Air Emoji Button

Demo to preview the plugin:


Enhance your Bubble app messaging UI with a no-code plugin that adds emojis and allows extensive customization. Just link this one-element plugin to any Bubble element using its ID.
Furthermore, it offers various settings such as themes, emoji position, search, skin tones feature, shows recent emoji, auto-hide, enabling and disabling emoji categories, emoji size, and more.
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How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab.
      App Settings → General Tab.
  1. Add the AirEmojiButton Element to the Page:
    1. Element → Air Emoji Button
      Element → Air Emoji Button
      • Configure the following fields:
        • Input ID: Enter the ID of the input where the selected emoji will appear.
        • Target ID: Enter the ID assigned to the element that will trigger the emoji popup when clicked.
      • Customize the element according to your preferences (e.g., theme, position, etc.).
  1. Add a Workflow to Show the Emoji Popup
      • In the workflow editor, create a workflow for the element that will trigger the emoji popup.
      • Add the action "Show/Hide Emoji Popup A Air Emoji Button"
        • Workflow action.
          Workflow action.

Plugin Element Properties

Air Emoji Button

Element properties Part 1/2.
Element properties Part 1/2.
Element properties Part 2/2.
Element properties Part 2/2.
Input ID
Input ID where to put selected emoji
Text (optional)
Target ID
ID of target element. Emoji Button will be displayed
Like many operating systems, Emoji Button supports both a light and a dark theme. An automatic theme is also available, which will use the appropriate theme depending on the operating system’s current setting. Available options: Dark, Light, Auto
Show Recent Emoji
Emoji Button will remember the most recently used emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Recent Emoji Count
By default, the 50 most recent emojis are saved.
Show Variants
Some emojis have skin tone variants. When an emoji is selected in the picker that has variants, a variant popup will appear so the user can select the desired variant.
Checkbox (yes/no)
The picker accepts a position option specifying where the picker should be positioned, relative to the reference element. Available options: auto, auto-start, auto-end, top, top-start, top-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, right, right-start, right-end, left, left-start, left-end
By default, the picker is hidden when an emoji is selected.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Initial category
Available options: Smileys, People, Animals, Food, Activities, Travel, Objects, Symbols, Flags
Specify categories
Displays smiley and expression emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays people emojis, including human figures and gestures.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays animal emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays food emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays emojis related to activities like sports and leisure.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays emojis related to travel and transportation.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays object emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays emoji symbols and icons.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Displays country and regional flag emojis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Hiding UI elements
Show Category Buttons
Displays buttons for emoji categories.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Show Search
Displays the search option in the emoji picker.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Size customizations
Emoji Size
Size of emoji icon in px
Number (optional)
Emojis Per Row
Number of emojis per row
Number of visible rows
Category Button Color
The color of the category button for emojis.
Color (optional)
Category Active Button Color
The color of the active category button for emojis.
Color (optional)
Background Color
The background color of the emoji picker.
Color (optional)
Emoji Hover Color
The color of the emoji when the cursor hovers over it.
Color (optional)
Text Color
The color of the text displayed in the emoji picker.
Color (optional)

Element Actions

  1. Show/Hide Emoji Popup - Toggles the visibility of the emoji picker. Use this action to show or hide the emoji selection popup when needed.
    1. Workflow action.
      Workflow action.
  1. Reset selected emoji - Clears the currently selected emoji. This action resets the input to its default state without any selected emoji.
    1. Workflow action.
      Workflow action.

Exposed states

Selected emoji
Displays the emoji that was selected.

Element Events

Emoji selected
Triggered when an emoji is selected from the emoji picker.
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