Demo to preview the plugin:
Live Demo: https://stripeconnectdemo.bubbleapps.io
This plugin contains all the workflow actions and data calls to let your user connect their Stripe account and create marketplace payments & subscriptions while taking a platform fee.
You must have an account with Stripe to interact with the Stripe API. Create your development account at https://dashboard.stripe.com/
Setup requirements
After you have successfully verified your email address and activated your account, under the Activate your account tab, you can start setting up stripe features you need.
After that, you will need to set up the keys for the plugin. To find the keys go to your stripe dashboard and find API keys under the Developers tab. You need to copy the Publishable and Secret keys both for live and development versions.
Make sure when adding the secret keys to the plugin to add text 'Bearer' before the key (do this just for the secret key) to use it in plugin settings.
Also, make sure you have enabled stripe Connect (Build a platform or marketplace).
Once you've got the keys from Stripe dashboard, for both Live and Development versions place them in Plugins Settings Tab for the Stripe Marketplace Plugin, which should look like this:
Plugin Data Calls
GET Checkout Session Details
Retrieves a Session object
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Checkout session ID | Your checkout session ID. Starts with: ‘cs_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "after_expiration": "text", "allow_promotion_codes": "text", "amount_subtotal": "number", "amount_total": "number", "automatic_tax enabled": "yes/no", "automatic_tax liability": "text", "automatic_tax status": "text", "billing_address_collection": "text", "cancel_url": "text", "client_reference_id": "text", "client_secret": "text", "consent": "text", "consent_collection": "text", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "currency_conversion": "text", "custom_text after_submit": "text", "custom_text shipping_address": "text", "custom_text submit": "text", "custom_text terms_of_service_acceptance": "text", "customer": "text", "customer_creation": "text", "customer_details address city": "text", "customer_details address country": "text", "customer_details address line1": "text", "customer_details address line2": "text", "customer_details address postal_code": "text", "customer_details address state": "text", "customer_details email": "text", "customer_details name": "text", "customer_details phone": "text", "customer_details tax_exempt": "text", "customer_email": "text", "expires_at": "undefined", "invoice": "text", "invoice_creation enabled": "yes/no", "invoice_creation invoice_data account_tax_ids": "text", "invoice_creation invoice_data custom_fields": "text", "invoice_creation invoice_data description": "text", "invoice_creation invoice_data footer": "text", "invoice_creation invoice_data issuer": "text", "invoice_creation invoice_data rendering_options": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "locale": "text", "mode": "text", "payment_intent": "text", "payment_link": "text", "payment_method_collection": "text", "payment_method_configuration_details": "text", "payment_method_options card request_three_d_secure": "text", "payment_method_types": "undefined", "payment_status": "text", "phone_number_collection enabled": "yes/no", "recovered_from": "text", "saved_payment_method_options": "text", "setup_intent": "text", "shipping_address_collection": "text", "shipping_cost": "text", "shipping_details": "text", "status": "text", "submit_type": "text", "subscription": "text", "success_url": "text", "total_details amount_discount": "number", "total_details amount_shipping": "number", "total_details amount_tax": "number", "ui_mode": "text", "url": "text" }
GET Payment Intent Details
Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Payment intent ID | The payment intent ID from the Checkout payment. Usually retrieved via a Stripe webhook or using the ‘GET checkout session details’ call. Starts with: ‘pi_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "amount_capturable": "number", "amount_received": "number", "application": "text", "application_fee_amount": "number", "automatic_payment_methods": "text", "canceled_at": "text", "cancellation_reason": "text", "capture_method": "text", "client_secret": "text", "confirmation_method": "text", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "customer": "text", "description": "text", "invoice": "text", "last_payment_error": "text", "latest_charge id": "text", "latest_charge object": "text", "latest_charge amount": "number", "latest_charge amount_captured": "number", "latest_charge amount_refunded": "number", "latest_charge application": "text", "latest_charge application_fee": "text", "latest_charge application_fee_amount": "number", "latest_charge balance_transaction": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address city": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address country": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address line1": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address line2": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address postal_code": "text", "latest_charge billing_details address state": "text", "latest_charge billing_details email": "text", "latest_charge billing_details name": "text", "latest_charge billing_details phone": "text", "latest_charge calculated_statement_descriptor": "text", "latest_charge