Chrome extension for Bubble

This extension allows you to do a few things:
  1. switch Bubble Editor to DARK MODE
  1. configure shortcuts for various actions of the Bubble editor, like switching between tabs, or calling different alignment actions, etc. My favorite one is Deploy as it saves 3 clicks!
  1. select elements in Bubble editor and then save that selection in this extension to call it again with one click at any time.
  1. also, it allows you to select text that is currently not selectable in Bubble editor - for example the redirect URL in the API connector, or “COPY FROM DEVELOPMENT TO LIVE” etc. so you can copy/paste these texts instead of retyping them
Important Disclaimer - This is not an official extension and is not made by Bubble. Zeroqode does not guarantee the uninterrupted functioning of this extension in case Bubble changes its editor's functionality. This extension is provided as is and should be used at the user's sole discretion.