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This Bubble plugin provides advanced mapping functionality using the Leaflet library, with integration of HERE Maps services. Key features include:
  1. Interactive map display with customizable tile providers (Mapbox, Stadia, HERE, MapTiler)
  1. Route planning and visualization using the HERE Routing API
  1. Address autocompletion and geocoding
  1. Custom controls for adding and managing routes
  1. Support for various transportation modes and vehicle types
  1. Route editing, including adding/removing waypoints
  1. Ability to show, hide, and highlight specific routes
  1. Export route information for use in Bubble workflows
  1. Load routes from Bubble data tables
  1. Customizable map interactions (zooming, clicking)


  1. Mapbox access token
  1. HERE API Key
  1. MapTiler Access Token
  1. OpenWeatherMap API Key
  1. Stadia API Key

How to setup

  1. Mapbox Access Token (if using Mapbox tiles):
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  • Sign up for an account or log in to an existing one
  • Navigate to your Account dashboard
  • Look for the "Access Tokens" section
  • Create a new token or use the default public token
  • Copy and paste the access token into the plugin settings
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  1. HERE API Key
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  • Sign up for a free account or log in if you already have one
  • Go to your Projects dashboard
  • Create a new project or select an existing one
  • In the project, navigate to the "API Keys" section
  • Generate a new API key
  • Copy and paste the access token into the plugin settings
  1. MapTiler Access Token(if using MapTiler)
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  • Sign up for an account or log in if you have one
  • Go to your account dashboard
  • Look for the "API Keys" or "Access Tokens" section
  • Generate a new API key
  • Copy and paste the access token into the plugin settings
  1. OpenWeatherMap API Key
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  • Sign up for a free account
  • Verify your email address
  • Log in to your account
  • Go to your dashboard and find the "API keys" section
  • Generate a new API key
  • Copy and paste the access token into the plugin settings
  1. Stadia API Key
  • Sign in to the client dashboard. (If you don't have an account yet, sign up for free; no credit card required!)
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  • Click "Manage Properties."
  • If you have more than one property (ex: for several websites or apps), make sure you have selected the correct property from the dropdown at the top of the page.
  • Under "Authentication Configuration," you can generate, view or revoke your API key.
  • Paste the API key into the plugin settings

