Demo to preview the settings
This plugin is much more lightweight and robust than the previous version of Rarible SDK.
Creating NFT Marketplace with Rarible SDK is super easy.
The plugin comes with 51 API calls to get various data and a Rarible SDK element with 9 different actions such as Create collection, Mint, Create Order, Cancel Order, Fill Order, Transfer, Burn, Connect Tezos Wallet and Disconnect Tezos Wallet.
Compatible with the Advanced Metamask and Pinata- NFT storage on IPFS plugins.
To interact with the Rarible plugin, you will need an additional installation of the Pinata plugin and Metamask. You will also need the accounts.
Pinata - https://www.pinata.cloud/
Metamask - https://metamask.io/
To start using Rarible, you need to obtain an API Key. You can acquire it by visiting https://api.rarible.org/dashboard/api-keys.
Make sure to enter your URL in the Allowed Domains field.
This step is necessary to protect your API Key.
You can upgrade your API plan if the current limits no longer meet your needs.
Rarible SDK
How to setup
Place an element on the page. The element must be visible on the page.
Plugin Element Properties
The plugin contains a visual element that should be used on a page.
Title | Description |
API KEY | API key rarible. different keys are used for mainnet and testnet. Create your key here - https://api.rarible.org/dashboard/api-keys or https://api.rarible.org/registration?ref=rarible.ghost.io |
Network Type Mainnet? | if the network type is mainnet - enter yes. if testnet - no |
Network Name | The name of the network you are connected. Example: ETHEREUM, POLYGON |
Element Actions
1. Create a collection
You can Create NFT Collection with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.
Name | Description |
assetType | NFT collection type: ERC721 or ERC1155 for ETHEREUM, NFT or MT for TEZOS |
name | name of the collection. |
symbol | symbol of the collection. Example: MYNFT |
isusertoken | Privat (true) or public (false) collection |
2. Mint
You can Mint NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.
Name | Description |
Minting Type | “Lazy” “Regular” : With Lazy Minting you can defer the gas costs of minting the NFT to the first buyer. The token is minted on the blockchain once someone buys it. |
Token Contract | HexAddress . Exemple = 0xB0EA149212Eb707a1E5FC1D2d3fD318a8d94cf05 |
URI | address of JSON file with "image", "name" and other NFT attributes.
For example IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWLsBu6nS4ovaHbGAXprD1qEssJu4r5taQfB74sCG51tp |
Supply | More than 1 is only for ERC1155 type |
Wallet:Amount | Each wallet should be followed by a colon and the amount right after it
Example: 0x9DF3B01aeE76D0eDcC48873667f6F05B4F94A288:0.01 |
Token ID | Optional. Used when the token ID is generated separately using the Generate ID action. |
3. Create a bid
You can place your bid for any given NFT, even if there isn't any sell offer associated with it. It's up to the owner if they accept it or not.
Name | Description |
Order Type | Sell or Bid |
NFT Contract Address | The contract address can be found on the home page of the NFT collection or next to a particular NFTs token ID and other metadata
Exemple : 0xFca59Cd816aB1eaD66534D82bc21E7515cE441CF |
Token ID | The NFT Id of the token on which we want to sell. |
Sell/Bid With | ETH By default. To use an ERC20 token, insert the ERC20 contract address in this field. Note that a bid can be placed only with an ERC20 token. Native token can be used only for sell orders. |
Price | In ETH or ERC20 |
Amount | More than 1 is acceptable only for ERC1155 tokens |
Wallet:Amount | Each wallet should be followed by a colon an the amount right after it. Example : 0x9DF3B01aeE76D0eDcC48873667f6F05B4F94A288:0.01 |
4. Cancel a bid
To cancel a bid
Name | Description |
Hash | Id of your order |
5. Buy an NFT
You can buy NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol on different blockchains.
Name | Description |
Type | “Accept BID” “Buy” |
Order Hash | Id of NFT sale order, has format ${blockchain}:${orderId} Example: ETHEREUM:0x19f487016770542dc6137b06499a4f7b42c9580f12d85d6347964b03b7682143 |
Amount | Amount of asset to buy/bid, more than 1 is used only for ERC1155 assets |
6. Transfer
You can transfer NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.
