Data Table - Grid

Demo to preview the plugin:


This Bubble plugin provides a flexible and dynamic table display with robust customization options. Ideal for apps requiring interactive and visually adaptable data tables.
Main Features:
  • Customizable Columns: Define up to 15 columns with names and formats, including HTML/BBCode formatting.
  • Sortable Columns: Enable sorting on text, number, or custom-formatted date fields.
  • Row Selection with Checkbox: Select individual rows with checkboxes; supports multi-row selection.
  • Button Actions in Rows: Add interactive buttons to rows for actions with real-time state updates.
  • Search and Pagination: Built-in search functionality and pagination support for smooth data navigation.
  • Fixed Header and Auto Width: Enable fixed headers and automatic column width adjustments for easier reading.
  • Responsive Styling Options: Customize styles, including colors, padding, and hover effects, ensuring responsive table design.
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Plugin Element Properties

Table / grid

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ID data (optional)
This is a list of IDs (texts). When a row/column is clicked the ID at the same index value will be returned. This is handy when you need to have access to a specific data entry when a row/cell is clicked. Make sure you sort all your data the same way to prevent mismatch of data.
Text (optional)
Table data
Column name
Display name for the column in the table
Column data type
Data type for the column
App Type
Column data source
The data source for the column
Item reperesenting Column data type
Column field
Important: make sure that the field is of type ‘text’ or ‘number’ (this can be a list)
Filed of Column 1 data type,
Column HTML/BBcode
Simple BB code supported, see demo page for more info. You can type {{value}} inside your HTML or BBcode which represents the value of the cell.
Text (optional)
Sort as a number?
When having formatted numbers in a column, this option will parse these texts as a number to sort them correctly.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Table options
Enable fixed table height (frozen header + footer)
Toggles a fixed header for the table, keeping the column headers visible while scrolling through data rows for improved readability.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Fixed table height
Height in pixels. For this to work you need to enable ‘Enable fixed table height (frozen header + footer)’.
Don’t refresh table
This will make the table static. You will have to use the re-render workflow action to refresh the table manually when data changes or the page gets resized
Checkbox (yes/no)
Column min width
Sets a specific width for each column, ensuring a consistent layout and preventing columns from resizing automatically.
Number (optional)
Show index column
Displays an index column at the beginning of the table, numbering each row for easy reference and navigation.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Index column title
Sets the header title for the index column
Text (optional)
Index column HTML/BBcode
Simple BB code supported, see demo page for more info. You can type {{value}} inside your HTML or BBcode which represents the value of the cell.
Text (optional)
Enable checkboxes
Enables row selection with checkboxes, allowing users to select one or multiple rows for further actions or processing.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Checkbox column title
Optional. The title of the checkbox column
Text (optional)
Enable pagination
Activates pagination for the table, allowing data to be displayed across multiple pages and improving navigation for large datasets.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Show pagination summary
Displays a summary of pagination details, showing the current page, total pages, and item range for better user orientation.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Pagination limit
The amount of rows to show on 1 page. Pagination should be enabled for this option.
Enable sorting
Allows column sorting, enabling users to organize data in ascending or descending order for easier data analysis.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Disable sorting column names
A list of column names separated by a comma where the sorting will be disabled. For example: Name,Email
Text (optional)
Enable search
Activates a search bar above the table, allowing users to quickly filter data by entering keywords.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Resizable columns?
Allows users to manually adjust column widths, providing flexibility in viewing and organizing table data.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Wrap text in header
This will warp long texts in the header to a new line.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Enable auto width for columns
When disabled, this will force all the columns to be the same size and the horizontal scroll will be disabled.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Include Font Awesome library
Loads Font Awesome icons for use within the table, allowing for icon integration in rows, headers, or custom buttons.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Style options
Header BG color
Sets the background color for the table header, enabling customization to match the app’s design.
Background color
Defines the background color for the table body
Row hover color
The background color that appears when hovering over rows
Show ‘click’ cursor on row
Displays a pointer cursor when hovering over table rows, indicating that rows are clickable for additional actions.
Checkbox (yes/no)
Border color
The color for table borders
Box shadow color
Applies a shadow effect color around the table, adding depth and visual emphasis to the table’s appearance.
Primary font color
The main font color for the table content
Secondary font color
Sets the font color for the table header, enabling a distinct visual contrast from the main content and enhancing readability.
Search placeholder color
The color for placeholder text in the search bar
Current pagination BG color
The background color for the current page indicator in the pagination controls
Disabled pagination font color
Disabled pagination font color
Cell vertical padding
Adjusts the padding above and below content within each cell
Cell horizontal padding
Adjusts the padding on the left and right of each cell's content
Cell line height
The line height for text within each cell
Search options
Search border radius
Border radius in px
Stretch search bar to 100%
This stretches the search bar to the complete width of the table.
Checkbox (yes/no)
————————– Sorting options —————————
Sort icon ↕️
Specifies the icon for unsorted columns, visually indicating the option to sort when clicked.
Sort icon desc ⬇️
Sets the icon displayed when a column is sorted in descending order, indicating the current sort direction.
Sort icon asc ⬆️
Sets the icon displayed when a column is sorted in ascending order, visually indicating the column’s current sort order.
Image opacity
A value between 0 and 1
Language options
Search placeholder
Pagination ‘Previous’
Pagination ‘Next’
Pagination ‘to’
Pagination ‘of’
Pagination ‘Showing’
Pagination ‘results’
‘No records found’
Row buttons
Button 1
Show button 1
Text (optional)
Button 1 roundness
Button 1 color
Button 1 font color
Button 1 text
Text (optional)
Button 1 column name
Text (optional)
Button 1 column width
Number (optional)
Button 2
Show button 2
Checkbox (yes/no)
Button 2 roundness
Button 2 column name
Text (optional)
Button 2 text
Text (optional)
Button 2 color
Button 2 font color
Button 2 column width
Number (optional)
Button 3
Show button 3
Checkbox (yes/no)
Button 3 column name
Text (optional)
Button 3 text
Text (optional)
Button 3 color
Button 3 font color
Button 3 column width
Number (optional)
Button 3 roundness
Date Format
Specifies the format of dates in date columns for proper sorting functionality. This property allows the grid to correctly interpret and sort dates in either US format (mm/dd/yy) or European format (dd/mm/yy). Available options: mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy
Hide vertical lines
When set to true, removes vertical border lines between columns in the table while maintaining horizontal row borders.
Checkbox (yes/no)

