Gif Maker / Convertor


Use your Webcam, a Video, or Still Images to create GIFs with Filter Effects & Text - options are endless from a laugh to serious ID Capturing or Clip/Image Editing.

Plugin installation

Place element on the page
Image without caption
Use Actions for making GIFs
Image without caption

Plugin element "About a GIF"

The element has no fields and has 3 actions.
Image without caption

Exposed States

  • Base64 Output​ (Text)
  • New URL​ (Text)
  • Base64 URL​ (Text)


  • Upload Successful - File successfully attached to the thing
  • Upload Failed - An error occurred while attaching the file


Create Gif

This action creates a gif from a list of images, videos, or webcam.​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Make GIF Using - The mode responsible for what source will be used to create the GIF
  • Name - GIF name
  • Images (Image Mode) - List of pictures to create GIFs. Data will be taken from this field only if the Image mode is selected
  • Video URL (Video Mode) - Video to create GIF. Data will be taken from this field only if the Video mode is selected
  • Attach To Type - The data type to which to attach the gif
  • Attach To - The thing to which to attach the gif
  • Number of Frames - The number of frames to use to create the animated GIF. Each frame is captured every 100 milliseconds of a video and every ms for existing images
  • Time Per Frame - The amount of time (10 = 1s) to stay on each frame
  • Interval - The amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each frame capture
  • Font Size - The font size of the text that covers the animated GIF
  • Font Family - The font family of the text that covers the animated GIF
  • Color Tool - Colorpicker to get color code
  • Font Color - The font color of the text that covers the animated GIFText - The text that covers the animated GIF
  • Font Align - The horizontal text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF
  • Baseline - The vertical text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF
  • Enable Blur - Use blur
  • Blur - Blur value (in Pixels)
  • Enable Brightness - Use brightness
  • Brightness - Brightness value. 200 - max brighter, 0 - max darker.
  • Enable Contrast - Use contrast
  • Contrast - Contrast value. 0 - Completely gray, 200 - max contrasts
  • Use Drop-Shadows? - Use Drop-Shadows
  • Horizontal Drop-Shadow - Can be number
  • Vertical Drop-Shadow - Can be number
  • Drop-Shadow Blur - Can be number
  • Drop-Shadow Color - Color of shadow
  • Enable Grayscale? - Use Grayscale
  • Grayscale - Grayscale value. 0 - without filter, 100 - completely grey
  • Enable Hue Rotate? - Use Hue Rotate
  • Hue Rotate - Angle of rotate
  • Enable Invert? - Use Invert
  • Invert - 0 - no invert, 1 - full invert
  • Opacity - Opacity value. 100 - without opacity
  • Saturate - Saturate value
  • Enable Sepia? - Use sepia
  • Sepia - Sepia value

Clear Gif

Clear all data in exposed states.

Create SnapShot

This action creates a snapshot from a list of images, videos, or webcam.​
  • Make GIF Using - The mode responsible for what source will be used to create the snapshot
  • Name - snapshot name
  • Images (Image Mode) - List of pictures to create snapshots. Data will be taken from this field only if the Image mode is selected
  • Video URL (Video Mode) - Video to create snapshot. Data will be taken from this field only if the Video mode is selected
  • Attach To Type - The data type to which to attach the snapshot
  • Attach To - The thing to which to attach the snapshot
  • Number of Frames - The number of frames to use to create the animated snapshot. Each frame is captured every 100 milliseconds of a video and every ms for existing images
  • Time Per Frame - The amount of time (10 = 1s) to stay on each frame
  • Interval - The amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each frame capture
  • Font Size - The font size of the text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Font Family - The font family of the text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Color Tool - Colorpicker to get color code
  • Font Color - The font color of the text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Text - The text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Font Align - The horizontal text alignment of the text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Baseline - The vertical text alignment of the text that covers the animated snapshot
  • Enable Blur - Use blur
  • Blur - Blur value (in Pixels)
  • Enable Brightness - Use brightness
  • Brightness - Brightness value. 200 - max brighter, 0 - max darker.
  • Enable Contrast - Use contrast
  • Contrast - Contrast value. 0 - Completely gray, 200 - max contrasts
  • Use Drop-Shadows? - Use Drop-Shadows
  • Horizontal Drop-Shadow - Can be number
  • Vertical Drop-Shadow - Can be number
  • Drop-Shadow Blur - Can be number
  • Drop-Shadow Color - Color of shadow
  • Enable Grayscale? - Use Grayscale
  • Grayscale - Grayscale value. 0 - without filter, 100 - completely grey
  • Enable Hue Rotate? - Use Hue Rotate
  • Hue Rotate - Angle of rotate
  • Enable Invert? - Use Invert
  • Invert - 0 - no invert, 1 - full invert
  • Opacity - Opacity value. 100 - without opacity
  • Saturate - Saturate value
  • Enable Sepia? - Use sepia
  • Sepia - Sepia value

Demo to preview the settings