Name | Description |
NFT Contract | HexAddress . Exemple = 0xB0EA149212Eb707a1E5FC1D2d3fD318a8d94cf05 |
Token ID | Token id. |
Receiver Address | Receiver Address. Example: 0xFca59Cd816aB1eaD66534D82bc21E7515cE441CF |
Amount | An amount of NFT tokens |
7. Burn
You can burn NFTs with Rarible Multichain Protocol in different blockchains.
Burning tokens is equivalent to sending them to address 0x0 because nobody has a private key for that.
Name | Description |
NFT Contract | HexAddress . Exemple = 0xB0EA149212Eb707a1E5FC1D2d3fD318a8d94cf05 |
Token ID | Token id. |
Exposed states
Name | Description | Type |
Order Stage | Approve, Sign, Sell order placed, Bid order placed, Canceled | text |
Created Collection Address | HexAddress . Exemple = 0xB0EA149212Eb707a1E5FC1D2d3fD318a8d94cf05 | text |
Created Collection TX | Created collection transaction hash. | text |
Creating a collection error message | Error text for creating a collection when it was wrong | text |
minted_token_id | Minted token id | text |
minted_token_item_id | Minted token item | text |
minted tx hash | Transaction hash for minted | text |
Order hash | Hash order. | text |
Error create order | Error text for creating order when it was wrong | text |
NFT transfer hash id | Hash id for transfer NFT. | text |
Error transfer message | Error text for creating a transfer when it was wrong | text |
Error Token Burned | Error text for token burned if was wrong | text |
Error Minted | Error text for minted it was wrong | text |
Error Buy an NFT | Error text for Buy an NFT it was wrong |
Element Events
Name | Description |
Creating Collection Success | Triggered when the collection is created. |
Creating Collection Error | Triggered when create collection returns an error |
Token minted | Triggered when the token was minted |
Error while placing bid | Triggered when bid placing was wrong |
Bid order placed | Triggered when bid order was placed |
Sell order placed | Triggered when sell order was placed |
Error while placing transferring | Triggered when placing transferring was wrong |
Token Transferred | Triggered when the token was transferred |
Token Burned | Triggered when the token was burned |
Error while token burned | Triggered when token burn while error |
Error while placing buy item | Triggered when placing buy item was wrong |
Error while placing minting | Triggered when placing minting was wrong |
Buy item order placed | Triggered when item order was placed |
Error while order cancelled | Triggered when order cancelled was placed |
Order cancelled success | Triggered when order cancelled success |
Rarible API
Check Order's signature
Validation of the order signature
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
signer | Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token}. | Text |
publicKey | The creator's public key . | Text |
message | Text | |
signature | Digital signature of the signer . | Text
Title | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Get USD rate By CurrencyId
Get currency USD rate by currency blockchain's address
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
currencyId | • Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token}. Currency Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token} or ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
Example: ETHEREUM:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | Text |
at | Date and time for getting currency USD rate. Example: at=2022-01-01T12:00:00Z | Text |
Title | Description |
symbol | Currency Symbol (string) |
rate | string (BigDecimal) |
date | Date and time of currency USD rate (string) |
Get supported currencies
List of currencies, supported by Protocol
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
Title | Description |
currencies | • currencyId - Currency Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}
or ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} (string)
• symbol - string.
• alias - Alias to real coin, 'usd' means 1:1 to USD (string) |
Get NFT by Id
Returns NFT Item by Id
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
itemId | tem Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
Example: ETHEREUM:0xee05af952997b4264681c695a72c719fae9502f4:71481372648203575558993015318897331386170125774163974705671968549417949069313 | Text |
Return :
Title | Description |
id | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} (string). |
blockchain | Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” (string). |
collection | Collection Id, has format ETHEREUM:${nativeICollectionId} (string). |
contract | Blockchain contract address in Union format ETHEREUM:${token} (string). |
tokenId | string |
creators | Array of objects (Creator) : Default: [] , Creators of the target item
• account - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} (string).