captured": "yes/no", "latest_charge created": "undefined", "latest_charge currency": "text", "latest_charge customer": "text", "latest_charge description": "text", "latest_charge destination": "text", "latest_charge dispute": "text", "latest_charge disputed": "yes/no", "latest_charge failure_balance_transaction": "text", "latest_charge failure_code": "text", "latest_charge failure_message": "text", "latest_charge invoice": "text", "latest_charge livemode": "yes/no", "latest_charge on_behalf_of": "text", "latest_charge order": "text", "latest_charge outcome network_status": "text", "latest_charge outcome reason": "text", "latest_charge outcome risk_level": "text", "latest_charge outcome risk_score": "number", "latest_charge outcome seller_message": "text", "latest_charge outcome type": "text", "latest_charge paid": "yes/no", "latest_charge payment_intent": "text", "latest_charge payment_method": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card amount_authorized": "number", "latest_charge payment_method_details card brand": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card checks address_line1_check": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card checks address_postal_code_check": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card checks cvc_check": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card country": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card exp_month": "number", "latest_charge payment_method_details card exp_year": "number", "latest_charge payment_method_details card extended_authorization status": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card fingerprint": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card funding": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card incremental_authorization status": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card installments": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card last4": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card mandate": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card multicapture status": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card network": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card network_token used": "yes/no", "latest_charge payment_method_details card overcapture maximum_amount_capturable": "number", "latest_charge payment_method_details card overcapture status": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card three_d_secure": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details card wallet": "text", "latest_charge payment_method_details type": "text", "latest_charge receipt_email": "text", "latest_charge receipt_number": "text", "latest_charge receipt_url": "text", "latest_charge refunded": "yes/no", "latest_charge review": "text", "latest_charge shipping": "text", "latest_charge source": "text", "latest_charge source_transfer": "text", "latest_charge statement_descriptor": "text", "latest_charge statement_descriptor_suffix": "text", "latest_charge status": "text", "latest_charge transfer_data": "text", "latest_charge transfer_group": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "next_action": "text", "on_behalf_of": "text", "payment_method": "text", "payment_method_configuration_details": "text", "payment_method_options card installments": "text", "payment_method_options card mandate_options": "text", "payment_method_options card network": "text", "payment_method_options card request_three_d_secure": "text", "payment_method_types": "undefined", "processing": "text", "receipt_email": "text", "review": "text", "setup_future_usage": "text", "shipping": "text", "source": "text", "statement_descriptor": "text", "statement_descriptor_suffix": "text", "status": "text", "transfer_data": "text", "transfer_group": "text" }
Retrieve Stripe Account
Retrieves the details of an account
Name | Description | Type |
Account ID | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "business_profile mcc": "text", "business_profile name": "text", "business_profile product_description": "text", "business_profile support_address": "text", "business_profile support_email": "text", "business_profile support_phone": "text", "business_profile support_url": "text", "business_profile url": "text", "business_type": "text", "charges_enabled": "yes/no", "country": "text", "created": "undefined", "default_currency": "text", "details_submitted": "yes/no", "email": "text", "external_accounts object": "text", "external_accounts has_more": "yes/no", "external_accounts total_count": "number", "external_accounts url": "text", "future_requirements current_deadline": "text", "future_requirements disabled_reason": "text", "login_links object": "text", "login_links total_count": "number", "login_links has_more": "yes/no", "login_links url": "text", "payouts_enabled": "yes/no", "requirements current_deadline": "text", "requirements currently_due": "undefined", "requirements disabled_reason": "text", "requirements eventually_due": "undefined", "requirements past_due": "undefined", "settings branding icon": "text", "settings branding logo": "text", "settings branding primary_color": "text", "settings branding secondary_color": "text", "settings card_issuing tos_acceptance date": "text", "settings card_issuing tos_acceptance ip": "text", "settings card_payments decline_on avs_failure": "yes/no", "settings card_payments decline_on cvc_failure": "yes/no", "settings card_payments statement_descriptor_prefix": "text", "settings dashboard display_name": "text", "settings dashboard timezone": "text", "settings payments statement_descriptor": "text", "settings payments statement_descriptor_kana": "text", "settings payments statement_descriptor_kanji": "text", "settings payouts debit_negative_balances": "yes/no", "settings payouts schedule delay_days": "number", "settings payouts schedule interval": "text", "settings payouts schedule weekly_anchor": "text", "settings payouts statement_descriptor": "text", "tos_acceptance date": "undefined", "tos_acceptance ip": "text", "tos_acceptance user_agent": "text", "type": "text" }
