Ripple Effect for Buttons

Demo to preview the plugin:


Are you wondering how to add ripple effects to your Bubble app? Enhance your page’s user experience with the Zeroqode plugin that allows you to add ripple effects to any element.
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How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab.
      App Settings → General Tab.
  1. Add the Ripple Effect Element
      • In the Design tab, drag and drop the Ripple Effect element onto the page.
      • The element itself won’t be visible but will be responsible for triggering the effect.
        • Element → Ripple Effect.
          Element → Ripple Effect.
  1. Assign an ID Attribute to the Target Element
    1. Since the plugin works by applying the effect to specific elements, you need to assign an ID Attribute to the element where you want the ripple effect to appear.
      • Select the target element (e.g., a button or a group).
      • In the Property Editor, scroll down to ID Attribute.
      • Enter a unique ID (e.g., button).
        • Element → Button → ID Attribute.
          Element → Button → ID Attribute.
  1. Trigger the Ripple Effect in a Workflow
    1. To activate the ripple effect on the element:
      • Go to the Workflow tab.
      • Add the action Retrigger Ripple Setup A Ripple Effect.
        • Workflow action → Retrigger Ripple.
          Workflow action → Retrigger Ripple.

Plugin Element Properties

Ripple Effect

Element properties → Ripple Effect.
Element properties → Ripple Effect.
You can provide ID’s by using #, or you can replace the # with a period to specify a class. If an element starts out as hidden remember to run the action “Retrigger Ripple Setup” on becoming visable.
Element #IDs
Element #IDs

Element Actions

  1. Retrigger Ripple Setup - Retrigger Ripple Setup
    1. Workflow action → Retrigger Ripple Setup.
      Workflow action → Retrigger Ripple Setup.
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