• value - integer. |
lazySupply | string |
pending | Array of objects (ItemTransfer) - Pending information about the item.
◦ @type - Value: "TRANSFER” (string).
◦ from - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} (string). |
mintedAt | Date and time of the item minting (string). |
lastUpdatedAt | Filter condition to return only items that have been updated at this date (string). |
supply | (string). |
meta | Object (meta). |
deleted | Item was deleted or not (boolean). |
bestSellOrder | Object (order). |
bestBidOrder | Object(order). |
originOrder | |
ammOrders | Object (AmmOrders).
◦ ids - List of the automated market maker order id. (Array of string). |
auctions | Array of objects (Auction) |
totalStock | string (BigInteger) |
sellers | Total count of users selling this item ATM (integer). |
LastSale | object (ItemLastSale). |
self | boolean |
suspicious | boolean |
Get NFT by Ids
Returns NFT Items by specified list of Ids
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
ids | List of the item id. Array of strings (ItemId) | Array |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string). |
items | List of found NFT . Array of objects (NFT).
• id - Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} . (string)
• blockchain - Enum: "ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” (string)
• collection - Collection Id, has format ETHEREUM:${nativeICollectionId} (string).
• contract - Blockchain contract address in Union format ETHEREUM:${token} . (string).
• tokenId - string (BigInteger) .
• creators - Creators of the target item . Array of objects (Creator).
◦ account - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} (string).
◦ value - integer.
• lazySupply - string (BigInteger).
• pending - Pending information about the item , Array of objects (ItemTransfer).
◦ @type - Value: "TRANSFER ” . (string).
◦ from - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} (string).
• mintedAt - Date and time of the item minting (string).
• lastUpdatedAt - Filter condition to return only items that have been updated at this date (string).
• supply - string.
• meta - object (Meta).
• deleted - Item was deleted or not (boolean).
• bestSellOrder - Object(order).
• bestBitOrder - Object(order).
• originOrder - Object(order).
• ammOrders - object (AmmOrders)
◦ ids - List of the automated market maker order id “Array of strings (OrderId)”.
• auctions - Array of objects (Auction).
• totalStock - string (BigInteger).
• sellers - Total count of users selling this item ATM. (integer).
• lastSale - object (ItemLastSale).
• self - boolean.
• suspicious - boolean. |
Get NFT royalties by Id
Get NFT royalties by Id
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} .
◦ Example: ETHEREUM:0xb66a603f4cfe17e3d27b87a8bfcad319856518b8:32292934596187112148346015918544186536963932779440027682601542850818403729410 | Text |
Title | Description |
royalties | Array of objects (Royalty):
◦ account - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token}
◦ value - integer. |
Reset NFT metadata
Reloads NFT metadata from the source. If source not available, old metadata stays.
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
◦ Example: ETHEREUM:0xb66a603f4cfe17e3d27b87a8bfcad319856518b8:32292934596187112148346015918544186536963932779440027682601542850818403729410 | Text |
sync | Request meta for Item if true | boolean |
Title | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Get NFT owned by user
Returns list of NFTs belong to specified user and sorted by
last updated
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Array of strings (Blockchain)
Example: blockchains= ETHEREUM | Text |
owner | Address of the item owner. Example:owner= ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string). | Text |
size | The number of items to return (integer). | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
items | Array of objects (items). |
Get NFT created by user
Returns list of NFTs created by specified user and sorted by
last updated
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Array of strings (Blockchain)
Example: blockchains= ETHEREUM | Text |
creator | Address of the item creator. Example:creator= ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string). | |
size | The number of items to return (integer). |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
items | Array of objects (items). |
Get NFT from collection
Returns list of NFTs from specified collection and sorted by
last updated
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
collection | Address of the collection
◦ Exemple : collection= ETHEREUM:0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430 | Text |
size | The number of items to return (integer). | Text
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
items | Array of objects (items). |
Get NFT owned by user - detailed
Returns list of NFTs belong to specified user and sorted by
last updated
date of ownershipFields:
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
owner | Address of the owner
◦ Exemple : owner= ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string). | Text |
size | The number of items to return (integer). |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
items | Array of objects (items). |
Get NFT collection traits
Returns aggregation of existing traits for specified collections with counter for each trait type/value.
