Imgix image processing

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This amazing plugin will enable you and your users to process any images with a multitude of cool effects using Imgix image processor.
For example, it can adjust the brightness and contrast, apply multiple color effects like blur, sepia, and monochrome, add branding to your images by printing a watermark into any uploaded image, overlay text or detect faces, and much more.

How to Setup

To use this plugin, sign up at to obtain the Imgix Webproxy Source's Domain and secure token. 1. Choose the storage type
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  1. Create an Amazon S3 account (or any other available Cloud Services from the list). Access your AWS account and click on the ā€œManage access keysā€ option.
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  1. Click on it to create the access key.
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  1. You have both the ā€œAccess Key IDā€ and ā€œSecret Access Keyā€, and now you can proceed to create an S3 Bucket and upload images there as well.
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  1. You have all the necessary components to create your source in ImGix and obtain your credentials from there.
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  1. Create your ImGix subdomain, that you will use in the Bubble application after.
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  1. You can find your Imgix Web Proxy Sourceā€™s Domain by going to theĀ Domain section of your source.
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  1. You can find your secure URL token by going to theĀ Security section of your source and clicking on the button that saysĀ Show Token. This will only be available for Sources that have Secure URLs enabled, which will be explained in the following section.
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  1. Insert the ā€œImgix Web Proxy Sourceā€™s Domainā€ and ā€œSecure Tokenā€ in your Bubble app, Plugin tab.
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Plugin element

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Adjustment Options

Adjustment parameters do basic retouching operations similar to those in image-editing applications like AdobeĀ® PhotoshopĀ®. You can use them to fix common issues such as under- or over-exposure, blurriness, and color range, or alter your images artistically.
Adjusts the overall brightness of the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Adjusts the contrast of the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Adjusts the exposure setting for an image, similar to changing the F-stop on a camera.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Adjusts gamma and midtone brightness.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Adjusts the highlight tonal mapping of an image while preserving detail in highlighted areas.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 0. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Changes the hue, or tint, of each pixel in the image.
The value is an angle along a hue color wheel, with the pixel's starting color atĀ 0. Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 359. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Inverts all pixel colors and brightness values within the image, producing a negative of the image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Adjusts the saturation of the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged. A value ofĀ -100Ā will convert the image to grayscale.
Adjusts the shadow tonal mapping of an image while preserving detail in shadowed areas.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Sharpens the image using luminance (which only affects the black and white values), providing crisp detail with minimal color artifacts.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Unsharp Mask
Sharpens the image details using an unsharp mask (a blurred, inverted copy of the image).
Valid values are any floating point number. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged. This parameter should be used in conjunction withĀ Unsharp Mask Radius. For images with general noise, we suggest using theĀ SharpenĀ parameter instead. Unsharp mask and radius are better for thumbnails and fine-tuned sharpening.
Unsharp Mask Radius
Determines how many pixels should be included to enhance the contrast when using theĀ Unsharp MaskĀ parameter.
Valid values are positive numbers, and the default isĀ 2.5. This parameter will have no effect on the image ifĀ Unsharp MaskĀ is not set. For images with general noise, we suggest using theĀ SharpenĀ parameter instead. Unsharp mask and radius are better for thumbnails and fine-tuned sharpening.
Adjusts the color saturation of an image while keeping pleasing skin tones.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
WhenĀ is set, imgix will apply best-effort techniques to reduce the size of the image. This includes altering our normal processing algorithm to apply more aggressive image compression. If the WebP format is not supported, images that contain transparency will be served in a PNG8 format (if supported) and all others will be served as JPEG.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Visual Enhancement
WhenĀ is set, imgix determines whether the image can be served in a better format by a process called automatic content negotiation. It compiles the various signals available to usā€”including headers, user agents, and image analyticsā€”to select the optimal image format for your user. This format is served back and the image is correctly cached.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
File Format
WhenĀ is set, imgix determines whether the image can be served in a better format by a process called automatic content negotiation. It compiles the various signals available to usā€”including headers, user agents, and image analyticsā€”to select the optimal image format for your user. This format is served back and the image is correctly cached.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Remove red eyes
WhenĀ is set, red-eye removal is applied to any detected faces.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Background color
TheĀ Background colorĀ parameter allows you to fill in any transparent areas in your image with a color of your choice.
Hexadecimal color

