "Start An Intro A IntroJS" workflow action.
      • Open the Workflows tab.
      • Create an event (e.g., when a user clicks a "Start Tutorial" button).
      • Add the action "Start an Intro IntroJS".
      Workflow action → Start an Intro IntroJS.
      Workflow action → Start an Intro IntroJS.
  1. Add Interactive Hints
    1. IntroJS also supports hints—small messages that appear next to elements.
      Steps to Add a Hint
      • Open the Workflows tab.
      • Create an event (e.g., "When Page is Loaded").
      • Add the action "Add a Hint IntroJS".
        • Workflow action → Add a Hint IntroJS.
          Workflow action → Add a Hint IntroJS.
      • Configure the required fields.
  1. Jump to a Specific Step
    1. If you want users to skip to a specific step, use the "Jump To Step Number A IntroJS" action.
      Workflow action → Jump to Step Number IntroJS.
      Workflow action → Jump to Step Number IntroJS.
  1. Track User Progress with Events
    1. The plugin provides two key events to track user interactions:
      A IntroJS Step Seen
      • Triggered when a user reaches a specific step.
      • Can be used to store progress in the database.
      A IntroJS Hint Clicked
      • Triggered when a user clicks on a hint.
      • Can be used to track which hints were useful.

Plugin Element Properties


Element properties → IntroJS.
Element properties → IntroJS.

Element Actions

  1. Start an Intro - This action starts a guided tutorial on your page, highlighting elements step by step. It requires defining each step with an element ID and corresponding text or HTML instructions.
    1. Workflow action → Start an Intro.
      Workflow action → Start an Intro.
      Key = Step’s Element ID, Value = Steps Text / HTML
      ID : Info
      ID : Info
      List of key/value reperesenting text
      Tool Tip Position
      Tool Tip Position Available options: auto, left, center, right
      Exit Into Label
      Exit Into Label
      Disable User Interaction?
      Disable Interaction?
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Show Progress?
      Show Progress?
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Show Buttons?
      Show Buttons
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Done Label
      Done Label
      Next Label
      Next Label
      Prev Label
      Prev Label
      Skip Label
      Skip Label
      Theme Available options: Default, Modern, Dark, Royal, Nazanin, Custom
      CUSTOM Theme Style
      CUSTOM Theme Style
  1. Add a Hint - This action adds an interactive hint to an element on the page. Hints appear as small tooltips that users can click to reveal additional information.
    1. Workflow action → Add a Hint.
      Workflow action → Add a Hint.
      Key = Step’s Element ID, Value = Intro / Text
      ID : Info
      ID : Info
      List of key/value reperesenting text
  1. Jump to Step Number - This action allows the user to jump to a specific step in the tutorial.
    1. Workflow action → Jump to Step Number.
      Workflow action → Jump to Step Number.
      Step Number
      Step Number

Exposed states

Element ID of Intro Step
Intro ID
Element ID of Hint Step
Hint ID

Element Events

Step Seen
Step Seen
Hint Clicked
Hint Clicked
Image without caption