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
keys | Trait keys . Example: keys= Hat | Text |
collectionIds | Collections identifiers to which traits belong
◦ Example:
collectionIds= ETHEREUM:0x60e4d786628fea6478f785a6d7e704777c86a7c6 | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
traits | Array of objects (Trait)
◦ key - Combination of Item attribute key/value with it's count (object (TraitEntry))
▪ value - string.
▪ count - string.
◦ value - Array (non-empty)
▪ value - string.
▪ count - integer <int64>. |
Search NFT collection traits
Returns aggregation of existing traits for specified collections with counter for each trait type/value. This is full-text-search, where you can specify filter for trait keys not precisely (for example, results
filter include Background
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
filter | Example: filter= Hat | Text |
collectionIds | Collections identifiers to which traits belong
◦ Example:
collectionIds= ETHEREUM:0x60e4d786628fea6478f785a6d7e704777c86a7c6 | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
traits | • List of found traits (Array of objects)
◦ key - Combination of Item attribute key/value with it's count (object (TraitEntry))
▪ value - string.
▪ count - string.
◦ value - Array (non-empty)
▪ value - string.
▪ count - integer <int64>. |
Get NFT traits rarity
Returns the rarity of the trait
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
collectionId | Example: ETHEREUM:0xee05af952997b4264681c695a72c719fae9502f4 | Text |
properties | • [{
◦ key - string
◦ value - string
}] | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
traits | List of ExtendedTraitProperty (Array of objects)
◦ key - string.
◦ value - string.
◦ rarity - Rarity percent (number) |
Search NFTs
Advanced search returns NFTs satisfying provided filter
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
size | integer <int32> [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 , Number of entities returned. | Text |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) | Text |
blockchains | Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
collections | Array of strings (CollectionId) | Array of Text |
deleted | boolean Default: false | true/false |
names | Array of strings | Array of Text |
descriptions | Array of strings | Array of Text |
traits | Array of objects (TraitProperty)
◦ key - (string)
◦ value - (string) | Array of objects |
creators | Array of strings (UnionAddress) | Array of Text |
mintedAtFrom | string <date-time> | Text |
mintedAtTo | string <date-time> | Text |
lastUpdatedAtFrom | string <date-time> | Text |
lastUpdatedAtTo | string <date-time> | Text |
sellPriceFrom | number <double> | Number |
sellPriceTo | number <double> | Number |
sellCurrency | string | Text |
sellPlatforms | Items Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH ” | Text |
bidPriceFrom | number <double> | Number |
bidPriceTo | number <double> | Number |
bidCurrency | string | Text |
bidPlatforms | tems Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH ” | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate items search result (string) |
items | List of found items (Array of objects) |
Get NFT Ownership by Id
Returns Ownership by Id
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
ownershipId | Ownership Id in format: 'ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}:${owner}’ | Text |
Title | Description |
id | string (OwnershipId) |
blockchain | Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} |
contract | Collection Id, has format ETHEREUM:${nativeICollectionId} |
tokenId | string (BigInteger) |
owner | Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} |
value | string (BigInteger) |
source | Enum: " MINT " "PURCHASE " "TRANSFER ” |
lastUpdatedAt | string <date-time> |
creators | Creators of the target item Array of objects (Creator)
◦ account - Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token}
◦ value - integer |
lazyValue | string (BigInteger) |
panding | |
auction | |
bestSellOrder | |
originOrder |
Get NFT Ownerships by Ids
Returns Ownerships by specified list of Ids
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
ids | List of the Ownerships ids . Array of strings (OwnershipId) | Array |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
ownership |
Get NFTs Ownerships
Returns list of NFTs Ownerships for specified NFT and sorted by
last updated
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId} . string (ItemId) | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string) | Text |
size | The number of items to return (integer) | Number |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
ownership |
Search NFT Ownerships
Advanced search returns NFT Ownerships satisfying provided filter
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
size | The number of items to return (integer) | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string) | Text |
Blockchain | Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
owners | Array of strings (UnionAddress) | Array of Text |
collections | Array of strings (CollectionId) | Array of Text |
items | Array of strings (ItemId) | Array of Text |
auctions | Array of strings (AuctionId) | Array of Text |
auctionsOwners | Array of strings (UnionAddress) | Array of Text |
beforeDate | string <date-time> | Text |
afterDate | string <date-time> | Text |
sellPriceFrom | number <double> | Number |
sellPriceTo | number <double> | Number |
sellCurrency | string | Text |
sellPlatforms | Items Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH ” | Text |