Blending options

This family of parameters allows you to overlay colors, images, or text on top of your images. You can control the alignment, width, height, cropping, alpha transparency, padding, size, and position of the overlay image separately from the base image.
Blending also gives you multiple blend modes that control the color interactions between the overlay and base images, similar to those in AdobeĀ® PhotoshopĀ®.
Apply Blend
TheĀ BlendĀ parameter allows you to composite a color, text, or another image over your base image using various transformations known as blend modes. It must be set to enable the blend modes and other blending controls.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Blend Image
You can also blend another image over your base image by passing an image URL.
An image.
Blend Color
To blend a solid color over your image, give the color.
Hexadecimal color

Blend align

Adjusts the alignment of the overlay image relative to the base image.
Align to the horizontal center of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the vertical middle of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the left side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the top of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the right side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the bottom of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Blend Alpha
Sets the level of transparency for an overlay image or color.
Valid values are fromĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100Ā whereĀ 0Ā is fully transparent andĀ 100Ā is fully opaque.
Blend Crop Faces
If faces are detected in the overlay layer, attempts to center the crop to them.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No

Blend Crop Position

Controls how the overlay layer is cropped
Crop from the left of the overlay layer, right.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop from the top of the overlay layer, down.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop from the right of the overlay layer, left.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop from the bottom of the overlay layer, up.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Blend Fit
Controls how an overlay image is fit to itsĀ blend widthĀ andĀ blend heightdimensions.
clampĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or distorting the image. The remaining space is filled with extended pixels from the edge of the image.Ā clipĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or distorting the image. The resulting image is assured to match one of the constraining dimensions, while the other dimension is altered to maintain the same aspect ratio of the input image.cropĀ - Resizes the image to fill the width and height boundaries and crops any excess image data. The resulting image will match the width and height constraints without distorting the image.Ā maxĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or distorting the image, but will not increase the size of the image if it is smaller than the output size. The resulting image will maintain the same aspect ratio of the input image.scaleĀ - Scales the image to fit the constraining dimensions exactly. The resulting image will fill the dimensions, and will not maintain the aspect ratio of the input image.
Blend Height
Sets the height of the overlay image.
This operation occurs after your initial image has been resized. Values can range fromĀ 0Ā to the height of the overlay image, and can be larger than the height of the base image if desired. When the value is a positive integer greater thanĀ 1, the value is interpreted as a pixel height. When the value is a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, the value is interpreted as a ratio to the resized base image height.
Blend Width
Sets the width of the overlay image.
This operation occurs after your initial image has been resized. Values can range fromĀ 0Ā to the width of the overlay image, and can be larger than the width of the base image if desired. When the value is a positive integer greater thanĀ 1, the value is interpreted as a pixel width. When the value is a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, the value is interpreted as a ratio to the resized base image width.
Blend Mode
Blend modes determine how the color, image, or text overlay that's set withĀ blendĀ will interact with your base image.
normalĀ - Turns off blending, causing the overlay to be superimposed.Ā darkenĀ - Compares the color value of each overlapping pixel from the two layers, and keeps the darker value.multiplyĀ - Multiplies the color values of each overlapping pixel from the two layers, resulting in a darker composite image. Multiplying with black as the blend color will result in black; multiplying with white will leave the image unchanged.burnĀ - Darkens the image based on the overlay image or color.lightenĀ - Compares the color value of each overlapping pixel from the two layers, and keeps the lighter value.screenĀ - The reverse ofĀ multiplyā€”this parameter multiplies the inverse of the color values of each overlapping pixel from the two layers, lightening the image.dodgeĀ - Brightens the image based on the overlay image or color.overlayĀ - Overlays the blend image or color, while preserving the highlights and shadows. It effectively multiplies or screens, depending on the background color.softlightĀ - Lightens each pixel if the overlay is brighter than 50% grey (similar toĀ dodge), and darkens it if the overlay is darker than 50% grey (similar toĀ burn).hardlightĀ - Lightens each pixel if the overlay is brighter than 50% grey (similar toĀ screen), and darkens it if the overlay is darker than 50% grey (similar toĀ multiply).Ā differenceĀ - Subtracts the value of the pixel on the overlay layer from the value of the underlying pixel on the base layers or vice versa, depending on which is brighter.exclusionĀ - Similar toĀ difference, but with less contrast.Ā colorĀ - Blends the hue and saturation values of the overlay with the luminance of the base layer.hueĀ - Blends the hue value of the overlay with the luminance and saturation of the base layer.saturationĀ - Blends the saturation value of the overlay with the luminance and hue of the base layer.luminosityĀ - Blends the luminance value of the overlay with the hue and saturation of the base layer.
Blend Padding
Sets the number of pixels of padding around the overlay image whenĀ Blend Align is set.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Blend Size
Causes the overlay image to inherit the width, height, fit, and crop type of the base image. This parameter makes it easier to automate working with overlay images, resulting in the use of fewer parameters.
noneĀ orĀ inherit
Blend X Position
Positions the overlay layer horizontally, measured from the left edge of the base image in pixels.
The default value isĀ 0.
Blend Y Position
Positions the overlay layer vertically, measured from the top edge of the base image in pixels.
The default value isĀ 0.

