Demo to preview the plugin:
Live Demo: https://heliumapi.bubbleapps.io
This plugin offers a streamlined, efficient solution for accessing blockchain data on the Solana network.
Plugin Data Calls
Get Latest Blockhash
Returns the latest blockhash
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options:
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized,
✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards.
✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value blockhash": "text", "body value lastValidBlockHeight": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Minimum Balance For Rent Exemption
Returns minimum balance required to make account rent exempt.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Usize | The Account’s data length | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Balance
Returns the lamport balance of the account of provided Pubkey
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized,
✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards.
✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at | Text |
Public_key | Pubkey of account to query, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": "number", "body id": "text", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Program Accounts
Returns all accounts owned by the provided program Pubkey
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Pubkey | Pubkey of program, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
MinContextSlot | Optional, write one space symbol or change number values. The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at | Text |
Encoding | Encoding format for the returned Account data, Values: jsonParsed, base58, base64, base64+zstd | Text |
Filtres | Optional, leave blank or change the example. filter results using up to 4 filter objects | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": { "account": "text", "account executable": "yes/no", "account lamports": "number", "account owner": "text", "account rentEpoch": "number", "account space": "number", "pubkey": "text" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Signatures For Address
Returns signatures for confirmed transactions that include the given address in their
list. Returns signatures backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed blockName | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Account_address | Account address as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Limit | Optional, write one space symbol or change number values. | Text |
Before | Optional, write one space symbol or change value in the second brackets. start searching backwards from this transaction signature. If not provided the search starts from the top of the highest max confirmed block. | Text |
Until | Optional, write one space symbol or change value in the second brackets. , Search until this transaction signature, if found before limit reached | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": { "err": "text", "memo": "text", "signature": "text", "slot": "number", "blockTime": "number" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Transaction
Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Transaction | Transaction signature, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Encoding | Encoding format for the returned Account data, Values: jsonParsed, base58, base64, base64+zstd | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body blockTime": "number", "body meta computeUnitsConsumed": "number", "body meta err": "text", "body meta fee": "number", "body meta logMessages": "undefined", "body meta postBalances": "undefined", "body meta preBalances": "undefined", "body meta preTokenBalances": { "accountIndex": "number", "mint": "text", "owner": "text", "programId": "text", "uiTokenAmount amount": "text", "uiTokenAmount decimals": "number", "uiTokenAmount uiAmount": "number", "uiTokenAmount uiAmountString": "text" }, "body meta status Ok": "text", "body slot": "number", "body transaction message accountKeys": { "pubkey": "text", "signer": "yes/no", "source": "text", "writable": "yes/no" }, "body transaction message instructions": { "data": "text", "programId": "text", "stackHeight": "text", "parsed info account": "text", "parsed info amount": "text", "parsed info authority": "text", "parsed info mint": "text", "parsed info destination": "text", "parsed info owner": "text", "parsed info lamports": "number", "parsed info source": "text", "parsed type": "text", "program": "text" }, "body transaction message recentBlockhash": "text", "body transaction signatures": "undefined", "body version": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Account Info
Returns all information associated with the account of provided Pubkey
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Pubkey | Pubkey of account to query, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Encoding | Values: base58, base64, base64+zstd, jsonParsed | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": "undefined", "body value executable": "yes/no", "body value lamports": "number", "body value owner": "text", "body value rentEpoch": "number", "body value space": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Block
Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
U64 | Slot number, as u64 integer | Text |
TransactionDetails | Level of transaction detail to return, Values: full, accounts, signature, snone | Text |
Encoding | Values: base58, base64, base64+zstd, jsonParsed | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized,
✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards.
✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
MaxSupportedTransactionVersion | The max transaction version to return in responses. | Text |
Rewards | Whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards. Values: false, true | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body blockHeight": "number", "body blockTime": "number", "body blockhash": "text", "body parentSlot": "number", "body previousBlockhash": "text", "body transactions": { "meta": "text", "transaction message accountKeys": { "pubkey": "text", "signer": "yes/no", "source": "text", "writable": "yes/no" }, "transaction message instructions": { "parsed info clockSysvar": "text", "parsed info slotHashesSysvar": "text", "parsed info vote hash": "text", "parsed info vote slots": "undefined", "parsed info vote timestamp": "number", "parsed info voteAccount": "text", "parsed info voteAuthority": "text", "parsed type": "text", "program": "text", "programId": "text", "stackHeight": "text" }, "transaction message recentBlockhash": "text", "transaction signatures": "undefined" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no", "headers content-type": "text", "headers date": "text", "headers x-rpc-node": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-tier": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-method-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-method-remaining": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-rps-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-rps-remaining": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-endpoint-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-endpoint-remaining": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-conn-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-conn-remaining": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-connrate-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-connrate-remaining": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-pubsub-limit": "text", "headers x-ratelimit-pubsub-remaining": "text", "headers access-control-allow-origin": "text", "headers access-control-allow-methods": "text", "headers access-control-allow-headers": "text", "headers access-control-max-age": "text", "headers allow": "text", "headers transfer-encoding": "text", "headers vary": "text", "headers content-encoding": "text" }
Get Block Commitment
Returns commitment for particular block
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
U64 | Block number, identified by Slot | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body commitment": "undefined", "body totalStake": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Block Height
Returns the current block height of the node
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Block Time
Returns the estimated production time of a block.
Each validator reports their UTC time to the ledger on a regular interval by intermittently adding a timestamp to a Vote for a particular block. A requested block's time is calculated from the stake-weighted mean of the Vote timestamps in a set of recent blocks recorded on the ledger.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
U64 | Block number, identified by Slot | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body": "number", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Blocks
Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
U64_and_u64_limit | One or two Numbers separated by comma. start_slot, as u64 integer, as u64 integer (must be no more than 500,000 blocks higher than the start_slot) | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "undefined", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Blocks With Limit
Returns a list of confirmed blocks starting at the given slot
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
U64_and_u64_limit | One or two Numbers separated by comma. u64 = start_slot, as u64 integer, u64_limit = as u64 integer (must be no more than 500,000 blocks higher than the start_slot) | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "undefined", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Cluster Nodes
Returns information about all the nodes participating in the cluster
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Epoch Info
Returns information about the current epoch
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body absoluteSlot": "number", "body blockHeight": "number", "body epoch": "number", "body slotIndex": "number", "body slotsInEpoch": "number", "body transactionCount": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Epoch Schedule
Returns the epoch schedule information from this cluster's genesis config
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body firstNormalEpoch": "number", "body firstNormalSlot": "number", "body leaderScheduleSlotOffset": "number", "body slotsPerEpoch": "number", "body warmup": "yes/no", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Fee For Message
Get the fee the network will charge for a particular Message
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Message | Base-64 encoded Message | Text |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get First Available Block
Returns the slot of the lowest confirmed block that has not been purged from the ledger
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Genesis Hash
Returns the genesis hash
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Health
Returns the current health of the node. A healthy node is one that is within
slots of the latest cluster confirmed slot.Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body error numSlotsBehind": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Highest Snapshot Slot
Returns the highest slot information that the node has snapshots for.
This will find the highest full snapshot slot, and the highest incremental snapshot slot based on the full snapshot slot, if there is one.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body full": "number", "body incremental": "number", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Inflation Governor
Returns the current inflation governor
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body foundation": "number", "body foundationTerm": "number", "body initial": "number", "body taper": "number", "body terminal": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Multiple Accounts
Returns the account information for a list of Pubkeys.
