Demo to preview the plugin:


Enhance your Bubble app’s user experience with a set of stylish gauges from Zeroqode. They are great for dashboards, analytics, function tool displays, and other types of data sets.
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How to setup

  1. Adding the Element to the Editor
      • Drag and drop the JustGage element onto the page where you want to display the gauge.
        • Element - JustGage.
          Element - JustGage.
  1. Configuring Properties
    1. Once you have added the element to your design, configure the following properties in the settings panel:
      • Min Value → Sets the minimum value of the gauge (e.g., 1).
      • Max Value → Sets the maximum value of the gauge (e.g., 100).
      • Current Value → Defines the current value to be displayed in the gauge. It can be a fixed number or a dynamic value from a database or workflows.
      • Label → Text displayed in the center of the gauge (e.g., "Speed" or "Progress").
      • Gauge Width & Height → Adjusts the size of the gauge.
      • Donut Mode → Enables or disables the circular progress (donut) mode.
      • Custom Colors → Allows customization of the gauge, needle, and background colors.
  1. Making the Gauge Dynamic
    1. You can link the Current Value to a dynamic variable in Bubble, such as:
      • User data (e.g., progress toward a goal)
      • External API results (e.g., temperature, exchange rates, statistics)
      • Calculated values (e.g., task completion percentage)

Plugin Element Properties


Element properties → JustGage.
Element properties → JustGage.
Initial value
Starting Value.
Minimum amount.
Maximum Value
Label Shown.
Text (optional)
Donut Mode
Donut Mode
Checkbox (yes/no)
Add start symbol
Add start symbol (eg. $)
Text (optional)
Add end label
Add the Label (end, eg. %, Km/h, ms)
Text (optional)
Turn Pointer On?
Turn Pointer On?
Checkbox (yes/no)
Pointer Top Length
Pointer Top Length
Number (optional)
Pointer Bottom Length
Pointer Bottom Length
Number (optional)
Pointer Bottom Width
Pointer Bottom Width
Number (optional)
Pointer Color
Pointer Color
Color (optional)
Pointer Stroke
Pointer Stroke
Color (optional)
Pointer Stroke Width
Pointer Stroke Width
Number (optional)
1st increasing color
1st increasing color (hex)
Text (optional)
2nd increasing color
2nd increasing color (hex)
Text (optional)
3rd increasing color
3rd increasing color (hex) Available options: #19D12F, #EDB21D, #E30000
Text (optional)
Width Scale of Gauge
Width Scale of Gauge
Value Font Color
Value Font Color
Value Font Family
Value Font Family Available options: Arial, Lato, Roboto, OpenSans, Oswald, Khula, Raleway, Montserrat, OpenSansCondensed, Lora, DroidSans, NotoSans, Dosis, FjallaOne, Anton, Arvo, LibreBaskerville, Rubik, WorkSans, FrancoisOne, Exo, Acme, ArchivoBlack, Orbitron, JosefinSlab, Kanit, Cinzel, ABeeZee, IstokWeb, Poppins
Label Font Color
Label Font Color
Label Font Family
Label Font Family Available options: Arial, Lato, Roboto, OpenSans, Oswald, Khula, Raleway, Montserrat, OpenSansCondensed, Lora, DroidSans, NotoSans, Dosis, FjallaOne, Anton, Arvo, LibreBaskerville, Rubik, WorkSans, FrancoisOne, Exo, Acme, ArchivoBlack, Orbitron, JosefinSlab, Kanit, Cinzel, ABeeZee, IstokWeb, Poppins
Hide Min/Max Labels?
Hide Min/Max Labels?
Checkbox (yes/no)
Reverse gauge?
Reverse gauge?
Checkbox (yes/no)
Counter Animation
Counter Animation? (animates counting to the value)
Checkbox (yes/no)
Animation Picker
Animation Picker Available options: none, bounce, linear, <, >, <>
Animation Time (ms)
Animation Time (ms)
Number (optional)
Label Font Size
Label Font Size
Number (optional)
Min/Max Label Size
Min/Max Label Size
Number (optional)
Value Font Size
Value Font Size
Number (optional)
Unique ID
Unique ID.
Human friendly for text
Convert large numbers for min, max, value to human friendly (e.g. 1234567 -> 1.23M)
Checkbox (yes/no)
Hide value
Hide value text
Checkbox (yes/no)

Exposed states

Output Value
Output Value
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