sort | Enum: " LATEST " "EARLIEST " "HIGHEST_SELL " "LOWEST_SELL ” | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
ownership |
Get Order by id
Returns order by Id
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
id | Order Id, has format 'ETHEREUM:${id}’
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x19f487016770542dc6137b06499a4f7b42c9580f12d85d6347964b03b7682143 | Text |
Title | Description |
id | string (OrderId) |
fill | string (BigDecimal) |
platform | string (Platform) Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " |
status | string (OrderStatus) Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " |
startedAt | string <date-time> |
endedAt | string (BigDecimal) |
cancelled | boolean |
optionalRoyalties | boolean Default: false |
createdAt | string <date-time> |
lastUpdatedAt | string <date-time> |
dbUpdatedAt | string <date-time> |
makePrice | string (BigDecimal) |
takePrice | string (BigDecimal) |
makePriceUsd | string (BigDecimal) |
takePriceUsd | string (BigDecimal) |
maker | Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} |
taker | blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} |
make | |
take | |
salt | (string) |
signature | (string) |
pending | |
data |
Get Orders by Ids
Returns Orders by specified list of Ids
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
ids | Array of the orders Ids in format 'ETHEREUM:${id}’. Array of strings | Array |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get all Orders
Returns all Orders in accordance with specified filters and sorted by
last updated
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Type of the blockchain network Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string) | Text |
size | The number of items to return (string) | Text |
sort | Order sort Enum: " LAST_UPDATE_ASC " "LAST_UPDATE_DESC " | Text |
status | Order status Items Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get all Orders (for sync)
Returns all sales & transfers in accordance with specified filters and sorted by
db updated
date. During internal updates (like migrations) Orders can be updated for technical reasons. In such case, last update
date won't be changed. If you want to store Orders in your own storage and keep it synced, use this method.Fields:
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Type of the blockchain network Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string) | Text |
size | The number of items to return (string) | Text |
sort | Order sort Enum: " LAST_UPDATE_ASC " "LAST_UPDATE_DESC " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get user's sell Orders by Maker
Returns sell NFT Sales created by specified user and sorted by
last update
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Type of the blockchain network Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
platform | The platform where the order was created. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " | Text |
maker | The maker of the order
◦ Example: maker= ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
origin | Address of the consumer to receive the commission for the order
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Text |
status | Order status Items. Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get sell Orders for NFT
Returns sell sales & transfer created for specified NFT and sorted by price in USD (cheapest first)
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
platform | The platform where the order was created. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
◦ Example:
itemId=ETHEREUM:0xb66a603f4cfe17e3d27b87a8bfcad319856518b8:32292934596187112148346015918544186536963932779440027682601542850818403729410 | Text |
maker | The maker of the order
◦ Example: maker= ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
origin | Address of the consumer to receive the commission for the order
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Text |
status | Order status Items. Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get sell Orders
Returns sell Orders satisfying specified filters and sorted by
last update
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
blockchains | Type of the blockchain network Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
platform | The platform where the order was created. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " | Text |
origin | Address of the consumer to receive the commission for the order
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response (string) | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get user's bid Orders by Marker
Returns bid Orders created by specified user and sorted by
last update
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
maker | The maker of the bid
◦ Example: ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
blockchain | Type of the blockchain network Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
platform | The platform where the order was created. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " | Text |
origin | Address of the consumer to receive the commission for the order
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
status | Order status Items. Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " | Text |
start | Lower time border of data (timestamp) integer <int64> | Text |
end | Upper time border of data (timestamp) integer <int64> | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get bid Orders for NFT
Returns bid Orders created for specified NFT and sorted by price in USD (expensive first)
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
