Live Image - Move effect

Demo to preview the plugin:


Animate elements of the page design with movement to images, as the user moves the mouse. Using this plugin is easy, you just need to identify the elements you want to work with.
Image without caption

How to setup

  1. Enable ID Attributes
    1. Go to the settings page in your editor. Under the General tab click on the checkbox “Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements”
      App Settings → General Tab
      App Settings → General Tab
  1. Set Image Element IDs
    1. The Image Move Plugin requires you to specify the elements that will be affected. To do this:
      • Assign a unique ID to each element containing an image.
      • Enter these IDs in the "Image elements ID" field.
      • If you want to apply the effect to multiple elements, separate their IDs with a comma (e.g., image1, image2, image3).
  1. Choose the "Apply to" Option
    1. You can specify whether you are tracking:
      • An Image Element (directly manipulating an image).
      • A Group or Other Element that uses an image as a background.
      The plugin logic behaves differently for each case, so choose accordingly.
  1. Configure "Track Mouse On"
    1. This setting determines when the movement effect is applied:
      • Image/Element Only: The movement effect applies only when the mouse moves over the specific image/element.
      • Anywhere on the Page: The image moves whenever the mouse is moved anywhere on the page (useful for full-page effects or popups).
  1. Set the "Movement Style"
    1. This option controls how the movement effect is applied:
      • All Images on Screen: Applies the effect to all images simultaneously.
      • Only Hovered Images: The movement effect applies only to images that the user is actively hovering over.
      A great option for product showcases, making all images react dynamically to user interaction.

Plugin Element Properties


Element properties → image_move.
Element properties → image_move.
Image elements IDs
Apply to
Apply to image or background image Available options: Image, Background
Dropdown (optional)
Track mouse on:
Track mouse on element or viewport Available options: Element, Viewport
Dropdown (optional)
Image movement settings:
Movement type
Movement type Available options: Individual, As group
Dropdown (optional)
Image without caption