Border & Padding Options

Border Size
Draws a border around the image, in the width defined.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Border Color
Draws a border around the image, in the color defined.
Hexadecimal color

Border Outer Radius

Top Left
Sets the outer radius of the top-left border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Top Right
Sets the outer radius of the top-right border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Bottom Left
Sets the outer radius of the bottom-left border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Bottom Right
Sets the outer radius of the bottom-right border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .

Inner Border Radius

Top Left
Sets the inner radius of the border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Top Right
Sets the inner radius of the border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Bottom Left
Sets the inner radius of the border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Bottom Right
Sets the inner radius of the border, in pixels.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .
Pads the image by the number of pixels specified. Must be a positive integer.
Min valueĀ 0Ā .

Face Detection Options

Face Index
TheĀ Face IndexĀ parameter selects a face on which to center an image
TheĀ Face IndexĀ parameter must be an integer. It can be set to any value fromĀ 1Ā toĀ N, whereĀ NĀ is the total number of detected faces in the image.
Face Padding
TheĀ Face PaddingĀ parameter defines how much padding to allow for each face.
The value ofĀ Face PaddingĀ must be a positive float. The value defines the padding ratio based on the pixel dimensions of the face, up to the limit of the image's dimensions. A larger value yields more padding. The default value isĀ 1.0.

Focal Point Options

Focal point cropping gives you the ability to choose and fine-tune the point of interest of your image for better art direction.
Focal Point Zoom
The zoom or z-dimension value of a focal point of an image.
Must be a float betweenĀ 1Ā andĀ 100, inclusive. The default value isĀ 1, representing the original size of the image.
Focal Point X
The horizontal orĀ xĀ value of the focal point of an image.
Must be a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, inclusive. The default value isĀ 0.5, or the center of the image.
Focal Point Y
The vertical orĀ yĀ value of the focal point of an image.
Must be a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, inclusive. The default value isĀ 0.5, or the center of the image.