Plugin Element Properties

Leafy map

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Element Actions

  1. Add marker on - This action adds a customizable marker to a map. It supports various options including custom icons, popup text, and different marker styles.
    1. Image without caption
      A number like 50.405068
      A number like 50.405068
      Popup text
      Text to be displayed in this marker’s popup. Supports limited HTML styling, for example , and other tags without properties. If you want to display a custom HTML then you must use the “Show custom popup” workflow action. That other action supports advanced HTML and can even display Bubble pages on it.
      Text (optional)
      Use custom icon?
      Allows you to upload your own .png image to be used as an icon or marker instead of the default marker. You can optionally upload a .png image to be the icon shadow if you want to, but it’s not necessary. Only use Icons for custom markers with aspect ratio 1:1, that is, images that are squared, otherwise the images will be distorted.
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Custom icon
      A string containing the URL for the custom icon image. This is used when use_custom_icon is true.
      Image (optional)
      Marker style
      Determines the color of the marker icon when not using a custom icon. Possible values include “Blue”, “Yellow”, “Green”, “Red”, “Brown”, “White”, and “Black”. Available options: Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, White, Black
      Show popup on click?
      Check this box so whenever the user clicks this marker, it will show a popup right above it. Useful for explanations and references.
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Unique name
      A unique name to this marker, so you can perform actions on it later on by refering to its name. Also, when it’s clicked you’ll see its name on the map element field called Marker Clicked ID. If you leave this blank then no action will be performed on it when clicked,
    2. Show map on - sets up the map functionality and routing capabilities
      1. Image without caption
        Unique map name
        Write a unique name to this map, so you can have more than one map in the same screen.
        Tile provider
        Choose one and use the options that concern to this provider below. Everything in the other options will be ignored. Available options: Mapbox, Stadia, Here, MapTiler
        Initial view
        Initial view latitude
        Number used to set the initial center point latitude of the map view
        Initial view longitude
        Number used to set the initial center point longitude of the map view
        Zoom level
        From 1 to 20, with 20 being as close as possible to the ground.
        Mapbox section
        Mapbox tile
        Select any of the tiles that Mapbox has to offer. If you want to use a custom Mapbox tile that you created in Mapbox studio, select the last option labeled “Custom from studio”. Available options: streets-v11, outdoors-v11, light-v10, dark-v10, satellite-v9, satellite-streets-v11, Custom from studio
        Dropdown (optional)
        Mapbox custom ID
        Optional, only use this field if you want to use a tile you customized in Mapbox studio. You also need to select the option “Custom from studio” in the dropdown above, if you leave the above dropdown empty or select any ready-made Mapbox tile, this field will be ignored. Get the information to be pasted here from the studio, click the (at the time of this writting) upper right button labeled “Share”, then click “Production” in the upper right corner of the popup that has just opened, then click “Third party” at the developer resources section, then select “Carto” in the dropdown, then you will get a URL, in that URL, get only a slice of it that says an ID, for example in this URL{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=pk.ey… you will copy the vbritto/cl6ftj73f001q15pghq63pni5 and paste it here in this field.
        Text (optional)
        Stadia section
        Stadia tile
        Specifies the tile style when using Stadia as the provider. Available options: Alidade Smooth, Alidade Smooth Dark, Outdoors, OSM Bright
        Text (optional)
        HERE section
        HERE tile
        Specifies the tile scheme when using Here as the provider. Available options: normal day, normal day grey, normal day transit, normal night, normal night grey, pedestrian day, pedestrian night, reduced day
        Dropdown (optional)
        HERE tooltip style
        HERE Font color
        HERE tooltip font color
        HERE Background color
        HERE tooltip backgroundcolor
        HERE Border color
        HERE tooltip border color
        HERE Border radius
        HERE tooltip border radius
        Number (optional)
        MapTiler section
        MapTiler tile
        Write here the name of the tile you want, exactly as written in this description. Options for tiles: basic, bright, osm-standard, outdoor, pastel, hybrid, streets, toner, topo, topographique, voyager, winter. You can visit your MapTiler dashboard to see them ( or just test them here by writing the name and seeing what comes up. You can also use custom maps by pasting the ID of the custom map here, example is 52e243ac-e676-45cb-8589-2b6e74f2cb10, get that from your dashboard, this text will be inside the URL of the page and also inside an input box once you click on your custom map there. Of course you have to create your custom map in your dashboard first by clicking the blue “NEW MAP” button there. And this provider is set here to only use vector maps. On the free plan you must show the MapTiler logo on the map, enable or disable that in the option below.
        Text (optional)
        Display MapTiler logo
        You are required to display MapTiler’s logo if you are on their free plan as explained in their pricing page.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        General options
        Enable drawing
        It enables the user to draw polygons on the map, it also enables measuring distances.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Mouse wheel zoom
        If set to no, the user will not be able to use the mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Mouse button for click event
        Choose what mouse button will trigger the click event. Available options: left, right
        Dropdown (optional)
    3. Remove map from - This action removes the existing map from the page
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    4. Draw line on - This action adds a customizable polyline to a map
    5. Image without caption
      Unique line name
      Write a unique name to this line so you can refer to it later on, for example to focus user’s view on this line on a click of a button or some other event or action that you may want.
      List of latitudes
      A list of latitude values to be used when use_encoded_shape_polyline is false.
      Number (optional)
      List of longitudes
      A list of longitude values to be used when use_encoded_shape_polyline is false.
      Number (optional)
      Zoom map to this line?
      Will zoom the map on this line upon this line’s creation.
      Checkbox (yes/no)
      Use encoded shape?
      Determines whether to use an encoded polyline shape or separate latitude and longitude lists.
      Text (optional)
      Encoded shape
      Input here the “Shape” text result from a route API call.
      Text (optional)
      Line color
      The color of the polyline stroke.
      Stroke width in pixels, default is 3.
      From 0 to 1, use decimals, for example 0.5 for 50% opacity.
      Line cap
      See to understand what each option means. Available options: butt, round, square
      Line join
      See to understand what each option means. Available options: miter, round, bevel
    6. Zoom to line in - This action zooms the map to fit a specific line previously added to the map
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        Name of element
        The name of the element to be zoomed in.
    7. Set zoom on - changes the zoom level of a map
      1. Image without caption
        Desired zoom level
        From 1 to 20, with 20 being as close as possible to the ground.
    8. Pan to in - pans the map to a specific location defined by latitude and longitude coordinates
      1. Image without caption
        A number, for example -0,09
        A number, for example 50.120
    9. Draw polygon on - This action adds a customizable polygon to a map using coordinates provided in list form.
      1. Image without caption
        Polygon name
        Write a unique name to this polygon so you can refer to it later on, for example to focus user’s view on this polygon on a click of a button or some other event or action that you may want.
        List of latitudes
        A list of latitude values
        List of longitudes
        A list of longitude values
        Draw stroke
        Whether to draw the polygon’s stroke.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Stroke color
        Color of the polygon’s stroke.
        Stroke weight
        The width of the stroke in pixels.
        Stroke opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the stroke.
        Polygon fill
        Whether to fill the polygon.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Fill color
        Color of the polygon fill.
        Fill opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the fill.
        Zoom map to this upon creation?
        Whether to zoom the map to fit this polygon.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Line cap
        Style of the line endings (e.g., “round”). Available options: butt, round, square
        Line join
