Signature Pad | #draw #paint

Demo to preview the settings


Enable users to create custom signatures directly within your Bubble app with the Signature Pad | #draw #paint Plugin. This versatile plugin allows for smooth signature drawing, offering a personalized touch to forms, contracts, and various documents. Incorporate the Signature Pad element to effortlessly capture users' signatures in a sleek, responsive interface designed to work across devices.
The plugin not only facilitates the collection of signatures but also provides options to customize the signature pad's appearance, including pen color and thickness, to match your app's design seamlessly. Once a signature is captured, it can be saved as an image, making it easy to store or integrate into digital documents.
Leverage the Signature Pad's actions and states to enhance user interactions by enabling signatures to be cleared or saved dynamically. This functionality ensures a user-friendly experience, allowing for corrections or changes before submission. Implement the Signature Pad | #draw #paint Plugin in your application to add a professional and personal touch, streamlining the process of signing documents and forms online.
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How to setup

  1. Install plugin Signature Pad | #draw #paint
    1. Image without caption
  1. Place the Signature Input element on the page
    1. Image without caption

Plugin Element Properties

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Image without caption
Image without caption
Pen color
Color of pen
Color, Required
Pen dot size
Size of text
Number, Required
Crop to content
If enable, the signature image will be cropped to fit the signature and empty space on the edges will be removed.
Checkbox, Required
File format
The file format of the signature image.
Dropdown, Required
File quality
Define the quality of the signature image. Needs to be between "0.1" and "1", only applied if "JPEG" format is selected.
Number, Required
File transparency
Enable signature image transparency. Only works if "PNG" format is selected and no background color is set.
Checkbox, Required
Background color
The background color of the signature input and the exported signature image. Leave blank to enable transparency.
Color, Required
Default image
Default image of signature
Image, Optional
Advanced mode
Enable to activate the background image advanced mode.
Checkbox, Required
(Advanced) Ratio
Alter the background image ratio. Only works when "Advanced mode" is enabled.
Number, Optional
(Advanced) Width
Alter the background image width. Only works when "Advanced mode" is enabled.
Number, Optional
(Advanced) Height
Alter the background image heigth. Only works when "Advanced mode" is enabled.
Number, Optional
(Advanced) X Offset
Alter the background image x offset. Only works when "Advanced mode" is enabled.
Number, Optional
(Advanced) Y Offset
Alter the background image y offset. Only works when "Advanced mode" is enabled.
Number, Optional
Default data
The default signature data to import. This should be the value obtained from the "signature data" state of the plugin element.
Text, Required
If disabled, you will have to manually save the signature input content using the "save signature" workflow. Disable to increase performances.
Checkbox, Required
Line min. width
Minimum width of a line. Defaults to 0.5.
Number, Required
Line max. width
Maximum width of a line. Defaults to 2.5.
Number, Required
Min. distance
Add the next point only if the previous one is farther than x pixels. Defaults to 5.
Number, Required
Draw the next point at most once per every x milliseconds. Set it to 0 to turn off throttling. Defaults to 16.
Number, Required
Auto-save timeout
⚠️ MANIPULATE WITH CAUTION | Define the auto-save timeout after each stroke update in ms.
Number, Required

Element actions

1) Import data (✍️)

2) Reset/Clear

3) Change edit mode

4) Undo

5) Save to S3

6) Save

Exposed states

signature image
Signature Image
signature data
Signature information
is empty
Signature is empty
signature image (saved on S3)
Saved signature image on S3

Element events

A Signature Input Signature Was Saved to S3
Triggers when a device has stopped charging
A Signature Input Signature Was Saved
Triggers when a device has resumed charging
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