Retrieve Connected Account Balances
Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "object": "text", "available": { "amount": "number", "currency": "text", "source_types card": "number" }, "livemode": "yes/no", "pending": { "amount": "number", "currency": "text", "source_types card": "number" } }
GET Subscription details
Retrieves the subscription with the given ID
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Subscription ID | The subscription ID of the subscription you would like to cancel. Starts with sub_ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "application_fee_percent": "number", "automatic_tax enabled": "yes/no", "billing_cycle_anchor": "undefined", "billing_thresholds": "text", "cancel_at": "text", "cancel_at_period_end": "yes/no", "canceled_at": "undefined", "collection_method": "text", "created": "undefined", "current_period_end": "undefined", "current_period_start": "undefined", "customer": "text", "days_until_due": "text", "default_payment_method": "text", "default_source": "text", "discount": "text", "ended_at": "undefined", "GET Subscription details": { "id": "text", "object": "text", "billing_thresholds": "text", "created": "undefined", "plan id": "text", "plan object": "text", "plan active": "yes/no", "plan aggregate_usage": "text", "plan amount": "number", "plan amount_decimal": "text", "plan billing_scheme": "text", "plan created": "undefined", "plan currency": "text", "plan interval": "text", "plan interval_count": "number", "plan livemode": "yes/no", "plan nickname": "text", "plan product": "text", "plan tiers": "text", "plan tiers_mode": "text", "plan transform_usage": "text", "plan trial_period_days": "text", "plan usage_type": "text", "price id": "text", "price object": "text", "price active": "yes/no", "price billing_scheme": "text", "price created": "undefined", "price currency": "text", "price livemode": "yes/no", "price lookup_key": "text", "price nickname": "text", "price product": "text", "price recurring aggregate_usage": "text", "price recurring interval": "text", "price recurring interval_count": "number", "price recurring trial_period_days": "text", "price recurring usage_type": "text", "price tax_behavior": "text", "price tiers_mode": "text", "price transform_quantity": "text", "price type": "text", "price unit_amount": "number", "price unit_amount_decimal": "text", "quantity": "number", "subscription": "text" }, "has_more": "yes/no", "total_count": "number", "url": "text", "latest_invoice": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "next_pending_invoice_item_invoice": "text", "pause_collection": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_options": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_types": "text", "pending_invoice_item_interval": "text", "pending_setup_intent": "text", "pending_update": "text", "plan id": "text", "plan object": "text", "plan active": "yes/no", "plan aggregate_usage": "text", "plan amount": "number", "plan amount_decimal": "text", "plan billing_scheme": "text", "plan created": "undefined", "plan currency": "text", "plan interval": "text", "plan interval_count": "number", "plan livemode": "yes/no", "plan nickname": "text", "plan product": "text", "plan tiers": "text", "plan tiers_mode": "text", "plan transform_usage": "text", "plan trial_period_days": "text", "plan usage_type": "text", "quantity": "number", "schedule": "text", "start_date": "number", "status": "text", "tax_percent": "text", "test_clock": "text", "transfer_data": "undefined", "trial_end": "undefined", "trial_start": "undefined" }
List Invoices For A Subscription
Retrieve the (paid) invoices for a subscription
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Subscription ID | TODO: Fill in description | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "object": "text", "data": { "id": "text", "object": "text", "account_country": "text", "account_name": "text", "account_tax_ids": "text", "amount_due": "number", "amount_paid": "number", "amount_remaining": "number", "application_fee_amount": "number", "attempt_count": "number", "attempted": "yes/no", "auto_advance": "yes/no", "automatic_tax enabled": "yes/no", "automatic_tax status": "text", "billing_reason": "text", "charge": "text", "collection_method": "text", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "custom_fields": "text", "customer": "text", "customer_address city": "text", "customer_address country": "text", "customer_address line1": "text", "customer_address line2": "text", "customer_address postal_code": "text", "customer_address state": "text", "customer_email": "text", "customer_name": "text", "customer_phone": "text", "customer_shipping": "text", "customer_tax_exempt": "text", "default_payment_method": "text", "default_source": "text", "description": "text", "discount": "text", "due_date": "undefined", "ending_balance": "number", "footer": "text", "hosted_invoice_url": "text", "invoice_pdf": "text", "last_finalization_error": "text", "lines