Google Drive Service Acc Plugin

Demo to preview the settings


Push files to Google Drive using a Service Account. The easiest way to allow your app to move data on its own.
NOTE: This is the JSON WEB Token authentication version, users will access the Service Account Google Drive. For the information on how to obtain Service Account Keys for a Service Acc. Plugin, please read here:
All pushed files are stored in Google Service account and can be retrieved only through the API (for instance- Get Files). The files are NOT stored in Google Drive itself.
TIP: Service accounts, types of service accounts, and the IAM roles that are available to service accounts please find here:
A shared drive is an organizational structure within Google Drive that lives parallel to My Drive. You can organize an individual file within a shared drive or in My Drive but not both. For more details please visit this page:


For using the plugin you'll need to get the API credentials with JWT for Google Create your development account at: and also enable Google Drive API in the console.

How to setup

Go to your Google Console and add a new project.
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Enter your project name and click "Create"
If necessary, add an organization
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Select your project
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Go to APIs and services > Library
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Find Google Drive API and click it
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Press Enable
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Go to APIs and services > Credentials
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Click Create Credentials
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In appeared dropdown select Service account
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Enter service account name
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You can skip the next two steps
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Click Service Account email
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Select KEYS tab
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Add key
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IMPORTANT: Save the .json file
Open APIs and services > OAuth consent screen
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Select as user type External and press Create and complete form
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Find your .json file and open it
You can open file with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, etc.)
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{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "project-id", "private_key_id": "key-id", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "service-account-email", "client_id": "client-id", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }
Use string from "client_email" as Iss (account email)
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Use string from "private_key" field as Private key
IMPORTANT: Need to replace all "\n" symbols in key with linebreak ("Enter" button)!
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Plugin Data Calls

Get Files API v2

Get Files (API v3) Extended

Get File Info

Get Image from Drive

Download File

Gets a permission by ID

Get permissions

Plugin Action Calls

Delete File

Create a File

Upload a File (base64)

Add File to Folder

Remove File From Folder

Remove Everyone With Link Permission (Read)

Remove Everyone With Link Permission (Write)

Give a User Permission (Write)

Give a User Permission (Read)

Give Everyone Permission (Write)

Give Everyone Permission (Read)

Remove Permission Using ID

Update a User’s Permission (Read)

Update a User’s Permission (Write)

Rename File

Export File

Plugin Actions

Generate Sort Query v2

Generate Sort Query v3

Things to Note

For file name untitled issue , you'll need to create a workflow of a few steps, both of which are calls found in plugin:
  • Upload File -> (Get File Id result from step 1) -> Rename File.


Update 28.06.24

  • Plugin release