Demo to preview the settings


With this plugin, you can authorize users' Vimeo accounts to upload videos, retrieve their own videos and albums, manage their showcases, manage channel subscriptions, like videos, and comment on videos. You can also directly search for Vimeo videos.


  1. You must have the Vimeo Developer account.

How to set up

List User's Videos - Data Call

Get Single Video - Data Call

Get User Info - Data Call

List User's Showcases (Formerly Albums) - Data Call

Search Vimeo - Data Call

Create Showcase (Formerly Album) - Action Call

Edit Showcase (Formerly Album) - Action Call

Delete Showcase (Formerly Album) - Action Call

Get Videos in a Showcase (Formerly Album) - Data Call

Get Subscribed Channels - Data Call

Subscribe to a Channel - Action Call

Unsubscribe from a Channel - Action Call

Like a Video - Action Call

Unlike a Video - Action Call

Add Comment to Video - Action Call

Upload Video to Authenticated User's Account from Link - Action Call

Generate an HTML Upload Form


Update 13.02.23 - Version 2.1.0

  • Updated documentation

Update 13.02.23 - Version 2.0.0

  • Some data source have been changed to workflow actions. Review existing settings as this introduces breaking changes.

Update 28.08.19 - Version 1.5.1

  • Updated to Vimeo version 3.4 (resolves error with Upload calls)

Update 27.09.18 - Version 1.5.0

  • Fix to video responses with download link.

Update 20.09.18 - Version 1.4.0

  • Added the video_files scope so that you can access a videos download link (must have a Vimeo Pro account at least)

Update 19.09.17 - Version 1.3.0

  • Upload a video from a link

Update 11.09.17 - Version 1.2.0

  • Max Results per page when retrieving videos

Update 23.08.17 - Version 1.1.0

  • v2.0 Manage albums, like and comment, manage channel subscriptions

Update 23.08.17 - Version 1.0.0

  • v1.0 List user's info, videos, albums, and search Vimeo

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