Drag & Drop to Reorder RG

Demo to preview the settings


This plugin allows you to easily embed a repeating group where cells can be sorted by dragging and dropping in a swap and handle modes.
Cells can be moved both within a single repeating group as well as between 2 different repeating groups with changes saved in the Bubble database. Smooth CSS animation makes your UI friendly and nicer.


  • Moving items between 2 databases. Drag a cell from one RG into another RG, and the database will be changed accordingly.
  • Deleting items when dragging outside the RG area. It's possible to enable/disable deleting via plugin action
  • Sorting. Reorder the RG, and the order will be reflected into another RG automatically
  • Supports both list and grid style layouts.
  • Swap mode
  • Drag Handle mode
  • 6 animation styles
  • Highlighting the dragged cell and drop area
  • Animation speed of dropping items in a group
  • Supports touch devices.

How To Setup

Place repeating group on the page
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Set it ID Attribute
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Place plugin element to the page and set RG id in the first field
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Note: For work with database you need to check if data type privacy allows creating and modify via API (see in: Base -> Privacy -> Your data type -> Define a new rule) and in the app settings, is enabled Data API (see in: Settings -> API -> check Enable Data API -> check Your data type). https://bubble.io/reference#API.get_api

Plugin Element Proprieties

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Element Fields

Repeating Group ID
The ID of the repeating group
Enable sort in a repeating group. Sorting allows drag-n-drop between items
Animation Time (ms)
Animation time of dropping the item in the group
Enable swaps of elements
The ID of the handle element. Handler, which is an area of every list element that allows it to be dragged around
Type of easing
Background Color of the draggable element
Background Color of the draggable element
Background color of ghost element
Ghost element remaining on the initial position while is not dragged to another location
Background color of the new position of the dragged element
The background color of the new position of the dragged element
Group Name
Then is indicated allow dragging between RG with the same group name
Title of table
Title of the table from database which represents items in the list
List of unique_id of items in RG
List of text
Sort data
List of sort field of items in RG
List of numbers
Enable Deleting
Then is checked, will cause the dragged item to be removed from the base
Enable empty area
When the RG is empty shows an area to make it easier to transfer items to an empty RG
Height of the empty area
Height of displayed empty area in pixels
Background color
The background color of the empty area
Border style
The border style of the empty area
Border color
The border color of the empty area
Border width
The border width of the empty area in pixels
Text color
Color of the text in the empty area
Element text
Inner text of the empty area

Element Actions

Toggle sortable

  • Enable or disable drag-n-drop in RG
Enable or disable drag-n-drop in RG

Refresh RG

  • It Redraws the RG
Sync of sorting with DB
Sort type
The type of data to be synchronized with
App Type
Sort data source
The data field to be synchronized with
Field of Data Type
Sort ID
IDs of synchronization objects
Sort order
A field with values for sorting the database

Element Events

Out Of Container
Is triggered when an element is dropped out of the container
Dropped In Another Group
Is triggered when an element is dropped in another group
Delete Success
Is triggered when an element is deleted from the database
Delete Fail
Is triggered when an attempt to delete an element from the database fails
Item moved
Is triggered when an element is moved inside of the RG

Element States

Plugin Message
Returns the status of deleting an item
Item unique_id
Returns item unique_id
From Table
Returns title of the table from where to get an item
To Table
Returns title of the table from where to put an item
Is Enable
Returns information if the element is enabled
New Sort Of Item
Returns new value for sort field of an item
Cell's New Position
Returns new position value of an item
Cell's Old Position
Returns old position value of an item

Plugin Actions

Move in Base

This action move item between database tables via API call.
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Action fields
Title of your data table from where an item will be copied
Title of your data table to where an item will be copied
Item's unique_id
Delete Item From Table
If checked, the item will be deleted from the initial table
New index of the element
Position of the element in the new data table
Previous element sort
Sort value of the previous element in the new table
Next element sort
Sort value of the next element in the new table
Title of the sort field
Title of sort field in data
Example of tables
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Note: In Firefox, the handle doesn't work on the icon. In order to avoid problems, you need to overlap the icon with a group and use the ID of this group as a handle.
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Examples of plugin settings

Moving Between Databases

Use the plugin element to move between two databases.
  1. Add two Repeating groups and each group has its own plugin element.
  1. Configure each plugin element for each Repeating group. In field ‘Repeating Group ID’, specify the ID for each Repeating group, in field ‘Title of table’, specify the name of the database of each Repeating group, in field ‘Things’, specify the data source of each Repeating group.
    1. Image without caption
  1. Using event ‘Dropped In Another Group’ and the plugin states for each element, configure the workflow for obtaining the desired movable database object.
  1. Run action ‘Move in Base’ to move objects from one database to another.
    1. Image without caption

Swap or Handle Elements

If you need to drag the cells of a repeating group by interacting with a separate element in the cell, use field ‘Handle’, which specifies the ID of the individual element.
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Sorting Mode

Use case 1. Instant saving to the database.

  1. Configure plugin element.
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  1. Use the database field to sort Repeating groups.
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  1. When moving items, use event ‘Item moved’ to record new sorting values in the database.
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  1. Update a Repeating group using action ‘Refresh RG’.

Use case 2. Saving to the database with action.

  1. Use steps 1 and 2 from the previous use case.
  1. Synchronize the changes made when dragging items with sorting in the database at the right moment using action ‘Sync of sorting with DB’ (for example, starting the action with a separate button or when loading a page).
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  1. Update a Repeating group using action ‘Refresh RG’.


Update: 21/08/21 - Version 1.3.0

  • Added the ability to set the value of the sorting field while moving between bases.

Update: 12/04/22 - Version 1.6.0

  • Fixed reading the order from the database

Update: 13/05/22 - Version 1.7.0

  • Fixed "reorder RG" action

Update: 13/05/22 - Version 1.8.0

  • Increased reorder speed loading

Update 17.11.22 - Version 1.9.0

  • minor fixes

Update: 8/12/2022 - Version 1.10.0

  • minor fixes

Update: 15/12/2022 - Version 1.11.0

  • Added possibility to change the source dynamically

Update: 03/01/2023 - Version 1.12.0

  • Minor fixes

Update: 20/01/2023 - Version 1.13.0

  • Added "Cell's Old Position" state

Update: 27/01/2023 - Version 1.16.0

  • fixed dynamic change data source

Update: 16/02/2023 - Version 1.19.0

  • upgraded plugin to the new responsive engine

Update: 02/03/2023 - Version 1.20.0

  • minor fixes

Update: 21/03/2023 - Version 1.21.0

  • fixed “Refresh RG” action and Swap mode, added “Cell’s Old Position”, and “Swap Item Unique ID” states.

Update: 12/09/2023 - Version 1.24.0

  • minor updates

Update: 25/10/2023 - Version 1.27.0

  • fixed sorting mode

Update 10/11/2023 - Version - 1.28.0

  • Added fields "Delay on touch only", "Delay time (ms)"

Update 28/11/23 - Version 1.29.0

  • Added field 'Increase delayed element'

Update 31/01/24 - Version 1.30.0

  • Added 'Add to another group' event.

Update 15.02.24 - Version 1.31.0.

  • Fixed console errors.

Update 10.06.24 - Version 1.32.0.

  • Updated demo/service links

Update 19.06.24 - Version 1.34.0.

  • Added new functionality of database sorting mode and the action "Sync of sorting with DB"