object": "text", "lines": { "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "currency": "text", "description": "text", "discountable": "yes/no", "livemode": "yes/no", "period end": "undefined", "period start": "undefined", "plan id": "text", "plan object": "text", "plan active": "yes/no", "plan aggregate_usage": "text", "plan amount": "number", "plan amount_decimal": "text", "plan billing_scheme": "text", "plan created": "undefined", "plan currency": "text", "plan interval": "text", "plan interval_count": "number", "plan livemode": "yes/no", "plan nickname": "text", "plan product": "text", "plan tiers": "text", "plan tiers_mode": "text", "plan transform_usage": "text", "plan trial_period_days": "text", "plan usage_type": "text", "price id": "text", "price object": "text", "price active": "yes/no", "price billing_scheme": "text", "price created": "undefined", "price currency": "text", "price livemode": "yes/no", "price lookup_key": "text", "price nickname": "text", "price product": "text", "price recurring aggregate_usage": "text", "price recurring interval": "text", "price recurring interval_count": "number", "price recurring trial_period_days": "text", "price recurring usage_type": "text", "price tax_behavior": "text", "price tiers_mode": "text", "price transform_quantity": "text", "price type": "text", "price unit_amount": "number", "price unit_amount_decimal": "text", "proration": "yes/no", "proration_details credited_items": "text", "quantity": "number", "subscription": "text", "subscription_item": "text", "type": "text" }, "lines has_more": "yes/no", "lines total_count": "number", "lines url": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "next_payment_attempt": "text", "number": "text", "on_behalf_of": "text", "paid": "yes/no", "paid_out_of_band": "yes/no", "payment_intent": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_options": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_types": "text", "period_end": "undefined", "period_start": "undefined", "post_payment_credit_notes_amount": "number", "pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": "number", "quote": "text", "receipt_number": "text", "starting_balance": "number", "statement_descriptor": "text", "status": "text", "status_transitions finalized_at": "undefined", "status_transitions marked_uncollectible_at": "text", "status_transitions paid_at": "undefined", "status_transitions voided_at": "undefined", "subscription": "text", "subtotal": "number", "tax": "text", "tax_percent": "text", "test_clock": "text", "total": "number", "transfer_data": "text", "webhooks_delivered_at": "number" }, "has_more": "yes/no", "url": "text" }
GET Balance Transaction details
Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Balance transaction ID | The balance transaction ID of a charge for the connected account. Starts with: ‘txn_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "available_on": "number", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "description": "text", "exchange_rate": "text", "fee": "number", "fee_details": { "amount": "number", "application": "text", "currency": "text", "description": "text", "type": "text" }, "net": "number", "reporting_category": "text", "source": "text", "status": "text", "type": "text" }
GET Charge details
Retrieves the details of a charge that has previously been created
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Charge ID | The charge ID of a payment intent for the connected account. Starts with: ‘ch_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "amount_captured": "number", "amount_refunded": "number", "application": "text", "application_fee": "text", "application_fee_amount": "number", "balance_transaction": "text", "billing_details address city": "text", "billing_details address country": "text", "billing_details address line1": "text", "billing_details address line2": "text", "billing_details address postal_code": "text", "billing_details address state": "text", "billing_details email": "text", "billing_details name": "text", "billing_details phone": "text", "calculated_statement_descriptor": "text", "captured": "yes/no", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "customer": "text", "description": "text", "destination": "text", "dispute": "text", "disputed": "yes/no", "failure_balance_transaction": "text", "failure_code": "text", "failure_message": "text", "invoice": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "on_behalf_of": "text", "order": "text", "outcome network_status": "text", "outcome reason": "text", "outcome risk_level": "text", "outcome risk_score": "number", "outcome seller_message": "text", "outcome type": "text", "paid": "yes/no", "payment_intent": "text", "payment_method": "text", "payment_method_details card brand": "text", "payment_method_details card checks address_line1_check": "text", "payment_method_details card checks address_postal_code_check": "text", "payment_method_details card checks cvc_check": "text", "payment_method_details card country": "text", "payment_method_details card exp_month": "number", "payment_method_details card exp_year": "number", "payment_method_details card fingerprint": "text", "payment_method_details card funding": "text", "payment_method_details card installments": "text", "payment_method_details card last4": "text", "payment_method_details card mandate": "text", "payment_method_details card network": "text", "payment_method_details card three_d_secure": "text", "payment_method_details card wallet": "text", "payment_method_details type": "text", "receipt_email": "text", "receipt_number": "text", "receipt_url": "text", "refunded": "yes/no", "refunds object": "text", "refunds has_more": "yes/no", "refunds total_count": "number", "refunds url": "text", "review": "text", "shipping": "text", "source": "text", "source_transfer": "text", "statement_descriptor": "text", "statement_descriptor_suffix": "text", "status": "text", "transfer_data": "undefined", "transfer_group": "text" }
