Move and Resize Bubble Elements

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Use Move and Resize Bubble Elements plugin to move or resize any Bubble element by specifying the number of pixels for movement or resizing, as well as the desired transition speed.
Please note that this may affect the responsive behavior of the elements.
The plugin offers the following features: 1. Move element to the right 2. Move element to the left 3. Move element up 4. Move element down 5. Change element’s width 6. Change element’s height
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How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab.
      App Settings → General Tab.
  1. Configure an Element
      • Add the element you want to move or resize in the Bubble editor.
      • Assign a unique ID to this element
        • Element → Image.
          Element → Image.
  1. Create a Workflow to Move or Resize an Element
    1. Now, you can add workflow actions to modify the element dynamically.
      Example: Move an Element to the Right
      • Go to the Workflow tab.
      • Click Add an Event and choose a trigger, such as when a button is clicked.
      • Add an action and select Element Move Right.
      • Configure the parameters:
        • Element ID: Enter the ID of the element to move.
        • Distance (px): Set the number of pixels the element should move.
        • Workflow action → Element Move Right.
          Workflow action → Element Move Right.
      Example: Resize an Element
      • In the Workflow tab, choose an action like Change Element's Width.
      • Configure the parameters:
        • Element ID: Enter the ID of the element.
        • New Width (px): Define the new width of the element.
        • Workflow action → Change Element's Width.
          Workflow action → Change Element's Width.

Plugin Actions

Element move right

Element move left

Element move up

Element move down

Change element’s width

Change element’s height

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