Output Format Options

This set of parameters gives you control over the output properties of your image.
Chroma Subsampling
TheĀ Chroma SubsamplingĀ parameter controls the chroma subsampling rate for JPEG and progressive JPEG output formats.Ā How it's work?
Valid values areĀ 444,Ā 422, andĀ 420. The default isĀ 420.
Color Quantization
Limits the number of colors in a picture using color quantization, which reduces the distinct colors in an image while maintaining a visually-similar image.
Valid values range betweenĀ 2Ā ā€“Ā 256.
Color Space
TheĀ Color SpaceĀ parameter specifies the color space of the output image. Changing or removing the color space metadata can help decrease file size, especially for smaller images such as thumbnails where it's a larger percentage of the total file size.
srgbĀ - will set the image to the sRGB color space, which is the Internet standardadobergb1998Ā - refers to the Adobe RGB (1998) color space, which provides accurate color reproduction from screen to printtinysrgbĀ - reduces the color space metadata but may cause a slight shift in color valuesstripĀ - removes it completely for maximum size reduction
Output Format
The output format to convert the image to.
Valid options: Ā avifĀ -Ā The AVIF file format supports lossy and lossless image formats. It does support transparency. Ā gifĀ -Ā GIF is a lossy format. It supports transparency, but only in a very limited capacity (1-bit). It does support animation. Ā jp2Ā -Ā The JPEG 2000 file format is a lossy format. It does support transparency. It does not support animation. Ā jpgĀ -Ā JPEG is a lossy format. It does not support transparency or animation. Ā jsonĀ -Ā This is a data representation, in text, of the specified image's master version. It includes keys and values relating to the source image DPI, height, width, color profiles, color models, bit depth, and more. The output data varies depending on the input filetype.Ā  Ā jxrĀ -Ā The JPEG XR file format is a lossy format, but also supports lossless compression. It supports transparency. It does not support animation. Ā pjpgĀ -Ā The Progressive JPEG file format is a lossy format. It does not support transparency or animation. Ā mp4Ā -Ā MP4 is theĀ more widely supportedĀ of the two video formats imgix offers, and generally offers higher quality than WebM. It will give you smaller file sizes than animated GIF or WebP for animated content, but requires aĀ <video>Ā object and controls as noted above. Ā pngĀ -Ā The PNG file format is a lossless format. It does support transparency. It does not support animation. Ā png8Ā -Ā A variant of the PNG format with 8-bit transparency and palette-based color. Ā png32Ā -Ā The most common PNG variant with 24-bit color and an 8-bit alpha channel. Ā webmĀ -Ā WebM hasĀ less browser supportĀ than MP4, but for Chrome and other supported browsers, it provides the best compression for animated content. It also requires aĀ <video>Ā object and controls. Ā webpĀ -Ā The WebP file format is a lossy image format, but supports lossless compression. It does support transparency. It does support animation. Ā blurhashĀ -Ā This will return a text string that can be used to render a small, blurred placeholder image.
Output Quality
Controls the output quality of lossy file formats (jpg,Ā pjpg,Ā webp, orĀ jxr).
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100Ā and the default isĀ 75. Quality can often be set much lower than the default, especially when serving high-DPR images.

Noise Reduction Options

Minimizes noise in your image, helping to clean up small artifacts.
Noise Blur
Sets the threshold for noise reduction.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā toĀ 100.
Noise Sharpen
Determines the amount of sharpening in pixels above the bound set byĀ Noise Blur, reducing noise in the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ -100Ā toĀ 100.
PDF Page Number
Outputs individual pages or vector assets from PDF or AdobeĀ® IllustratorĀ® files (.ai) as images.
It can be set to any value fromĀ 1Ā toĀ N, whereĀ NĀ is the total number of pages.

Rotation Options

The rotation parameters allow you to change the orientation of your image, by either flipping along its axes or rotating around the center.
Exif Orientation
Changes the cardinal orientation of the image by overriding any Exif orientation metadata.
To override the Exif data, you can set the value either toĀ 1Ā throughĀ 8Ā (following Exif format), or toĀ 90,Ā 180,Ā 270, etc. as degree aliases for the Exif values whereĀ 90Ā =Ā 6,Ā 180Ā =Ā 3, andĀ 270Ā =Ā 8.
Flip Axis
Flips the image horizontally, vertically, or both.
Valid values areĀ hĀ for horizontal,Ā vĀ for vertical, andĀ hvĀ to flip along both axes.
Rotates the image by degrees according to the value specified.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 359, and rotation is counter-clockwise withĀ 0Ā (the default) at the top of the image.