Plugin Action Calls
Refund Charge
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Amount | Amount to refund in cents | Text |
Charge ID | The charge ID is retrieved for Single Payments using the ‘GET payment intent details’ data call. , For subscriptions you can retrieve the charge ID by listing all the invoices for a subscription using the ‘List Invoices For A Subscription’ data call. , Starts with: ‘ch_’ | Text |
Refund application fee | True/false, Application fees are not automatically refunded when issuing a refund. Your platform must explicitly refund the application fee or the connected account—the account on which the charge was created—loses that amount. You can refund an application fee by passing a refund_application_fee value of true in the refund request. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "balance_transaction": "text", "charge": "text", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "payment_intent": "text", "reason": "text", "receipt_number": "text", "source_transfer_reversal": "text", "status": "text", "transfer_reversal": "text" }
Perform Manual Payout
Send funds to your own bank account, create a new payout object
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Amount | Amount to payout in cents. You can retrieve the current balances using the ‘Retrieve Connected Account Balances’ data call under the ‘connect_reserved’ parameter. | Text |
Currency | Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "amount": "number", "arrival_date": "undefined", "automatic": "yes/no", "balance_transaction": "text", "created": "undefined", "currency": "text", "description": "text", "destination": "text", "failure_balance_transaction": "text", "failure_code": "text", "failure_message": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "method": "text", "original_payout": "text", "reversed_by": "text", "source_type": "text", "statement_descriptor": "text", "status": "text", "type": "text" }
Cancel a Subscription
Cancels a customer’s subscription immediately. The customer won’t be charged again for the subscription
Name | Description | Type |
Stripe-Account | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Subscription ID | The subscription ID of the subscription you would like to cancel. Starts with sub_ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "application_fee_percent": "number", "automatic_tax enabled": "yes/no", "billing_cycle_anchor": "undefined", "billing_thresholds": "text", "cancel_at": "text", "cancel_at_period_end": "yes/no", "canceled_at": "undefined", "collection_method": "text", "created": "undefined", "current_period_end": "undefined", "current_period_start": "undefined", "customer": "text", "days_until_due": "text", "default_payment_method": "text", "default_source": "text", "discount": "text", "ended_at": "undefined", "Cancel a Subscription": "text", "has_more": "yes/no", "total_count": "number", "url": "text", "latest_invoice": "text", "livemode": "yes/no", "next_pending_invoice_item_invoice": "text", "pause_collection": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_options": "text", "payment_settings payment_method_types": "text", "pending_invoice_item_interval": "text", "pending_setup_intent": "text", "pending_update": "text", "plan id": "text", "plan object": "text", "plan active": "yes/no", "plan aggregate_usage": "text", "plan amount": "number", "plan amount_decimal": "text", "plan billing_scheme": "text", "plan created": "undefined", "plan currency": "text", "plan interval": "text", "plan interval_count": "number", "plan livemode": "yes/no", "plan nickname": "text", "plan product": "text", "plan tiers": "text", "plan tiers_mode": "text", "plan transform_usage": "text", "plan trial_period_days": "text", "plan usage_type": "text", "quantity": "number", "schedule": "text", "start_date": "undefined", "status": "text", "tax_percent": "text", "test_clock": "text", "transfer_data": "undefined", "trial_end": "text", "trial_start": "text" }
DELETE Stripe Account
Test-mode accounts can be deleted at any time.
Live-mode accounts where Stripe is responsible for negative account balances cannot be deleted, which includes Standard accounts
Name | Description | Type |
Account ID | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Return Values:
Return type: JSON
json{ "id": "text", "object": "text", "deleted": "yes/no" }
Plugin Actions
Stripe Connect - Checkout Subscription Payment
Title | Description | Type |
Connected account ID | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Product name | Data used to generate a new product object | Text |
Item amount (cents) | A non-negative integer or decimal in cents representing how much to charge.
Accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places | Number |
Item currency | Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase | Text |
Fee percentage (%) | A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places.