platform | The platform where the order was created. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " "CRYPTO_PUNKS " "IMMUTABLEX " "HEN " "OBJKT " "VERSUM " "TEIA " "OTHER " "X2Y2 " "LOOKSRARE " "SUDOSWAP " "FXHASH " | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0xb66a603f4cfe17e3d27b87a8bfcad319856518b8:32292934596187112148346015918544186536963932779440027682601542850818403729410 | Text |
maker | The maker of the bid
◦ Example: ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
origin | Address of the consumer to receive the commission for the order
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
status | Order status Items. Enum: " ACTIVE " "FILLED " "HISTORICAL " "INACTIVE " "CANCELLED " | Text |
start | Lower time border of data (timestamp) integer <int64> | Number |
end | Upper time border of data (timestamp) integer <int64> | Number |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Number |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
orders |
Get NFT Activities
Returns Activities related to specified NFT and sorted by date. This API is deprecated in favor of
Search Activities
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
itemId | Item Id, has format ETHEREUM:${token}:${tokenId}
◦ Example:
itemId=ETHEREUM:0xb66a603f4cfe17e3d27b87a8bfcad319856518b8:32292934596187112148346015918544186536963932779440027682601542850818403729410 | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
cursor | Combined continuation token from the previous response. | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | |
sort | Sorting by data update time. Enum: " LATEST_FIRST " "EARLIEST_FIRST " |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
cursor | Combined continuation token to paginate activities search result |
activities | List of found activities (object) |
Get NFT Collection Activities
Returns Activities related to NFTs from specified Collection and sorted by date. This API is deprecated in favor of
Search Activities
Title | Description | Type |
Base URL | - testnet - “https://testnet-api.rarible.org/”
- mainet - “https://api.rarible.org/” | Text |
collection | Address of the collection.
◦ Example:
ETHEREUM:0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430 | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
cursor | Combined continuation token from the previous response. | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | |
sort | Sorting by data update time. Enum: " LATEST_FIRST " "EARLIEST_FIRST " |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
cursor | Combined continuation token to paginate activities search result |
activities | List of found activities (object) |
Get all Activities (for sync)
Returns all Activities in accordance with specified filters and sorted by
db updated
date. During internal updates (like migrations) Activities can be updated for technical reasons. In such case, date
field won't be changed. If you want to store Activities in your own storage and keep it synced, use this method.Fields:
Title | Description | Type |
blockchain | Type of the blockchain network . Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
cursor | Combined continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Text |
sort | Sorting by data update time. Enum: " DB_UPDATE_ASC " "DB_UPDATE_DESC " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
cursor | Combined continuation token to paginate activities search result |
activities | List of found activities (object) |
Get all Activities
Returns all Activities in accordance with specified filters and sorted by date
Title | Description | Type |
blockchain | Type of the blockchain network . Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
cursor | Combined continuation token from the previous response. | Text |
size | The number of items to return. integer >= 1 | Number |
sort | Sorting by data update time. Enum: " LATEST_FIRST " "EARLIEST_FIRST " | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate Ownerships search result (string) |
cursor | Combined continuation token to paginate activities search result |
activities | List of found activities (object) |
Get NFT Collection by Id
Returns NFT Collection by Id
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Address of the collection. Example:
ETHEREUM:0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430 | Text |
Title | Description |
id | Collection Id, has format ETHEREUM:${nativeICollectionId} |
parent | Collection Id, has format ETHEREUM:${nativeICollectionId} |
blockchain | Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” |
type | Enum: " CRYPTO_PUNKS " "ERC721 " "ERC1155 " "FLOW " "TEZOS_NFT " "TEZOS_MT " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” |
status | Enum: " PENDING " "ERROR " "CONFIRMED ” |
name | (string) |
symbol | (string) |
owner | Blockchain address in Union format ${blockchainGroup}:${token} |
minters | List of addresses that can mint items in this collection |
meta | Object(collectionMeta) |
bestBidOrder | object(order) |
bestSellOrder | object(order) |
originOrders | Array of objects (OriginOrders) |
self | boolean |
statistics | object (CollectionStatistics) |
Reset Collection NFT metadata
Reloads metadata for Collection (NOT for collection's NFTs)
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Address of the collection. Example:
ETHEREUM:0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430 | Text |
Title | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Get NFT Collections owned by user
Returns list of NFT Collections belong to specified user
Title | Description | Type |
blockchain | Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
owner | Owner of searching collections.