Size Options

Crop Faces
If faces are detected in the image, attempts to center the crop to them. Otherwise, the cropping alignment will default to centered if no additional values are provided.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Left
Crop from the left of the image, right.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Top
Crop from the top of the image, down.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Right
Crop from the right of the image, left.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Bottom
Crop from the bottom of the image, up.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Focal Point
When set in combination with a relative horizontal (Focal Point X), vertical (Focal Point Y), and/or zoom (Focal Point Zoom) value, will center the image on those coordinates and crop from there.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Edges
TheĀ edgesĀ crop automatically finds and crops to an area of interest by performing edge detection, looking for objects within the image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Crop Entropy
TheĀ entropyĀ crop automatically finds and crops to an area of interest by looking for busy sections of the image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Image Height
The height of the output image.
Primary modeĀ is a positive integer, interpreted as pixel height. The resulting image will beĀ hĀ pixels tall.AĀ secondary modeĀ is a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, interpreted as a ratio in relation to the source image size. For example, anĀ hĀ value ofĀ 0.5Ā will result in an output image half the height of the source image.
Image Width
The width of the output image.
Primary modeĀ is a positive integer, interpreted as pixel height. The resulting image will beĀ wĀ pixels wide.AĀ secondary modeĀ is a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, interpreted as a ratio in relation to the source image size. For example, aĀ wĀ value ofĀ 0.5Ā will result in an output image half the width of the source image.
Maximum Height
The maximum allowed height of the output image.
Must be an integer greater thanĀ 0.Ā  This parameter willĀ only workĀ ifĀ Resize Fit ModeĀ isĀ crop.
Minimum Height
The minimum allowed height of the output image.
Must be an integer greater thanĀ 0.Ā  This parameter willĀ only workĀ ifĀ Resize Fit ModeĀ isĀ crop.
Maximum Width
The maximum allowed width of the output image.
Must be an integer greater thanĀ 0.Ā  This parameter willĀ only workĀ ifĀ Resize Fit ModeĀ isĀ crop.
Minimum Width
The minimum allowed width of the output image.
Must be an integer greater thanĀ 0.Ā  This parameter willĀ only workĀ ifĀ Resize Fit ModeĀ isĀ crop.
Resize Fit Mode
TheĀ Resize Fit ModeĀ parameter controls how the output image is fit to its target dimensions after resizing, and how any background areas will be filled.
Valid values are: Ā clampĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height dimensions without cropping or distorting the image, and the remaining space is filled with extended pixels from the edge of the image. Ā clipĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or distorting the image.Ā  Ā cropĀ - Resizes the image to fill the width and height dimensions and crops any excess image data.Ā  Ā faceareaĀ - Finds the area containing all faces, or a specific face in an image, and scales it to specified width and height dimensions. Can be used in conjunction withĀ Face IndexĀ to identify a specific face, as well asĀ Face PaddingĀ to include additional padded area around the face to zoom out from the immediate area around the faces. Ā fillĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the requested width and height dimensions while preserving the original aspect ratio and without discarding any original image data. Excess space is filled with a solid color or blurred version of the image. The resulting image exactly matches the requested dimensions. fillmaxĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the requested width and height dimensions while preserving the original aspect ratio and without discarding any original image data. If the requested width or height exceeds that of the original, the original image remains the same size. The excess space is filled with a solid color or blurred version of the image. The resulting image exactly matches the requested dimensions. Ā maxĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height dimensions without cropping or distorting the image, but will not increase the size of the image if it is smaller than the output size. The resulting image will maintain the same aspect ratio of the input image. Ā minĀ - Resizes and crops the image to match the aspect ratio of the requested width and height. Will not exceed the original width and height of the image. Ā scaleĀ - Scales the image to fit the constraining dimensions exactly. The resulting image will fill the dimensions, and will not maintain the aspect ratio of the input image.

Stylize Options

Gaussian Blur
Applies aĀ Gaussian style blurĀ to your image, smoothing out image noise.
Valid values are in the range fromĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 2000. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Applies aĀ half-toning effectĀ to the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged. The value represents the width of the halftone dots.
Applies an overall monochromatic hue change.
Hexadecimal color
Applies a square pixellation effect to the image.
Valid values are in the rangeĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.
Sepia Tone
Applies a sepia-toning effect to the image.
Valid values are in the range fromĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100. The default value isĀ 0, which leaves the image unchanged.