        The style of line joins (e.g., “round”). Available options: miter, round, bevel
    10. Create stadia route request - constructs a route request body for the Stadia API by converting latitude and longitude lists into a structured format that includes information about route points (either "break" or "through" points).
      1. Image without caption
        List of latitudes
        Coordinate has to have six digits of precision, for example 55.123456.
        List of longitudes
        Coordinate has to have six digits of precision, for example 55.123456.
        Costing model
        How the route is going to be traversed. Available options: auto, pedestrian, bicycle
        Distance units for output. Allowable unit types are kilometers and miles. Returned values such as Length will be determined by the Unit selected. Available options: kilometers, miles
    11. Display weather overlay on - adds an overlay layer from OpenWeatherMap to a map instance, based on the selected weather data (like clouds, precipitation, wind speed, etc.) and its tile representation
      1. Image without caption
        Unique name
        A unique name to this overlay so you can remove it without removing the entire map and reloading it.
        First show the map with any other map tile. This action will overlay the current map tile with a weather tile.
        Openweather tile
        Also, if you choose one option in one dropdown, the other dropdown must be empty (since you’re not using it). Available options: Convective precipitation (mm), Precipitation intensity (mm/s), Accumulated precipitation (mm), Accumulated precipitation - rain (mm), Accumulated precipitation - snow (m), Depth of snow (m), Wind speed at an altitude of 10 meters (m/s), Joint display of speed wind (color) and wind direction (arrows) received by U and V components (m/s), Atmospheric pressure on mean sea level (hPa), Air temperature at a height of 2 meters (°C), Temperature of a dew point (°C), Soil temperature 0-10 сm (K), Soil temperature >10 сm (K), Relative humidity (%), Cloudiness (%)
        Dropdown (optional)
        Requested date
        Use extract:unix format. See plugin documentation to know what are the possibilities for each tile overlay. Some allow forecasting, others only allow current and historical data.
        Number (optional)
        Below are free tier tiles, possibly rate limited in case of heavy usage. These aren’t capable of grabbing historical or forecast data.
        Openweather tile
        Also, if you choose one option in one dropdown, the other dropdown must be empty (since you’re not using it). Available options: Clouds, Precipitation, Sea level pressure, Wind speed, Temperature
        Dropdown (optional)
        Overlay name
        You can provide a text that is an exact match to one of the overlay dropdown options, case sensitive, as an alternate interface to the dropdowns above. If empty, one of the dropdowns will be considered.
        Text (optional)
    12. Remove element from - removes a specific element from the map
      1. Image without caption
        Target element
        The unique name of the element that you want to remove from the map. Can be a marker, polyline (route) and polygon.
    13. Check if point is contained in rectangular area in - checks if a specific point, defined by latitude and longitude, is contained within the bounds of a geographical area
      1. Image without caption
        Point latitude
        A number representing the latitude of the point to be checked.
        Point longitude
        A number representing the longitude of the point to be checked.
        Container element
        The unique name of the element, can be a polyline or a polygon, this action considers a rectangle made by the bounds of the container element that you specify here and check if the point is inside this rectangle. The container element must be into the Element “Leafy Map X” specified at the top of this action. A possible use case is to see if there’s any point of interest (event, etc) near a route. Or if the user is within specified area if you located or is tracking the user.
        Will return a boolean (yes/no) type on this map element’s state called “Is the point contained in the rectangle?”.
    14. Track user on - configures and initiates the process of tracking the user's location on a map using a set of options.
      1. Image without caption
        Continuously track?
        If checked, will repeatedly track the user, allowing you to watch their movements. Useful for navigation, alerting if user is entering some area, create movement record and more. Testing in a PC browser this ran once every 5 seconds, so any events you tie to this may fire that often.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Center view?
        If checked, automatically sets the map view to the user location with respect to detection accuracy, or to world view if geolocation failed.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        High accuracy?
        Indicates the application would like to receive the best possible results. If checked and if the device is able to provide a more accurate position, it will do so. Note that this can result in slower response times or increased power consumption (with a GPS chip on a mobile device for example). On the other hand, if false (the default value), the device can take the liberty to save resources by responding more quickly and/or using less power.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Data collected from tracking will be available on their respective map element (Leafy Map X) states.
    15. Stop tracking the user on - stops tracking the user's location on the map and updates the corresponding tracking state.
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    17. Fly to - smoothly pans and zooms the map to a specified location
      1. Image without caption
        A number, for example -0,09
        A number, for example 50.120
        Number from 1 to 20.
        Duration of animated panning, in seconds.
        Ease linearity
        The curvature factor of panning animation easing. 1.0 means linear animation, and the smaller this number, the more bowed the curve. Default is 0.25.
    18. Distance between - calculates the distance between two geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) on the map and publishes the result as a custom state.
      1. Image without caption
        Latitude 1
        A number representing the latitude of the first point.
        Longitude 1
        A number representing the longitude of the first point.
        Latitude 2
        A number representing the latitude of the second point.
        Longitude 2
        A number representing the longitude of the second point.
        Returns the distance between two geographical coordinates. By default this measures distance in meters.
    19. Load polygons list - This action loads a list of polygons.
      1. Image without caption
        Polygons list
        A string containing JSON data for the polygons.
        Stroke color
        Color of the polygon’s stroke.
        Color (optional)
        Stroke weight
        The width of the stroke in pixels.
        Number (optional)
        Stroke opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the stroke.
        Number (optional)
        Line cap
        Style of the line endings (e.g., “round”). Available options: butt, round, square
        Dropdown (optional)
        Line join
        The style of line joins (e.g., “round”). Available options: miter, round, bevel
        Dropdown (optional)
        Polygon fill
        Whether to fill the polygon.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Fill color
        Color of the polygon fill.
        Color (optional)
        Fill opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the fill.
        Number (optional)
        Draw stroke
        Whether to draw the polygon’s stroke.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Zoom map to this upon creation?
        Whether the map should zoom to fit the polygon.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Polygon name
        A name for the polygon (optional).
        Show polygon area
        Show the polygon area.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        List of zones
        This will be used with the “Check if point is contained in polygon”.
        Text (optional)
        Incomplete, do not use yet, will do nothing if enabled Alternatively pass list of styles for them to be applied to the list of polygons. Note that this will work like this: First style item will be used on the first polygon item and so on, even if this first polygon is actually a multi polygon, then the first style item will be applied to all the polygons inside the multi-polygon that is in the position of item#1. Check the fields above for examples and options on what to pass as list values.
        Draw strokes
        List of yes/no’s.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Use list of styles
        If yes, will apply the style values below. If no, will ignore the style values below.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Stroke colors
        List of color hex codes, like this #9E2929. Is a list of texts, technically.
        Text (optional)
        Stroke weights
        List of stroke weights
        Number (optional)
        Stroke opacities
        List of stroke opacities
        Number (optional)
        Line caps
        List of line caps
        Text (optional)
        Line joins
        List of line joins
        Text (optional)
        Polygon fills
        List of polygon fills
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Fill colors
        List of polygon fill colors