◦ Example: ETHEREUM:0x4765273c477c2dc484da4f1984639e943adccfeb | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate collections search result. |
collections | Array of objects (Collection) |
Get all NFT Collections
Returns all NFT Collections in accordance with specified filters
Title | Description | Type |
blockchain | Names of the blockchain networks. If no one specified, data from all blockchains will be returned : " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
continuation | Continuation token from the previous response | Text |
size | The number of items to return | Text |
Title | Description |
continuation | Continuation token to paginate collections search result. |
collections | Array of objects (Collection) |
Users (top buyers/sellers) leaderboard. Calculated as traded worth for the period.
Title | Description | Type |
entity | Type of users in leaderboard. Enum: " sellers " "buyers " | Text |
blockchain | Blockchain. Enum: " ETHEREUM " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "POLYGON " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX " | Text |
source | Source. Enum: " RARIBLE " "OPEN_SEA " | Text |
period | Time period of leaderboard. Default: D7. Enum: " D1 " "D7 " "D30 " | Text |
limit | Default: 10 . Limit of records in leaderboard | Number |
Title | Description |
id | Identifier of user |
volumeUsd | object (OlapCurrencyAmountWithChange)
◦ currency - Default: "USD". Enum: " USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL "
◦ value - Amount of currency |
volumeNative | object (OlapCurrencyAmount)
◦ currency - Default: "USD". Enum: " USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL "
◦ value - Amount of currency |
items | (non-unique) amount of traded items. |
transactions | Amount of transactions were made. |
Get NFT Collections volume
Collections leaderboard by trade activity
Title | Description | Type |
blockchain | Items Enum: " ETHEREUM " "POLYGON " "FLOW " "TEZOS " "SOLANA " "IMMUTABLEX ” | Text |
ids | Collection ids | Text |
period | Time period of leaderboard. Enum: " D1 " "D7 " "D30 " "H6 " "H1 " "MIN30 " "MIN5 " | Text |
minFloorPriceNative | Show collections which floor price (native currency) more or equal than specified value | Text |
maxFloorPriceNative | Show collections which floor price (native currency) less or equal than specified value | Text |
sort | Default: " MINTED_DESC ". Leaderboard sorting. Enum: "MINTED_ASC " "MINTED_DESC " "COLLECTION_ASC " "COLLECTION_DESC " | Text |
limit | Default: 10. Limit of records in leaderboard | Number |
continuation | Page reference. Taken from previous response | Text |
Title | Description |
id | Identifier of collection |
volumeUsd | object (OlapCurrencyAmountWithChange)
◦ currency - Default: "USD". Enum: " USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL "
◦ value - Amount of currency
◦ changePercent - Change in percent. Calculated as / - 1 |
volumeNative | object (OlapCurrencyAmount)
◦ currency - Default: "USD". Enum: " USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL "
◦ value - Amount of currency |
itemsBought | integer <int32> |
floorPrice | object (OlapCurrencyAmountWithChange)
◦ currency - Default: " USD ". Enum: "USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL "
◦ value - Amount of currency
◦ changePercent - Change in percent. Calculated as / - 1 |
listed | integer <int32> |
totalItemSupply | integer <int32> |
ownersCount | integer <int32> |
Get NFT Collection transactions stats
Get historical statistics about collection transactions
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Identifier of collection ^(ETHEREUM|FLOW|TEZOS|POLYGON|SOLANA|IMMUTABL... | Text |
filters | Filters of statistics | Text |
Title | Description |
historicalDates | Dates of historical statistics |
historicalValues | Values of historical statistics |
