JSON Creator (Frontend & Backend) Plugin

Demo to preview the settings


Monitor and manage JSON data directly within your Bubble app. Real-time JSON creation and manipulation for seamless data handling. JSON Creator #data #json Plugin allows effortless integration and manipulation of JSON data, enhancing user experience by enabling dynamic and structured data management within your application.
Use the JSON Creator element to generate and edit JSON data effortlessly. The plugin actions and states return essential information such as the current JSON structure, allowing for real-time updates and changes. On JSON data change, the plugin can trigger workflows, enabling dynamic responses and interactions within your application.
The plugin also provides states that reflect the current JSON structure and content, ensuring users can always manage and utilize structured data efficiently. Implement workflows based on JSON data conditions, improving app functionality and user engagement by responding to data-driven events.

How to setup

  1. Install plugin JSON Creator (Frontend & Backend) Plugin
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  1. Use the JSON Creator actions in the workflow page
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Plugin Element Actions

1) 🛠️ Create Object

2) 🛠️ Append To Array

3) 🛠️ Create Empty Object

4) 🛠️ Create Empty Array

5) 🛠️ Array From List

6)🛠️ Append Object

7)🛠️ Objects From List

8) 🛠️ Text To Key

9) 🛠️ Text To Keys

10)🛠️ Append Array From List

11)🛠️ Remove from Array


Update 28.06.24 Version 1.5.0

  • New Remove from array action

Update 13.06.24 Version 1.4.0

  • Updated demo/service links

Update 24.02.24 Version 1.3.0

  • Updated description

Update 08.02.24 Version 1.2.0

  • Minor updates

Update 07.02.24 Version 1.1.0

  • Updated description

Update 14.11.23 Version 1.0.1

  • Update v4

Update 26.01.23 Version 1.0.0

  • First deploy to marketplace

Update 22.09.22 Version 0.0.5

  • Fixed array from list

Update 22.09.22 Version 0.0.4

  • Fixed array from list

Update 22.09.22 Version 0.0.3

  • Add append array from list

Update 10.09.22 Version 0.0.2

  • Fixed array bug

Update 10.09.22 Version 0.0.1

  • V1 (Private)