        Text (optional)
        Fill opacities
        List of polygon fill opacities
        Number (optional)
    20. Set drawing style - This action change the drawing style.
      1. Image without caption
        A boolean value (default: true) determining if a stroke should be drawn around shapes.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Stroke color
        A string (default: ‘black’) specifying the color of the stroke.
        Color (optional)
        Stroke weight
        A number (default: 1) defining the width of the stroke in pixels.
        Number (optional)
        Stroke opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 (default: 1) setting the opacity of the stroke.
        Number (optional)
        Line cap
        A string (default: ‘butt’) specifying the shape of the end of lines. Options are ‘butt’, ‘round’, or ‘square’. Available options: butt, round, square
        Dropdown (optional)
        Line join
        A string (default: ‘round’) determining how line segments are joined. Options are ‘miter’, ‘round’, or ‘bevel’. Available options: miter, round, bevel
        Dropdown (optional)
        Polygon fill
        A boolean value (default: true) indicating whether to fill shapes.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Fill color
        A string (default: ‘black’) specifying the fill color of shapes.
        Color (optional)
        Fill opacity
        A number between 0 and 1 (default: 0.5) setting the opacity of the fill.
        Number (optional)
        Show distance
        A boolean value indicating whether to display distance information.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
    21. Draw circle - adds a circle to a map at a specified location, with customizable style options (such as stroke color, fill, and radius). The function also sets up an event listener for clicks on the circle and optionally zooms the map to fit the bounds of the circle.
      1. Image without caption
        Circle name
        Write a unique name to this circle so you can refer to it later on, for example to change its radiues or focus user’s view on this circle on a click of a button or some other event or action that you may want.
        The radius of the circle, in meters.
        The latitude coordinate where the circle is centered.
        The longitude coordinate where the circle is centered.
        Draw stroke
        Enable or disable stroke. The line of the circle.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Stroke color
        Defines the color of the stroke (outline) of the circle.
        Color (optional)
        Stroke weight
        Width in pixels.
        Stroke opacity
        Transparency , from 0 to 1.
        Circle fill
        Enable or disable filling, the color inside the circle.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Fill color
        Determines the fill color of the circle.
        Fill opacity
        Transparency of the inner part of the circle.
        Zoom to this circle
        Zoom map to this circle upon its creation.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
    22. Change circle radius - updates the radius of an existing circle on the map and optionally zooms the map to fit the circle's bounds.
      1. Image without caption
        Circle name
        The name specified when you created the circle.
        New radius
        In meters.
        Zoom to this circle
        Zoom to this circle when changing its radius.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
    23. Add list of markers - adds multiple markers to a map (with optional clustering) based on latitude and longitude lists, and customizes marker icons, popups, and event behaviors. It can also publish marker click and hover events and apply custom cluster styles.
      1. Image without caption
        List of latitudes
        A list of numbers like 50.405068
        List of longitudes
        A list of numbers like 50.405068
        Show popup on click?
        Boolean to enable/disable popups when markers are clicked.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Popup texts
        List of texts to be displayed in these marker’s popups. First item goes in first marker, as expected I presume.
        Text (optional)
        Marker style
        Style of the default marker icon (“Blue”, “Yellow”, “Green”, “Red”, “Brown”, “White”, “Black”). Available options: Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, White, Black
        Use custom icon?
        Allows you to upload your own .png image to be used as an icon or marker instead of the default marker. You can optionally upload a .png image to be the icon shadow if you want to, but it’s not necessary. Only use Icons for custom markers with aspect ratio 1:1, that is, images that are squared, otherwise the images will be distorted.
        Checkbox (yes/no) (optional)
        Custom icon
        URL of the custom icon image (if Use Custom Icon is true).
        Image (optional)
        Unique name
        A unique name to this series of markers. They will be suffixed with their index, for example if you write “city” the first one will be city1 and the second will be city2. Do not add digits (0-9) nor dots or it will break. If you are adding a dynamic value, make sure it will not resolve to a text with digits or dots.
        Clusterize markers
        If “yes”, will group these markers in a cluster. A cluster is a colored circle with a number saying how many markers it represents, when the user zooms in or clicks the circle, it disappears and displays its markers. Upon zoom out, the markers are again folded back into the circle. Clicking the cluster will zoom into it and spread its markers. Hovering it will reveal the polygon area that the markers inside it are covering. This will not work with MapTiler provider due to it relying on a different technical base, hopefully in the future this feature will be added for MapTiler’s base tech. Small is 1 to 9 markers in the same cluster, medium is 10 to 99 markers, large is 100+ markers in the same cluster. If you do not want to differentiate by number of markers in the cluster, just apply the same color to all sizes at this section.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Small cluster color outside
        Default is #B5E28C.
        Small cluster color inside
        Default is #6ECC39.
        Medium cluster color outside
        Default is #F1D357.
        Medium cluster color inside
        Default is #F0C20C.
        Large cluster color outside
        Default is #FD9C73.
        Large cluster color inside
        Default is #F18017.
        Font size
        In pixels. For example 12. Do not write “px”, just the number.
        Font name
        Default is Helvetica Neue. If the font you specify fails, these fallback options will automatically be used: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.
        Font color
        Color of the number inside the marker cluster. Default is black.
        Max zoom
        A zoom value, which is a number from 1 to 20 with 1 being farthest from the ground and 1 being closest to the ground. If set, at the defined zoom level and below markers will not be clustered. In other words, if you want to prevent your markers from clustering at a higher zoom than normal, do set a value here. If you set to 1, they will never cluster, if you set to 20 they will cluster normally, usually at zoom 14 or similar, so 20 or a value too close to the ground may have no practical effect as the markers would already split from the cluster before arriving the zoom level 17 or more.
        Number (optional)
        Set to yes if you have multiple markers at the same spot and want the cluster to expand them into a spider-like shape. Easier if you test and see it, too hard to explain without images here. Test by adding a list of markers with clusterization enabled with two markers having the same coordinates, then zoom as close to the ground as possible.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
    24. Erase list of markers - removes a specific marker cluster and its associated markers from the map based on a unique identifier. It checks for and deletes both the marker cluster and individual markers related to that identifier.
      1. Image without caption
        Unique name to erase
        The unique name passed in the “add list of markers” workflow action.
    25. Get HERE route - calculates and retrieves a route using the HERE API based on various parameters such as route details, vehicle attributes, and restrictions. It supports both address-based routing and coordinate-based routing.
      1. Image without caption
        Origin address
        The starting address of the route(string, required if Use coordinates is false).
        Destination address
        The ending address of the route(string, required if Use coordinates is false).
        Transport Mode
        Mode of transport to be used for the calculation of the route. Can be “car” “truck” “pedestrian” “bicycle” “scooter” “taxi” “bus” “privateBus”. defaults to car if not provided
        Text (optional)
        Use coordinates
        Determines whether to use coordinates or addresses for routing.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Latitude list
        (list of numbers, required if use_coordinates is true): A list of latitude values for the route points.
        Number (optional)
        Longitude list
        (list of numbers, required if use_coordinates is true): A list of longitude values for the route points.
        Number (optional)
        Route name
        A name or identifier for the route.
        Route color
        The color of the route on the map.
        Base route color
        The color of the base route on the map