Name | Description | Type | |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text | |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text | |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text | |
Accounts | An array of Pubkeys to query, as base-58 encoded strings (up to a maximum of 100) | Text | |
Encoding | Encoding format for the returned Account data, Values: jsonParsed, base58b, ase64, base64+zstd | Text | |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Signature Statuses
Returns the statuses of a list of signatures. Each signature must be a txid, the first signature of a transaction
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Transaction | An array of transaction signatures to confirm, as base-58 encoded strings (up to a maximum of 256) | Text |
SearchTransactionHistory | If true - a Solana node will search its ledger cache for any signatures not found in the recent status cache | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": { "slot": "number", "confirmations": "text", "err": "text", "status Ok": "text", "confirmationStatus": "text" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Slot
Returns the slot that has reached the given or default commitment level
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Slot Leader
Returns the current slot leader
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
MinContextSlot | The minimum slot that the request can be evaluated at | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Slot Leaders
Returns the slot leaders for a given slot range
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Start_slot | Start slot, as u64 integer. | Text |
Limit | Limit, as u64 integer (between 1 and 5,000) | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body": "undefined", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body id": "text", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Supply
Returns information about the current supply.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
ExcludeNonCirculatingAccountsList | Exclude non circulating accounts list from response | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context apiVersion": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value circulating": "number", "body value nonCirculating": "number", "body value nonCirculatingAccounts": "undefined", "body value total": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Token Account Balance
Returns the token balance of an SPL Token account.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Pubkey | Pubkey of Token account to query, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value amount": "text", "body value decimals": "number", "body value uiAmount": "number", "body value uiAmountString": "text", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Token Accounts By Owner
Returns all SPL Token accounts by token owner.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Pubkey | Pubkey of Token account to query, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Mint | Pubkey of the specific token Mint to limit accounts to, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": { "account program": "text", "account parsed accountType": "text", "account parsed info tokenAmount amount": "text", "account parsed info tokenAmount decimals": "number", "account parsed info tokenAmount uiAmount": "number", "account parsed info tokenAmount uiAmountString": "text", "account parsed info delegate": "text", "account parsed info delegatedAmount amount": "text", "account parsed info delegatedAmount decimals": "number", "account parsed info delegatedAmount uiAmount": "number", "account parsed info delegatedAmount uiAmountString": "text", "account parsed info state": "text", "account parsed info isNative": "yes/no", "account parsed info mint": "text", "account parsed info owner": "text", "account parsed type": "text", "account space": "number", "account executable": "yes/no", "account lamports": "number", "account owner": "text", "account rentEpoch": "number", "pubkey": "text" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Token Largest Accounts
Returns the 20 largest accounts of a particular SPL Token type.
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Pubkey | Pubkey of Token account to query, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Mint | Pubkey of the specific token Mint to limit accounts to, as base-58 encoded string | Text |
Commitment | ✦ finalized - the node will query the most recent block confirmed by supermajority of the cluster as having reached maximum lockout, meaning the cluster has recognized this block as finalized, ✦ confirmed - the node will query the most recent block that has been voted on by supermajority of the cluster. It incorporates votes from gossip and replay. It does not count votes on descendants of a block, only direct votes on that block. This confirmation level also upholds “optimistic confirmation” guarantees in release 1.3 and onwards. ✦ processed - the node will query its most recent block. Note that the block may still be skipped by the cluster. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body context slot": "number", "body value": { "address": "text", "amount": "text", "decimals": "number", "uiAmount": "number", "uiAmountString": "text" }, "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Get Transaction Count
Returns the current Transaction count from the ledger
Name | Description | Type |
Https | Available values: http or https. | Text |
Cluster | Available options: ,
✦ testnet
✦ devnet
✦ mainnet-beta
✦ Mainnet Beta - the “production” network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.
✦ Testnet - used for stress testing recent releases. Focused on network performance, stability, and validator behavior.
✦ Devnet - the primary network for development. Most closely resembles Mainnet Beta, but tokens are not real. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "body jsonrpc": "text", "body error code": "number", "body error message": "text", "body": "number", "body id": "number", "error status_code": "number", "error status_message": "text", "error body": "text", "returned_an_error": "yes/no" }
Update 20.07.24 - Version 1.21.0
- Minor update.
Update 24.06.24 - Version 1.20.0
- Updated demo/service links.
Update 06.06.24 - Version 1.19.0
- Minor update.
Update 27.03.24 - Version 1.18.0
- Moved to Solana blockchain API.
Update 18.10.23 - Version 1.17.0
- Updated description.
Update 15.09.23 - Version 1.16.0
- updated description.
Update 12.09.23 - Version 1.15.0
- minor updates.
Update 06.09.23 - Version 1.14.0
- Obfuscation.
Update 11.07.23 - Version 1.13.0
- updated description.
Update 23.06.23 - Version 1.12.0
- updated the description.
Update 19.06.23 - Version 1.11.0
- Updated the description .
Update 03.04.23 - Version 1.10.0
- updated the description.
Update 23.02.23 - Version 1.9.0
- deleted the icons.
Update 22.02.23 - Version 1.8.0
- updated the description.
Update 31.01.23 - Version 1.7.0
- Updated service link.
Update 23.12.21 - Version 1.6.0
- added common part.
Update 26.07.21 - Version 1.5.0
- Updated icon.
Update 29.06.21 - Version 1.4.0
- updated info.
Update 28.06.21 - Version 1.3.0
- Updated links.
Update 14.06.21 - Version 1.2.0
- Small fixes.
Update 02.06.21 - Version 1.1.0
- update service url link.
Update 02.06.21 - Version 1.0.0
- .