Progress Bar Detection

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Enhance the Bubble app’s user experience with our no-code plugin. Easy to integrate and provides an improved control experience for users, displaying ongoing actions while they wait.
This plugin changes its state when the progress bar is initiated in your app. Simply place the element on the page to activate it; it can be hidden if desired.
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How to setup

  1. Add the "Progress Bar Detector" Element to Your Pag
      • In the Visual Elements panel, locate the Progress Bar Detector.
      • Drag this element onto your page. It will act as a sensor to detect the progress state.
        • Element properties → Progress Bar Detector.
          Element properties → Progress Bar Detector.
  1. Configure the Plugin Events
    1. The plugin provides two main events that can be used in workflows to trigger actions when the monitored progress changes.
      Event: "A Progress Bar Detector In Progress"
      Workflow event → A Progress Bar Detector In Progress.
      Workflow event → A Progress Bar Detector In Progress.
      This event is triggered whenever the progress bar is actively progressing.
      • Example use cases:
        • Display a spinner or a loading message.
        • Disable buttons or prevent user actions until the loading is complete.
      Event: "A Progress Bar Detector Not In Progress"
      Workflow event → A Progress Bar Detector Not In Progress.
      Workflow event → A Progress Bar Detector Not In Progress.
      This event is triggered when the progress stops or is completed.
      • Example use cases:
        • Hide the loading message or spinner.
        • Re-enable a button so users can proceed.

Plugin Element Properties

Progress bar detector

Element properties → Progress bar detector.
Element properties → Progress bar detector.

Exposed states

In progress
Progress bar in on the page
Checkbox (yes/no)

Element Events

not in progress
progress bar disappeared from page
in progress
progress bar appeared on page
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