Demo to preview the settings


Bring accurate error reporting to your bubble app with Sentry. Debug your application and prevent crashes.
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How to setup

  1. You need a (free) Sentry account. Sign up at
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  1. On the next page click the “Start” button:
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  1. Select “Browser Javascript”, then click “Configure SDK” button. If a Popup appears, skip it.
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  1. On the next page “Skip Onboarding”.
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  1. On the left menu in a Dashboard select “Projects”, then “Javascript”
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  1. Click gear button on the top right of the page.
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  1. Scroll down and choose “Client Keys (DSN)”. Copy DSN, enter your Sentry DSN in the plugin’s settings.
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  1. You're now automatically tracking errors on the frontend.

Plugin Actions

Capture Server Error

Capture Message

Capture Error

Add Breadcrumb

Show Feedback Widget


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