        Distance limit
        The maximum allowed distance for the route. If not provided, defaults to 99999999.
        Number (optional)
        ————- Restrictions ————-
        Truck type
        Specifies the type of the vehicle StraightTruck: A truck on a single frame with a permanently attached cargo area. Note: default value when truck routing mode is used. Tractor: A towing vehicle that can pull one or more semi-trailers (also known as a semi-truck). Limitations: only valid for transportMode=truck. Available options: StraightTruck, Tractor
        Tunnel category
        Specifies the cargo tunnel restriction code. Route will pass only through tunnels of less restrictive categories. Limitations: only valid when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus). Available options: B, C, D, E
        Dropdown (optional)
        Axle count
        Specifies the total number of axles the vehicle has, i.e., axles on the base vehicle and any attached trailers. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Limited weight
        In tons
        Number (optional)
        Weight per axle
        In tons
        Number (optional)
        Vehicle height, specified in centimeters. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Vehicle width, specified in centimeters. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Vehicle length, specified in centimeters. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Shipped hazardous goods
        Hazardous goods restrictions refer to the limitations and regulations imposed on the transportation of specific types of hazardous materials during a trip. A comma-separated list of hazardous goods being shipped in the vehicle. The following values are possible: explosive: Materials that are capable of causing an explosion. gas: Gas (definition varies from country to country). For details, check here. flammable: Materials that are easily ignited and capable of catching fire. combustible: Materials that have the potential to burn or catch fire. organic: Materials derived from living organisms or containing carbon compounds. poison: Substances that can cause harm or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed. radioactive: Materials that emit radiation and pose potential health risks. corrosive: Substances that can cause damage or destruction through chemical reactions. poisonousInhalation: Materials that are toxic when inhaled. harmfulToWater: Materials that can cause pollution or harm to water bodies. other: Other types of hazardous materials not covered by the above categories. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus). Available options: explosive, gas, flammable, combustible, organic, poison, radio active, corrosive, poisonous inhalation, harmful to water
        Dropdown (optional)
        Weights per axle (tandem)
        Specifies the weights of different axle groups, such as single and tandem axles. This allows specification of axle weights in a more fine-grained way than weightPerAxle. This is relevant in countries with signs and regulations that specify different limits for different axle groups, such as the USA and Sweden. All axle group weights are evaluated against their respective axle group restrictions and against generic axle weight restrictions. This means that the provided tandem axle group weight is compared with all tandem axle group weight restrictions and all generic axle weight restrictions. The same is true for single, triple, quad, and quint axle groups. Format: AxleGroup:Weight[,AxleGroup2:Weight2]… Currently, allowed axle-groups are: single tandem triple quad quint Weights are specified in kilograms (kg) and represent the total weight of the axle-group. Note: weightPerAxleGroup and weightPerAxle are incompatible. Limitations: only valid when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Weights per axle (single)
        Specifies the weights of different axle groups, such as single and tandem axles. This allows specification of axle weights in a more fine-grained way than weightPerAxle. This is relevant in countries with signs and regulations that specify different limits for different axle groups, such as the USA and Sweden. All axle group weights are evaluated against their respective axle group restrictions and against generic axle weight restrictions. This means that the provided tandem axle group weight is compared with all tandem axle group weight restrictions and all generic axle weight restrictions. The same is true for single, triple, quad, and quint axle groups. Format: AxleGroup:Weight[,AxleGroup2:Weight2]… Currently, allowed axle-groups are: single tandem triple quad quint Weights are specified in kilograms (kg) and represent the total weight of the axle-group. Note: weightPerAxleGroup and weightPerAxle are incompatible. Limitations: only valid when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
        Trailers count
        The number of trailers attached to the vehicle. Limitations: Considered for route calculation when transportMode is one of (truck, bus, privateBus).
        Number (optional)
    26. Add HERE route marker on click - allow markers to be added to the map when clicked, associating them with a specific route.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The route name to add the marker to
    27. Zoom to HERE route - zooms the map to fit the bounds of a specific route
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to zoom to
    28. Edit HERE route - modifies an existing route on the map by changing its visual properties (such as color) and updating the route information in routeInfo. If the route exists, it removes the current polyline and replaces it with a new one reflecting the updated properties.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to edit
        The new color for the route
        Distance limit
        The new distance limit for the route
        Number (optional)
    29. Get HERE suggestion - fetches address suggestions from the HERE API's autocomplete service based on the input text. It processes the API response to publish the suggestions to a state and trigger an event when the suggestions are ready.
      1. Image without caption
        Enter a free-text query
    30. Show HERE route - displays a specific route on the map by adding both the route's polyline and markers to the map. Optionally, it can zoom the map to fit the route's bounds.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to show
        Zoom to route
        Whether to zoom to the route
    31. Hide HERE route - removes a specific route and its associated markers from the map, effectively hiding it from the view.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to hide
    32. Export HERE route - exports detailed information about a specific route, including its coordinates, distance, travel time, and any associated restrictions. It does so by publishing these details as states and then triggering an event when the export is complete.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to export
    33. Add HERE route marker - adds a waypoint marker to a specific route, either using an address (which is geocoded into coordinates) or directly provided latitude and longitude coordinates. The marker is added to the route, and the route is updated with the new point.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to which the marker should be added.
        The latitude of the marker position.
        Number (optional)
        The longitude of the marker position.
        Number (optional)
        Use address instead
        If true, the action will use an address instead of coordinates to add the marker.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        The address to geocode and use for the marker position.
        Text (optional)
    34. Show HERE route summary - retrieves and publishes detailed information about a specific route, including its coordinates, distance, travel time, and restrictions.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The route name to show the summary
    35. Remove HERE route marker by index - removes a specific marker from a route based on its index. It modifies the route by removing the marker from the route's parameters and then recalculates the route with the updated list of markers.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The route name to remove the marker from
        Marker index (from origin)
        The index of the marker to remove
    36. Remove HERE route marker on click - triggers the removal of a marker from the route when clicked
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The route name to remove the marker from
    37. Update HERE base route - updates an existing route on the map by creating new route instances with updated styling and parameters, and replacing the old route on the map with the new one.
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The route name to update the base for
    38. Show this HERE route only and zoom - ensures that only one specific route is visible on the map, hiding all other routes and their markers. It also zooms the map to fit the visible route and provides a summary of the selected route
      1. Image without caption
        Route name
        The name of the route to show
    39. Load HERE routes from table - retrieves route information from a data table, processes it into route parameters, and generates routes based on that data. It supports reading latitude, longitude, restrictions, and other route details from the table to create multiple routes on the map.
      1. Image without caption
        Table source
        The source table containing route data
        Any Thing
        Table type
        Table data type
        App Type
        Latitude field