currentValue | Current value |
Get NFT Collection stats
Get general statistics about collection
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Identifier of collection ^(ETHEREUM|FLOW|TEZOS|POLYGON|SOLANA|IMMUTABL... | Text |
currency | Default: " USD ". Currency of statistics. Enum: "USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL " | Text |
Title | Description |
highestSale | Highest worth transaction in collection |
floorPrice | Minimal price of nft in this collection available on rarible |
marketCap | Market cap of collection (floor price * total item supply) |
listed | Amount of currently listed items |
items | Total item supply of all nfts in the collection |
owners | Current amount of unique owners who hold nfts of this collection |
volume | Total worth of all transactions were made with nfts in this collection |
Get NFT Collection seller stats
Get historical statistics about Collection sellers
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Identifier of collection ^(ETHEREUM|FLOW|TEZOS|POLYGON|SOLANA|IMMUTABL... | Text |
filters | Filters of statistics | Text |
Title | Description |
historicalDates | Dates of historical statistics |
historicalValues | Values of historical statistics |
currentValue | Current value |
Get historical statistics about collection items prices
Title | Description | Type |
collection | Identifier of collection ^(ETHEREUM|FLOW|TEZOS|POLYGON|SOLANA|IMMUTABL... | Text |
currency | Default: " USD ". Currency of statistics. Enum: "USD " "ETH " "XTZ " "FLOW " "MATIC " "SOL " | Text |
filters | Filters of statistics | Text |
Title | Description |
dates | Dates of historical statistics |
avgPrices | Average prices of nfts in this collection for every date |
medianPrices | Median prices of nfts in this collection for every date |
minPrices | Minimum prices of nfts in this collection for every date |
sumPrices | Volumes for the collection for every date |
Update 15.09.24 - Version 1.30.0
- Minor update (Marketing update).
Update 17.08.24 - Version 1.29.0
- Added support for all available networks and fixed api calls.
Update 16.08.24 - Version 1.28.0
- Minor update (Marketing update).
Update 30.07.24 - Version 1.27.0
- Minor update (Marketing update).
Update 29.07.24 - Version 1.26.0
- Minor update.
Update 06.06.24 - Version 1.25.0
- Minor update.
Update 31.05.24 - Version 1.24.0
- Updated demo/service links.
Update 04.04.24 - Version 1.23.0
- updated description.
Update 26.02.24 - Version 1.22.0
- Added "Get NFT Collections volume" action. Removed "get collection leaderboard", "get trending collections" actions.
Update 24.02.24 - Version 1.21.0
- updated description.
Update 07.11.23 - Version 1.20.0
- Minor updates.
Update 07.11.23 - Version 1.19.0
- Minor fixes.
Update 18.10.23 - Version 1.18.0
- Updated description.
Update 15.09.23 - Version 1.17.0
- updated description.
Update 08.09.23 - Version 1.16.0
- minor updates.
Update 12.07.23 - Version 1.15.0
- updated description.
Update 24.06.23 - Version 1.14.0
- updated the description.
Update 19.06.23 - Version 1.13.0
- Updated the description .
Update 18.04.23 - Version 1.12.0
- updated the description.
Update 03.04.23 - Version 1.11.0
- Minor fixes.
Update 23.03.23 - Version 1.10.0
- Added "ipfs hash (for matching)" state and fixed "Mint" action.
Update 23.03.23 - Version 1.9.0
- Minor improvements.
Update 16.03.23 - Version 1.8.0
- minor fixes.
Update 15.03.23 - Version 1.7.0
- updated the plugin name.
Update 15.03.23 - Version 1.6.0
- updated the name.
Update 06.03.23 - Version 1.5.0
- updated the plugin name.
Update 02.03.23 - Version 1.4.0
- code update.
Update 28.02.23 - Version 1.3.0
- Updated icon.
Update 28.02.23 - Version 1.2.0
- Updated description.
Update 28.02.23 - Version 1.1.0
- Minor fixes.
Update 24.02.23 - Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release.