Trim Options

This set of parameters enables you to remove uniform border colors from your image, effectively cropping it.
Trims the image to remove a uniform border around the image.
ā€¢ When theĀ trimĀ parameter is set toĀ auto, the image is trimmed automatically based on the border color.Ā  ā€¢ When theĀ trimĀ parameter is set toĀ color, the image will trim away the color specified byĀ Trim Color
Trim Color
TheĀ trim-colorĀ parameter defines which color to trim whenĀ TrimĀ isĀ color.
6-digit hex color

Text Options

The text string to overlay on the image. This value must be supplied for text to be renderedā€”all other text parameters are ignored if it isn't set. Using theĀ txtĀ parameter is best for single-line text.
imgix has full support for UTF-8 characters, and will appropriately render non-Latin character sets and emoji. This means that you can easily pipe in localized text to a base image instead of creating a different Origin Image for each language you want to support.

Text Align

Align to the left side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the horizontal center of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the right side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the top of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the vertical middle of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the bottom of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No

Text Clipping Options

Sets the region of the string that will be clipped if the string extends beyond the defined width of the text.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Sets the region of the string that will be clipped if the string extends beyond the defined width of the text.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Sets the region of the string that will be clipped if the string extends beyond the defined width of the text.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Add Ellipsis
TheĀ ellipsisĀ input adds an ellipsis on the region where the text is clipped, and can be combined with one of the other values
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Text Color
Sets the color of the text.
Hexadecimal color
Text Fit Mode
Enables a fit mode for the text.
noneĀ - With no fit mode, the text will be clipped if it exceeds the contraints of the text bounds.Ā maxĀ - WithĀ max, the text will be scaled down to fit within the bounds rather than clipping the text contents.
Text Font Family
Defines the typeface and style to set the text in.
The value may be either a CSS-style category, or an explicit font name. The possible CSS names areĀ serif,Ā sans-serif,Ā monospace,Ā cursive,Ā fantasy. For an explicit typeface, use the name instead.
Text Font Size
Sets the font size of the text, in pixels.
The value must be a number greater thanĀ 0.
Text Ligatures
Enables support for ligatures in the text, if the selected font supports them.
ā€¢ A value ofĀ 0Ā enables typographically-required ligatures present in non-English languages. ā€¢ A value ofĀ 1Ā enables common ligatures in the selected typeface. ā€¢ A value ofĀ 2Ā enables all of the ligatures that are available in the selected typeface.
Text Outline
Sets the width of the outline to draw around the text.
By default, this value isĀ 0, which draws no outline. If defined, the outline is drawn inside the edges of the text.
Text Outline Color
Sets the color of the outline to draw around the text.
Hexadecimal color
Text Padding
The amount of spacing (in pixels) to add around the text.
The default isĀ 10.
Text Shadow
A number indicating the strength of a shadow to place on the text.
The default is no shadow, and the range is fromĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 10.
Text Width
The width (in pixels) to restrict the width of the text to.
The default value is calculated by the width of the output image, minus any padding on the left and right. Positive integer

Typesetting Endpoint Options

Multiline Text
Enable Multiline Text
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Text Leading
Controls the leading (or line spacing) in a multi-line text image output.
The default isĀ 0, which corresponds to approximately 120% line height. Negative values are not allowed.
Text Tracking
Controls the tracking (or letter spacing) in a text image output
Default isĀ 0, and negative values are allowed.

Watermark Options

Mark Image URL
Adds a watermark to the bottom right-hand corner of the image.