        The field name in the table source that contains latitude values.
        Field of Table type, represent Number(list)
        Longitude field
        The field name in the table source that contains longitude values.
        Field of Table type, represent Number(list)
        Color field
        The field name for the route color. If not provided, defaults to “#000000” (black).
        Field of Table type, represent Text, image or file (optional)
        Name field
        The field name for the route name. If not provided, routes will be named “Route_[timestamp]”.
        Field of Table type, represent Text, image or file
        Distance limit field
        The field name for the route distance limit. If not provided, defaults to Infinity.
        Field of Table type, represent Number
        Show all routes
        If true, all routes will be displayed on the map. Defaults to true.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Route restriction field
        The field name containing route restrictions. Each restriction should be in the format “key:value”.
        Field of Table type, represent Text, image or file(list)
        Base color field
        The field name for the route base color. If not provided, defaults to “#808080” (gray).
        Field of Table type, represent Text, image or file
    40. Show custom popup on marker - displays a custom popup on a map marker. It supports loading content from either a custom URL or custom HTML, adding a loading indicator, and handling communication between the popup and the main page using the postMessage API.
      1. Image without caption
        Custom popup URL
        Pass a URL of a page here, usually a page from your Bubble app, to be shown inside the popup. The must be responsive or fit in a very small screen size, since the popup is smaller than a normal device page. For example, without quotes, “” or pass a parameter in the end of the URL “” if you want to display a specific thing. The unique ID of something would also be good as the value of that URL parameter. If you leave this blank, “Custom HTML” will be used.
        Text (optional)
        Custom popup height
        In pixels. For example, without quotes, “400”. This is the size of the window that your page will open in, so make sure your page looks good in this size.
        Custom popup width
        In pixels. For example, without quotes, “300”.This is the size of the window that your page will open in, so make sure your page looks good in this size.
        Target marker unique ID
        The ID of the marker you’re targeting. Suggestion: the one on “This Leafy Maps Marker clicked ID (or hovered marker ID)” to show this popup on the marker that the user just clicked or is hovering.
        In case you are using URL instead of HTML: Make sure your app settings about iframes is set to “Same origin”. “Allow all” wil work, but everyone else on the internet will be able to display your pages in their apps and sites so it’s not needed. “Same origin” makes only your app display your pages inside its pages.
        Custom HTML
        Any valid HTML here. Styles will be contained to within this popup through the use of an iframe. The field “Custom popup URL” must be empty for this one to be used.
        Text (optional)
        Border width
        The size of the white frame surrounding the popup content, regardless of it being custom HTML or a Bubble page. You may want to make this smaller than the default (25) if you’re using a dark theme inside the popup. Or any other reason I don’t know. Use zero to completely eliminate it, but scrollbars may appear, so tinker with the values here until you’re pleased.
    41. Toggle drawing mode - This action toggles the drawing mode.
    42. Image without caption
    43. Close polygon - This action closes the polygon when drawing.
      1. Image without caption
    44. Delete vertex - This action deletes vertex when drawing.
    45. Image without caption
      Determines whether to delete all vertices or just a single vertex.
      Checkbox (yes/no)
    46. Check if point is contained in polygon area (geofence) - checks if a specified point (given by latitude and longitude) is inside any polygon on the map. If the point is inside a polygon, it updates the states accordingly and triggers an event. If the point is outside all polygons, it updates the states to reflect that as well.
      1. Image without caption
        Is the point contained in the Polygon? returns yes or no. Useful for geofence related features.
        Latitude where the point to be checked are
        Longitude where the point to be checked are
    47. Draw list of polygons -creates and displays polygons on a map by loading latitude and longitude data from a Bubble data source. It processes the data for multiple polygons and adds them to the map.
    48. Image without caption
      Thing type
      Type of data in bubble that are used to load Longitude and latitude to render polygons.
      App Type
      Data source
      Origin of the data that will be used on polygon redering
      Item reperesenting Thing type
      The list of latitudes that will compose the polygon
      Custom field (type restriction undefined)
      The list of Longitudes that will compose the polygon
      Custom field (type restriction undefined)
      Unique name
      A unique name to identify the elements of a polygon set
    49. Create container to get coordinate from address from Mapbox - integrates the Mapbox Geocoder into a specified HTML element, allowing users to search for a location. When a location is selected, it retrieves the geocoded longitude, latitude, and place names, publishes them as states, and triggers an event to notify that the coordinates have been obtained.
      1. Image without caption
        This specific workflow action uses Geocoding from Mapbox. You may only use responses from the Mapbox Geocoding API in conjunction with a Mapbox map. It is their policy. If you need something else, another geocoding vendor can be implemented for you, get in touch with me (plugin maker).
        Query container ID
        Create a normal group in the page and give it an ID, then write this ID here. It will become the input where the user will type the address.
    50. Change marker icon - updates the icon of a marker on a map, either by using a custom icon URL provided by the user or by selecting a predefined icon style. It handles the positioning and size of the icon as well as the associated shadow.
      1. Image without caption
        Unique name
        The unique name of the marker that you want to change its icon.
        Marker style
        Style of the default marker icon (“Blue”, “Yellow”, “Green”, “Red”, “Brown”, “White”, “Black”). Available options: Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, White, Black
        Use custom icon?
        Allows you to upload your own .png image to be used as an icon or marker instead of the default marker. You can optionally upload a .png image to be the icon shadow if you want to, but it’s not necessary. Only use Icons for custom markers with aspect ratio 1:1, that is, images that are squared, otherwise the images will be distorted.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Custom icon image
        Your own .png image to be used as an icon or marker instead of the default marker. You can optionally upload a .png image to be the icon shadow if you want to, but it’s not necessary. Only use Icons for custom markers with aspect ratio 1:1, that is, images that are squared, otherwise the image will be distorted.
        Image (optional)
    51. Get map center - retrieves the current center coordinates of a map, publishes the latitude and longitude as states, and triggers an event to notify that the map center has been attained.
      1. Image without caption
    52. Check if point is in circle radius with - checks whether a specific point is inside a given circle
      1. Image without caption
        Checked point lat
        A number. Example 5.123456. Refers to the point that will be checked if it is contained by the circle.
        Checked point lon
        A number. Example 5.123456. Refers to the point that will be checked if it is contained by the circle.
        Circle center lat
        A number. Example 5.123456. Refers to the circle that will be used to see if the point is inside it or not.
        Circle center lon
        A number. Example 5.123456. Refers to the circle that will be used to see if the point is inside it or not.
        Circle radius
        A number, in meters. Example 5000 (for 5km). Refers to the circle that will be used to see if the point is inside it or not.
    53. Start fixed central circle filter - creates a circle on the map at its center with specified styles and properties. It ensures that the circle stays centered on the map as the user moves the map, and it adjusts the map's zoom level to fit the bounds of the circle.
      1. Image without caption
        Enable or disable stroke. The line of the circle.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Defines the color of the stroke (outline) of the circle.
        Stroke width in pixels, default is 3.
        Default is 1.0.
        Enable or disable filling, the color inside the circle.
        Checkbox (yes/no)
        Determines the fill color of the circle.
        Default is 0.2.
        Number, in meters.
        Circle name
        Write a unique name to this circle so you can refer to it later on, for example to change its radiues or focus user’s view on this circle on a click of a button or some other event or action that you may want.
        Incomplete feature, will do nothing. Check back in a newer version.
    54. Reset distance - Resets calculated distance state
    55. Image without caption