This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice total that will be transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account | Number |
Subscription interval | The number of intervals between subscription billings. For example, interval=month and interval_count=3 bills every 3 months.
Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). Available options: day, week, month, year | Dropdown |
Interval count | TODO: Fill in description | Number |
Trial period days (optional) | Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. Has to be at least 1. | Number (optional) |
Success URL | Must start with “https://”. The URL to which Stripe should send customers when payment or setup is complete. | Text |
Cancel URL | Must start with “https://”. The URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website. | Text |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Checkout ID | Unique identifier for the object. | Text |
Checkout URL | The URL to the Checkout Session. Redirect customers to this URL to take them to Checkout | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Stripe Connect - Checkout Single Payment
Title | Description | Type |
Connected account ID | The Stripe account ID of the connected account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Item name | Data used to generate a new product object. | Text |
Item amount (cents) | A non-negative integer or decimal in cents representing how much to charge.
Accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places | Number |
Item currency | Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. | Text |
Fee amount (cents) | A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places.
This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice total that will be transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account | Number |
Success URL | Must start with “https://”. The URL to which Stripe should send customers when payment or setup is complete. | Text |
Cancel URL | Must start with “https://”. The URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website. | Text |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Checkout ID | Unique identifier for the object. | Text |
Checkout URL | The URL to the Checkout Session. Redirect customers to this URL to take them to Checkout | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Payment intent ID (deprecated, see docs) | Previously we could just save the Payment Intent ID when creating a Checkout Session, but the latest Stripe API versions do no return the Payment Intent ID when creating a checkout session.
You can get the Payment Intent ID only when a Checkout Session is confirmed (payed).
You can get the Payment Intent ID for a confirmed Checkout Session via a Stripe webhook or GET Checkout Session details call which is provided by the plugin. | Text |
Stripe Connect - Create Stripe Account
Title | Description | Type |
Type | Available options: standard, express | Dropdown |
Country code | Specify the country the user is from. If you leave this empty, it could be that the country will be locked to the platform’s country. This should be an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example, if you are in the United States and the business for which you’re creating an account is legally represented in Canada, you would use CA as the country for the account being created. | Text (optional) |
Email | Optional. Pre-fill the user’s email before onboarding | Text (optional) |
ℹ️ For express accounts you can specify a custom payout schedule | ||
Payout interval | How frequently available funds are paid out. One of: daily, manual, weekly, or monthly. Default is daily. Available options: daily, manual, weekly, monthly | Dropdown |
When interval is ‘daily’ please specify the ‘delay days’. | ||
Delay days | The number of days charge funds are held before being paid out. May also be set to minimum, representing the lowest available value for the account country. Default is minimum. The delay_days parameter does not apply when the interval is manual. | Number (optional) |
When interval is ‘monthly’ please specify a monthly anchor. | ||
Monthly anchor | The day of the month when available funds are paid out, specified as a number between 1–31. Payouts nominally scheduled between the 29th and 31st of the month are instead sent on the last day of a shorter month. Required and applicable only if interval is monthly. | Number (optional) |
When interval is ‘weekly’ please specify a weekly anchor. | ||
Weekly anchor | The day of the week when available funds are paid out, specified as monday, tuesday, etc. (required and applicable only if interval is weekly.) | Text (optional) |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Account ID | Unique identifier for the object. | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Stripe Connect - Create Account Link
Title | Description | Type |
Account ID | The identifier of the account to create an account link for. This ID is created using the ‘Stripe Connect - Create Stripe Account’ workflow action. Starts with acct_ | Text |
Return url | Must start with https://
The URL that the user will be redirected to upon leaving or completing the linked flow. | Text |
Refresh url | Must start with https://
The URL the user will be redirected to if the account link is expired, has been previously-visited, or is otherwise invalid. The URL you specify should attempt to generate a new account link with the same parameters used to create the original account link, then redirect the user to the new account link’s URL so they can continue with Connect Onboarding. If a new account link cannot be generated or the redirect fails you should display a useful error to the user. | Text |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Stripe Onboarding URL | The URL for the account link | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Stripe Connect - Update Payout Schedule for Express Account
Title | Description | Type |
Account ID | The Stripe account ID of the connected (Express) account. Starts with: ‘acct_’ | Text |
Payout interval | How frequently available funds are paid out. One of: daily, manual, weekly, or monthly. Default is daily. Available options: daily, manual, weekly, monthly | Dropdown |
When interval is ‘daily’ please specify the ‘delay days’. | ||
Delay days | The number of days charge funds are held before being paid out. May also be set to minimum, representing the lowest available value for the account country. Default is minimum. The delay_days parameter does not apply when the interval is manual. | Number (optional) |
When interval is ‘monthly’ please specify a monthly anchor. | ||
Monthly anchor | The day of the month when available funds are paid out, specified as a number between 1–31. Payouts nominally scheduled between the 29th and 31st of the month are instead sent on the last day of a shorter month. Required and applicable only if interval is monthly. | Number (optional) |
When interval is ‘weekly’ please specify a weekly anchor. | ||
Weekly anchor | The day of the week when available funds are paid out, specified as monday, tuesday, etc. (required and applicable only if interval is weekly.) | Text (optional) |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Account ID | Unique identifier for the object. | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Stripe Connect - Create Express Dashboard Link
Title | Description | Type |
Account ID | The identifier of the Express account to create an Express dashboard link for.