Mark Alignment Options

Align to the top of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the vertical middle of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the bottom of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the left side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the horizontal center of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Align to the right side of the base image.
Valid values areĀ falseĀ andĀ true.
Yes or No
Mark Alpha
Adjusts the alpha transparency of the watermark image.
Valid values are integers betweenĀ 0Ā andĀ 100, inclusive.Ā 100Ā is fully opaque, andĀ 0Ā is fully transparent. The default value isĀ 100.
Mark Base URL
Sets the base URL forĀ markĀ when creating your Source in theĀ Dashboard.
Whatever you enter as the value forĀ mark-baseĀ will be prepended to the URL value ofĀ mark. To simplify URLs across your entire image catalog or obscure your fullĀ markĀ URL from users, useĀ mark-baseĀ as a default parameter.
Mark Fit Mode
Controls how the watermark image is fitted to its target dimensions.
clipĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or scaling the image. The resulting image is assured to match one of the constraining dimensions, while the other dimension is altered to maintain the same aspect ratio of the input image.cropĀ - Resizes the image to fill the width and height boundaries and crops any excess image data. The resulting image will match the width and height constraints without scaling the image. Both theĀ Mark WidthĀ andĀ Mark HeightĀ parameters are required for this parameter.maxĀ - Resizes the image to fit within the width and height boundaries without cropping or scaling the image, but will not increase the size of the image if it is smaller than the output size. The resulting image will maintain the same aspect ratio of the input image.scaleĀ - Scales the image to fit the constraining dimensions exactly.
Mark Height
Specifies the watermark height.
This number can either be a positive integer or a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, inclusive.
Mark Width
Specifies the watermark width.
This number can either be a positive integer or a float betweenĀ 0.0Ā andĀ 1.0, inclusive.
Mark Padding
Sets the number of pixels of padding between the watermark and the edge of the image.
Value must be an integer.
Mark Scale
Scales the watermark to a percentage of the base image's width dimension
Valid values are betweenĀ 0Ā ā€“Ā 100.
Mark X Position
Defines the x-position of the watermark in relation to the left-most edge of the base image.
The value can be a positive or negative integer. If the value is negative, the image will be partially outside the base image boundary.
Mark Y Position
Defines the y-position of the watermark in relation to the top-most edge of the base image.
The value can be a positive or negative integer. If the value is negative, the image will be partially outside the base image boundary.


Create multi-line text blocks

Image without caption
Image without caption
Image without caption
The text that will be on the final image
Align Top
Align to the top of the base image.
Align middle
Align to the vertical middle of the base image.
Align bottom
Align to the bottom of the base image.
Align left
Align to the left side of the base image.
Align centre
Align to the horizontal centre of the base image.
Align right
Align to the right side of the base image.
Text colour
Sets the colour of the text.
"Max" Fit Mode
If it is "No" the text will be clipped if it exceeds the constraints of the text bounds. If it is "Yes" the text will be scaled down to fit within the bounds rather than clipping the text contents.
Text font
Defines the typeface and style to set the text in.
Text ligatures
Enables support for ligatures in the text, if the selected font supports them. A value of 0 enables typographically-required ligatures present in non-English languages. A value of 1 enables common ligatures in the selected typeface. A value of 2 enables all of the ligatures that are available in the selected typeface.
Text outline
Sets the width of the outline to draw around the text.
Text outline colour
Sets the colour of the outline to draw around the text if the txt-line is set.
Text padding
The amount of spacing (in pixels) to add around the text.
Text shadow
A number indicating the strength of a shadow to place on the text. The default is no shadow, and the range is from 0 ā€“ 10.
Text tracking
Controls the tracking (or letter spacing). The default is 0, and negative values are allowed.
Text leading
Controls the leading (or line spacing). The default is 0, which corresponds to approximately 120% line height. Negative values are not allowed.
The width of the output image.
The height of the output image.
Background colour
Allows you to fill in any transparent areas in your image with a colour of your choice.
Output format
The output format to convert the image to.
Return Bubble URL
If "Yes" the image will be saved to bubble storage and will be returned URL to S3, else if is "No" will be returned URL to imgix

Exposed states

Processed Image
Return URL to processed by imgix image
Multi-line text image
Return URL to image with text


Update: 10/17/2022 ā€“ Version 1.10.0

  • Added ā€œauto processing imageā€ optionĀ  and multi-upload feature

Update: 10/26/2022 ā€“ Version 1.11.0

  • Fixed the ā€œauto processing imageā€ option

Update: 01/09/2023 - Version 1.12.0

  • Removed watermark element, added show docs, fixed issues

Update: 02/21/2023 - Version 1.13.0

  • Updated the description

Update: 02/23/2023 - Version 1.14.0

  • Deleted the icons

Update: 06/16/2023 - Version 1.15.0

  • Updated the description

Update: 07/10/2023 - Version 1.16.0

  • Updated the description

Update: 09/12/2023 - Version 1.20.0

  • Updated library

Update: 09/02/2024 - Version 1.28.0

  • Added field "Add HTTP", states "blob_image" and "blob_multi_line_text_image

Update 28/02/24 - Version 1.29.0

  • Minor fixes
Image without caption