Exposed states

Stadia route request body
This state contains the JSON string that represents the full Stadia route request body. The takeThisStadia object holds details about the route, including locations (latitude/longitude pairs), costing models, and direction options.
Is the point contained in the rectangle?
Indicating whether the point (based on point_latitude and point_longitude) is inside the specified polygon.
User’s latitude
Latitude of the user's location
User’s longitude
Longitude of the user's location
Boundary northeast lat
Geographical bounds of the area user is located in (with respect to the accuracy of location).
Boundary northeast lng
Geographical bounds of the area user is located in (with respect to the accuracy of location).
Boundary southwest lat
Geographical bounds of the area user is located in (with respect to the accuracy of location).
Boundary southwest lng
Geographical bounds of the area user is located in (with respect to the accuracy of location).
Accuracy of location in meters.
Height of the position above the WGS84 ellipsoid in meters.
Altitude accuracy
Accuracy of altitude in meters.
The direction of travel in degrees counting clockwise from true North.
Current velocity in meters per second.
The time when the position was acquired. In UNIX format.
Map center latitude
The map center latitude
Map center longitude
The map center longitude
Marker clicked id
Current clicked marker ID (unique name)
Calculated distance
Distance between two geographical coordinates according to the map’s CRS. In meters.
Speed (km/h)
Current velocity in km/h
Speed (mi/h)
Current velocity in mi/h
Is being tracked
When tracking a user the value is yes, otherwise it’s empty
Checkbox (yes/no)
Polygons list
A list of all polygons inside the map.
Marker clicked index
The index of the marker that was clicked
HERE suggestion
The list of location suggestions returned by the HERE API.
HERE route latitude
List of latitude values that represent the points (waypoints) along the route.
HERE route longitude
List of longitude values that represent the points (waypoints) along the route.
HERE route origin address
The address of the route's origin
HERE route destination address
The address of the route's origin
HERE route marker addresses
List of waypoint addresses along the route.
HERE route name
Name of the exported route.
HERE route distance
Total distance of the route.
HERE route traffic time
Additional travel time due to traffic.
HERE route base time
Base travel time of the route (excluding traffic).
HERE route travel time
Estimated travel time along the route.
Here route restrictions
List of route restrictions
HERE route color
The color of the route
HERE route base color
The base color used for the route
HERE route base latitude
A list of latitude values that represent the base version of the route
HERE route base longitude
A list of longitude values that represent the base version of the route
HERE route distance limit
The distance limit for the route, typically measured in kilometers. The distance limit is derived from the deltaRoute property of the route, which represents the difference between the actual route and the base route. If no limit is set (represented by a very large number, like 99999999000), it defaults to 0.
Marker hovered id
The unique name or ID of the marker that is currently being hovered over
Marker hovered index
The numerical index of the marker being hovered over.
Marker unhovered id
The unique name or identifier of the marker that was previously hovered but has now been unhovered.
Marker unhovered index
The index of the marker that is no longer being hovered
Is the point contained in the polygon?
Boolean indicating whether the point is inside any polygon.
Clicked map coordinates Latitude
Latitude value of the point on the map where the user clicked
Clicked map coordinates longitude
Longitude value of the point on the map where the user clicked
Geocoded longitude from Mapbox
The longitude value of the geocoded result obtained from Mapbox
Geocoded latitude from Mapbox
The latitude value of the geocoded result obtained from Mapbox
Geocoded full name from Mapbox
The full name or description of the geocoded location. This typically includes a complete address, city, country, or any other descriptive data returned by the Mapbox geocoding API.
Geocoded short name from Mapbox
The short, simplified name or label of the geocoded location. This value is often a single word or a more concise identifier of the location (e.g., "Paris" instead of "Paris, France").
Which zone is the point contained in?
The zone (or polygon) where the point is located. If the point is inside a polygon, this state will hold the identifier or name of that polygon.
Is point inside circle radius
A Boolean value (true or false) indicating whether the point is inside the circle.
Data from popup
The content or data sent from the popup to the host page.
Cluster clicked marker IDs
A list of unique marker IDs that are part of the clicked cluster.
Draw geometry clicked name
Contains the unique name or identifier of the geometry that was clicked.

Element Events

Location found
Triggered when the map successfully detects the user's location
Location error
Triggered when there is an issue or failure in locating the user's position
Marker clicked
Notifies when a marker is clicked.
HERE suggestion is published
Notifies when location suggestions from the HERE API are retrieved.
HERE route was exported
Notifies when the HERE route export is complete.
HERE route summary was published
Triggered when a specific route is selected on the map.
HERE route limit was exceeded
Triggered when the route's calculated distance (deltaRoute) exceeds a predefined distance limit
No route was found
Triggered when the system is unable to generate a route due to invalid or insufficient input, such as missing or incorrect addresses or coordinates.
Marker hovered
Notifies when a marker is hovered over.
Map clicked
Triggered when a user clicks on the map
Marker unhovered
Triggered when the user stops hovering over a specific marker.
Point location is inside area
Notifies when a point is inside a polygon.
Point location is outside area
Notifies when a point is outside all polygons.
Coordinates from address attained from Mapbox
Notifies when the coordinates from the Mapbox geocoder are retrieved.
Map center attained
Notifies when the map's center coordinates are retrieved.
Point inside circle radius checked
Notifies when a point's proximity to a circle has been checked.
Popup sent data to host page
Notifies when data is received from a popup.
Cluster clicked
Triggered when a cluster of markers on the map is clicked

Plugin Data Calls

Get route

Plugin Actions

  1. Leafy Maps - Send data to host page (popup)
    1. Title
      Data to be sent
      Something you want to use in the host page. For example the unique ID of what was clicked inside the popup page.
      This workflow action is meant to be used in a page that is going to be displayed inside a popup being opened by Leafy Maps. With this, you can allow interactivity between a page that is inside a popup, for example if you want the user to press a button inside the popup and then to trigger a workflow with a specific information from within the popup, this is how you do it. For example the user can click “Book house” inside a page inside a popup and then in your host page, which is the one showing the map, you bring some data based on that specific database object. Usually you will pass a unique ID to be used in the host page. Once the data is sent, it will be published in a state of the Leafy Map and trigger an event. Right now they are called: “Popup sent data to host page” and “Data from popup”. Or maybe you want to send a command text, like “accept” or “book X”. Also you can send in consolidated data in a single text and split it in the host page using the “split” operator. Be creative, you are a developer! (:

Workflow example

  1. Show map
  • Add the visual element on the page
Image without caption
  • Set up an event( for ex Page is loaded) and use the Show map action to show the map
Image without caption
  1. Set up an event and use Add list of Markers action to show a list of markers from the database
Image without caption
  1. Getting a HERE route
  • Set up an input form for the route data
Image without caption
  • Set up an event and use the action Get HERE route
Image without caption
  • Result
Image without caption
  1. Custom popup use
  • Set up a page for your custom popup
Image without caption
  • On this page you can set up an event and use the Send data to host page action to send any data you want
Image without caption
  • On the host page you can use Show custom popup on marker action, in the custom popup url field paste the url of the popup page you have created earlier
Image without caption
  • Popup sent data to host page event and the state Data from popup can be used to receive the data from popup to host page
Image without caption


Update 30.09.24 - Version 7.6.0

  • Added setting of marker sizes in "Add marker on", "Add list of markers", "Change marker icon" actions

Update 15.09.24 - Version 7.5.0

  • Minor update (Marketing update)

Update 13.08.24 - Version 7.4.0

  • HERE API upgraded to latest version

Update 19.07.24 - Version 7.3.0

  • Map resolution bug fix

Update 13.06.24 - Version 7.2.0

  • Updated demo/service links

Update 12.04.24 - Version 7.1.0

  • Aquired by Zeroqode

Update 02.03.24 - Version 7.0.0

  • Removed apparently unused server actions.

Update 28.02.23 - Version 6.15.0

  • Added duration option to "Fly to" action. Also added "Ease linearity" to fly to.

