Any Image Compressor

Demo to preview the settings


Is the best image optimizer for compressing images of any format to the smallest possible size. Upload multiple images and reduce the file size of your images at once. It also allows converting images from JPEG to Png format and also compressing images from URL.
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How to setup

The plugin has 3 elements. The uploader and compressed image are required, and preview is optional.
Place an uploader element on the page.​
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IMPORTANT: only one uploader is allowed on the page.
Place a Compressed Image element on the page.
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​Trigger the action - compress IMGCompressor-Compressed to compress the image.
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Now in the Compressed Image element, you have compressed images.

Plugin fields, events, states, actions


Element for uploading files for compressing.
This item has many fields to customize its appearance. Most of them are displayed in the preview.


Content - inner text of input element​
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Borders - show element borders​
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Borders Width - width of borders in pixels
Border Color - color of borders
Border Radius - roundness of corners​
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Background Color - background-color of the element​
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files - Return an array with base64 strings of uploaded images
compressed - Return an array with base64 strings of compressed images
names - Return an array with names of uploaded
filessizes - Return an array with sizes of uploaded files


get files - Get files from input and generate base64 strings of this
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Compressed Image

Element for compress images and show them.


List of Base64 images - Array of base64 strings
URL - URL to image page
Borders - show element borders​
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Borders Width - width of borders in pixels
Border Color - color of borders
Border Radius - roundness of corners​
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Background Color - background-color of the element
Show Image Border - Change visibility of borders around each image
Image Border Color - Color of border around each image
Image Border Width - Width of border around each image
Image Border Radius - Border roundness of each image​
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compressed - Array of base64 strings
compressed_from_url - Array of base64 strings ( in the array is only one element )


compress - Compress images from the uploader
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convert - Convert image from uploader
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compress_from_url - Compress image from URL
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Draw Images - Show compressed images in the element
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Optional element to show uploaded images.


Images - Array of base64 strings
Borders - show element borders​
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​Borders Width - width of borders in pixels
Border Color - color of borders
Border Radius - roundness of corners​
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Background Color - background-color of the element
Show Image Border - Change visibility of borders around each image
Image Border Color - Color of border around each image
Image Border Width - Width of border around each image
Image Border Radius - Border roundness of each image​
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URL in array - Return URL in the array


link to array - Add link in array
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Workflow Sample

Configure File Transfer from Uploader to Compressed Image in order to Preview uploaded files in the IMGCompressor-Preview element.
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