This ID is created using the ‘Stripe Connect - Create Stripe Account’ workflow action. Starts with acct_ Available options: standard, express | Text |
Return Values:
Title | Description | Type |
Stripe Express Dashboard Login Link URL | Single-use URLs for a connected account to access the Express Dashboard | Text |
Error | Error status | Text |
Workflow example
Update 10.10.24 - Version 1.10.0
- Acquired by Zeroqode.
Update 18.04.24 - Version 1.9.0
- (See docs) Updated GET Payment Intent details, Charge obj is replaced by latest_charge field.
Update 12.10.23 - Version 1.8.4
- Improvements.
Update 12.10.23 - Version 1.8.3
- Added support for the new Stripe API version for the Checkout Single Payment action.
Update 12.10.23 - Version 1.8.2
- Fixed a bug introduced by the 1.8.0 update related to creation of single payments.
Update 12.10.23 - Version 1.8.1
- Fixed a bug introduces by the 1.8.0 update related to creation of subscriptions.
Update 11.10.23 - Version 1.8.0
- Important: Updated to node 18 - Please reach out if you encounter any issues.
Update 28.12.22 - Version 1.7.0
- Improvements.
Update 28.10.22 - Version 1.6.2
- Improvements.
Update 08.10.22 - Version 1.6.1
- Improvements.
Update 19.08.22 - Version 1.6.0
- Added the workflow action to DELETE a Stripe Account.
Update 29.07.22 - Version 1.5.1
- Minor Improvements.
Update 24.07.22 - Version 1.5.0
- Improvements.
Update 31.05.22 - Version 1.4.2
- Improvements.
Update 23.05.22 - Version 1.4.1
- Improvements.
Update 23.05.22 - Version 1.4.0
- Added the 'GET charge details' and the 'GET Balance details' data calls.
Update 18.05.22 - Version 1.3.0
- Improvements.
Update 06.05.22 - Version 1.2.1
- Improvements.
Update 06.05.22 - Version 1.2.0
- Added 'Country' & 'Email' parameter to the 'Create Stripe account' workflow action'.
Update 30.04.22 - Version 1.1.1
- Improvements.
Update 14.04.22 - Version 1.1.0
- Improvements for Express accounts.
Update 11.04.22 - Version 1.0.0
- Launch.
Update 06.04.22 - Version 0.3.8
- Fixes.
Update 06.04.22 - Version 0.3.7
- Added the 'List Invoices For A Subscription' data call.
Update 05.04.22 - Version 0.3.6
- Added the 'GET Subscription details' data call.
Update 04.04.22 - Version 0.3.5
- Added 1 new action and 1 new call.
Update 04.04.22 - Version 0.3.4
- Added the 'Stripe Connect - Create Express Dashboard Link' action.
Update 04.04.22 - Version 0.3.3
- Added Payment Intent ID to response.
Update 04.04.22 - Version 0.3.2
- Bug fixes.
Update 03.04.22 - Version 0.3.1
- Bug fixes.
Update 03.04.22 - Version 0.3.0
- Multiple improvements and features added.
Update 23.01.22 - Version 0.2.2
- Improvements.
Update 23.01.22 - Version 0.2.1
- Improvement.
Update 23.01.22 - Version 0.2.0
- Added the 'Get payment intent details' call.
Update 23.01.22 - Version 0.1.0
- Added the 'get checkout session' call.
Update 16.01.22 - Version 0.0.1
- Pre-release.