Demo to preview the settings
A Word Cloud generator based on Jason Davies script.
✅ Supports the new responsive engine (use the V2 element)
- Clickable words. When a user clicks a word, you can trigger a workflow. The clicked word is in the state of the plugin.
- Save to PNG (limited function).
- A lot of customizability settings available (number of word, rotation, color, font, Stop words, Split word, Angle, Scale, Spiral…)
Plugin Element Properties
WordCloud (deprecated)
Title | Description | Type |
Text | You can use: Full text. List of Stop words will apply or you can use a comma separated list of value. Only this one allow to have tag that have more than 1 word. Please set , in the Split with field. | Text |
Spiral | Available options: archimedean, rectangular | Dropdown |
Scale | Available options: linear, log, sqrt | Dropdown |
Angle Count | Number of angle use for Word. | Number |
Angle From | Number from -180 to 180. Cannot be higher than Angle to. | Number |
Angle To | Number from -180 to 180. Cannot be lower than Angle to. | Number |
Number of words | Number of words to display (Maximum. This can be less according to the size of element) | Number |
Color set | You can choose your own color for words. Comma separated list. (#884400. #448800) | Text (optional) |
Stop words | List of words that are filtered out. Separate them using | and lower case |
Punctuation | Punctuation to remove or split text | Text (optional) |
Split with | Separator | Text |
Font Size | This will make font size bigger. 0 will use minimum size. Available options: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Dropdown |
Element Actions
- Create PNG from WordCloud - Create PNG
Title | Description | Type |
File name | File name | Text |
- Regenerate WordCloud - New words rendering
Title | Description | Type |
Text Source | New text | Text |
- Clear Clicked word - This will clear the value in the Clicked word
Exposed states
Title | Description | Type |
Word clicked | When a word is clicked, the word is stored in this state | Text |
PNG file | PNG file | Image |
Element Events
Title | Description |
Word clicked | When a word is clicked |
Wordcloud PNG Created | When a PNG created |
WordCloud V2 (recommended)
Title | Description | Type |
ℹ️ Using ‘App Font’ is not yet supported, please change the font in the font selector to something different than ‘App Font’ | info | |
Text | Words | Text (optional) |
Number of words | Only for the text value. 0 or empty returns all words. A different number returns the X most popular words from your text. | Number (optional) |
List of words CSV | CSV Format. Same length for words and for numbers | Text (optional) |
List of numbers CSV | CSV Format. Same length for words and for numbers. Each number indicates how often the word occurs. A higher number causes the word to appear bigger. | Text (optional) |
Case | Available options: upper, lower, mixed | Dropdown |
Lower Angle | This is the lowest number for Angle. You can choose to set all number to the same value and get text in the same orientation with angle. | Number |
Middle Angle | Middle number for Angle. You can choose to set all number to the same value and get text in the same orientation with angle. 0 for no angle | Number |
Higher Angle | Highest number for Angle. You can choose to set all number to the same value and get text in the same orientation with angle. | Number |
Font Weight Min | Font Weight Min | Number |
Font Weight Max | Font Weight Max | Number |
Increase Weight if count greater than | The Weight of the font will be increase if the count of the word is greater than this number | Number |
CSV Color list | CSV Hex color list like: #d5a928,#652c90,#939597 | Text |
Words size min | In px | Number |
Words size max | In px | Number |
Words padding | Space between word. In px | Number |
Stop words | Please follow format: (word1) | word2 |
Element Actions
- Regenerate Wordcloud_V2 - New words rendering
Exposed states
Title | Description | Type |
Clicked Word | Clicked Word | Text |
Clicked Word Count | Clicked Word Count | Number |
Base64 PNG | Base64 PNG | Image |
Element Events
Title | Description |
Word Clicked V2 | When word is clicked |