Gauge (#progresspeedometer)

Demo to preview the settings


Elevate your Bubble application's visual communication with the Gauge (#progresspeedometer) Plugin. This innovative plugin enables you to integrate dynamic, real-time gauge displays into your app, providing users with clear and concise visual feedback on processes or performance metrics.
With the Gauge (#progresspeedometer) Plugin, you can effortlessly create visually appealing and intuitive gauge charts that reflect the current status or progress of any given metric within your application. Whether monitoring resource usage, tracking goal completions, or displaying any other quantifiable data, this plugin offers a compelling way to present information dynamically and engagingly.
Customize the design and functionality of your gauges with various styling options, including color schemes, needle designs, and scale adjustments. The plugin's versatility allows it to adapt seamlessly to different use cases, making it suitable for dashboards, performance monitoring systems, or any application requiring real-time data visualization.
Leverage the Gauge (#progresspeedometer) Plugin to enhance your Bubble app's interactivity and user engagement. Provide your users with a clear visual representation of critical data that helps them make informed decisions, all while maintaining a sleek and modern interface.
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How to setup

  1. Install plugin Gauge #progresspeedometer Plugin
    1. Image without caption
  1. Place the Gague element on the page
    1. Image without caption

Plugin Element Properties

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Gauge value
The value of the pointer of the gauge.
Number, Required
Minimum value
The minimum value of the pointer of the gauge.
Number, Required
Maximum value
The maximum value of the pointer of the gauge.
Number, Required
Limit minimum value?
If false, min value decreases automatically if value < minValue
Limit maximum value?
If false, max value increases automatically if value > maxValue
Animation Speed
Delay for the pointer animation. Must be between 1 and 128. Default value is 32. Enter 0 to deactivate.
Number, Required
Arc angle
The span of the gauge arc. Must be between -50 and 50
Number, Required
Arc thickness
The gauge arc thickness relatively to the space in percentage. Must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Radius scale
Relative radius in percentage. Must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Stroke fill color
Color of the stroke arc. Will be replaced if percent color or static zones are defined.
Color, Required
Stroke background color
Color of the stroke arc background. Will be replaced if static zones is defined.
Color, Required
Activate high DPI mode
High resolution support if enabled.
Pointer Length
Length of the pointer relative to the gauge radius in percent. Must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Pointer Width
The thickness of the pointer relative to the gauge radius in percent. Must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Pointer Color
Pointer Color
Color, Required
▶️ Add a custom icon
Enable custom icons
Icon Image
Icon Image
Image, Optional
Icon Scale
Size of the icon in percent, relative to the original image size
Number, Required
Icon Angle
Rotation offset angle of the icon in degrees. Default is 90.
Number, Required
▶️ Activate percent color ?
If enable, the stroke fill color will follow the following parameters. It will erase the default stroke fill color.
Generate gradient colors
If enabled, the stroke fill color will be calculated as a gradient
Percent #1
First color step in percentage, must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Color #1
First color
Color, Required
Percent #2
Second color step in percentage, must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Color #2
Second color
Color, Required
▶️ Activate extra percent #3
Add an extra color to the percent color calculation.
Percent #3
Additional color step in percentage, must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Color #3
Thrid color
Color, Required
▶️ Activate extra percent #4
Add an extra color to the percent color calculation.
Percent #4
Additional color step in percentage, must be between 0 and 100.
Number, Required
Color #4
Fourth color
Color, Required
▶️ Enable Tick Marks
Enables tick marks
Major Amount
This is the number of major divisions around your arc.
Number, Required
Major Width
This is to set the width of the major indicators.
Number, Required
Major Length
This is a fractional percentage of the height of your arc line
Number, Required
Major Color
This sets the color of the major division markers.
Color, Required
Minor Amount
This is the number of minor divisions between major ticks.
Number, Required
Minor width
This is to set the width of the minor indicators.
Number, Required
Minor Length
This is a fractional percentage of the height of your arc line
Number, Required
Minor Color
This sets the color of the minor division markers.
Color, Required
▶️ Enable Static Labels
Enables Static Labels
Label list
List of values to add label, comma separated
Text, Required
Labels color
Label text color
Color, Required
Labels font
Label text font
Text, Required
Labels size
Label text size in pixels
Number, Required
Labels fraction
Numerical precision. 0 for round off
Number, Required
▶️ Enable Static Zones
Enable the static color zone in the arc. You will need to define different zone with a min and max value and a color. If enabled, both stroke fill color and percent color will be erased.
#1 Color
First color zone
Color, Required
#1 Zone min
First zone min value
Number, Required
#1 Zone max
First zone max value
Number, Required
#1 Height
Height in percentage relative to the arc.
Number, Required
#2 Color
Second zone color
Color, Required
#2 Zone min
Second zone min value
Number, Required
#2 Zone max
Second zone max value
Number, Required
#2 Height
Height in percentage relative to the arc.
Number, Required
#3 Color
Third zone color
Color, Required
#3 Zone min
Third zone max value
Number, Required
#3 Zone max
Third zone max value
Number, Required
#3 Height
Height in percentage relative to the arc.
Number, Required
#4 Color
Fourth zone color
Color, Required
#4 Zone min
Fourth zone max value
Number, Required
#4 Zone max
Fourth zone max value
Number, Required
#4 Height
Height in percentage relative to the arc.
Number, Required
#5 Color
Fifth zone color
Color, Required
#5 Zone min
Fifth zone max value
Number, Required
#5 Zone max
Fifth zone max value
Number, Required
#5 Height
Height in percentage relative to the arc.
Number, Required
Show chrome console debug
Enables console logs

Element actions

1) Animate

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