Update 14.01.23 - Version 6.14.0

  • Added option to spiderify: show two markers on same location.

Update 16.11.22 - Version 6.13.0

  • Added ESRI data source for coordinate enrichment.

Update 21.10.22 - Version 6.12.1

  • Description update

Update 21.10.22 - Version 6.12.0

  • New event: Cluster clicked, publishes list of markers ID to Leafy state. Also max zoom for clustering can be defined.

Update 29.09.22 - Version 6.11.0

  • Popup bubble page can now communicate with host bubble page.

Update 14.09.22 - Version 6.10.3

  • Description update.

Update 13.09.22 - Version 6.10.2

  • Renamed an event to properly match expectations. The "Point is inside polygon" one. No functional changes, just a label.

Update 24.08.22 - Version 6.10.1

  • Added "buy me a coffee" link in the description 😊☕

Update 16.08.22 - Version 6.10.0

  • Added font color option to the marker cluster number.

Update 13.08.22 - Version 6.9.0

  • Custom tiles from Mapbox studio can now be used!

Update 13.08.22 - Version 6.8.5

  • Marker clusters colors and font can now be customized!

Update 12.08.22 - Version 6.8.4

  • Description update on two incomplete features.

Update 06.08.22 - Version 6.8.3

  • Fix to "Erase list of markers" only working with clusterized lists. Now normal lists are deleted as well.

Update 27.07.22 - Version 6.8.2

  • Want to fund this plugin so it never stops working? Reach out to me, the author 😉

Update 27.07.22 - Version 6.8.1

  • Description update.

Update 20.07.22 - Version 6.8.0

  • New: Get HERE API token. The first backend workflow action in this plugin! Use the token to deal with HERE's APIs.

Update 21.05.22 - Version 6.7.0

  • New feature: Check if point is inside circle radius. Includes new workflow action, new state and new event.

Update 14.05.22 - Version 6.6.2

  • Updated below-field documentation under "Clusterize" option to reflect incompatibilities.

Update 14.05.22 - Version 6.6.1

  • Fixed conflict between "drawing mode" and "map clicked event and coordinates"

Update 14.05.22 - Version 6.6.0

  • Get map center feature release, with new workflow action and new event. The state existed but without functionality.

Update 30.04.22 - Version 6.5.3

  • Fix to map clicked not triggering the event nor publishing the coordinates.

Update 28.03.22 - Version 6.5.2

  • Map clicked coordinates fix.

Update 21.02.22 - Version 6.5.1

  • MapTiler drag fix.

Update 15.02.22 - Version 6.5.0

  • New workflow action: Change marker icon. Which, well, changes the icon of an existing marker.

Update 13.01.22 - Version 6.4.0

  • Added new provider! MapTiler. A lower cost option to Mapbox that supports custom maps.

Update 05.01.22 - Version 6.3.2

  • Fix and label adjustment to Mapbox geocode

Update 28.12.21 - Version 6.3.1

  • Fix to drawing mode and fix to Mapbox geocoding

Update 23.12.21 - Version 6.3.0

  • Name of polygon now returned in "point in polygon" feature.

Update 22.12.21 - Version 6.2.0

  • Fix to check point is inside polygon + new feature: Typed address to coordinate (geocoding).

Update 09.12.21 - Version 6.1.0

  • Now the “Load polygon list” action is able to load Geo JSON, Geo JSON array and array of coordinates. Option to show m²

Update 30.10.21 - Version 6.0.2

  • Documentation improvement

Update 18.10.21 - Version 6.0.1

  • Fix to custom markers update and documentation improvement.

Update 13.10.21 - Version 6.0.0

  • Also included in the previous update. Breaking change. Custom marker icons forced to a square size, pinpoint correctly.

Update 12.10.21 - Version 5.5.0

  • New! Get coordinate from where clicked, draw mode with wf action, load list of polygons, check if point/user in polygon.

Update 04.05.21 - Version 5.4.0

  • Added a field to customize, if you want, the border width to the custom popup.

Update 30.04.21 - Version 5.3.0

  • "Show custom popup" action now supports advanced HTML. When displaying a Bubble page the popup now shows load spinner.

Update 17.04.21 - Version 5.2.0

  • Map click now returns latitude and longitude of where the user clicked.

Update 09.04.21 - Version 5.1.0

  • Events map clicked, marker hovered + unhovered. Option to disable scroll zoom. Fully custom popup w/ Bubble page inside.

Update 31.12.20 - Version 5.0.1

  • Fixed drawing feature not working on Macs. Now it works with command key when in a mac.

Update 28.10.20 - Version 5.0.0

  • Beta testing. Silent upgrade. Soon all will be explained. Refrain from upgrading for now.

Update 02.09.20 - Version 4.6.6

  • Yet another quick bugfix. Please update to this one.

Update 02.09.20 - Version 4.6.5

  • Quick bugfix to an error

Update 02.09.20 - Version 4.6.4

  • Quick bugfix

Update 02.09.20 - Version 4.6.3

  • Bugfix to add list of markers not displaying custom icons.

Update 02.09.20 - Version 4.6.2

  • Bugfix to the add list of markers not reacting to more than 10 markers

Update 01.09.20 - Version 4.6.1

  • Remove element action no longer throws an error if the element to be removed doesn't exists.

Update 29.08.20 - Version 4.6.0

  • Added erase list of markers feature, naturally.

Update 29.08.20 - Version 4.5.0

  • Fixed a bug on the list of markers not exposing the clicked marker unique name and added clicked marker index state.

Update 22.08.20 - Version 4.4.0

  • Finally, after one year of launching this plugin, added the much desired "Add list of markers" workflow action.

Update 18.07.20 - Version 4.3.0

  • Added ability to draw circles and a workflow action to change their radius (redraws the circle).

Update 19.06.20 - Version 4.2.0

  • Slight visual improvement to the previous update.

Update 17.06.20 - Version 4.1.0

  • Added ability to draw polygons via mouse click upon the map

Update 14.05.20 - Version 4.0.0

  • Updated mapbox tiles. Mapbox deprecated the previous version styles, so if you use tiles from mapbox, upgrade to this version and choose one of the new tiles.

Update 09.03.20 - Version 3.1.1

  • Description update

Update 25.10.19 - Version 3.1.0

  • Now with on marker click event, multiple points on stadia route and more speed related states when tracking the user.

Update 07.08.19 - Version 3.0.0

  • New features and now with description.

Update 03.08.19 - Version 2.0.1

  • Ninja edit.

Update 03.08.19 - Version 2.0.0

  • Several new great fetures and improvements.

Update 27.07.19 - Version 1.0.0

  • First release!