Element Actions

  1. Add column - dynamically add a new column to the table
    1. Image without caption
      Column name
      The name of the column
      Column dataType
      Data type
      App Type
      Column data source
      Data source
      Item reperesenting Column dataType
      Column field
      The field of column data type
      Filed of Column dataType
      Column HTML/BBcode
      Simple BB code supported, see demo page for more info. You can type {{value}} inside your HTML or BBcode which represents the value of the cell.
      Text (optional)
      Scroll to new column
      Scroll to new column
      Checkbox (yes/no)
  1. Remove appended column - removes a specific column from a table
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      Column name
      The name of the column to remove. All columns that have this name will be removed. NOTE: you can only remove columns you have appended via the ‘append column’ action
  1. Download CSV - exports a table's data to a CSV file, with options to download either all rows or only the selected (checked) rows.
    1. Image without caption
      This generates a .CSV file from the data in the table. The data will be sorted the same way as the charts loads initially.
      File name
      The exported file name
      Only download selected rows
      You need to have checkboxes enabled. When checked, you will only download a CSV containing the selected rows
      Checkbox (yes/no)
  1. Re-render table - triggers a table data refresh
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  1. Remove all appended columns - resets the table by clearing the stored columns and data arrays, then refreshes the table display.
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  1. Select all checkboxes - selects all checkboxes in the table and updates the state with the selected row indexes and IDs.
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      Must have checkboxes enabled
  1. Deselect all checkboxes - clears all selected checkboxes in the table
    1. Image without caption
      Must have checkboxes enabled
  1. Select specific checkboxes - Select specific rows in the table based on a list of row IDs provided as input.
    1. Image without caption
      Important: Make sure you have supplied ID data at the top of the plugin properties and you have enabled checkboxes
      List of IDs to select
      Comma separated list of IDs to select. Make sure you have supplied ID data at the top of the plugin properties

Exposed states

Clicked cell data
Data from the last clicked cell, used for retrieving cell-specific content.
Clicked row data
Data for the last clicked row, providing row details for further actions.
Clicked ID
Publishes the ID of the row that was last selected or clicked, enabling easy reference to specific row data within external workflows or actions.
Current page (must have pagination enabled)
Current page number in pagination, tracking the user's position in the dataset.
Current search value (must have search enabled)
Current search input text, reflecting the filter applied by the user.
Clicked row index
Index of the last clicked row, identifying the row's position in the table
Selected checkbox index (list)
List of indexes for currently selected rows, allowing external access to the selected rows.
Selected checkbox ID (list)
List of IDs for selected rows, useful for identifying and tracking specific rows.
Button click column name
The name of the column where a button was last clicked
Button click index
The index of the row where a button was last clicked
Is loaded
the table’s load status, indicating when the table has fully rendered and is ready for user interaction or data manipulation.
Clicked cell column name
Name of the column for the last clicked cell, useful for identifying the clicked column.
Clicked cell column index
Index of the column for the last clicked cell, helpful for targeted column actions.

Element Events

Cell or row is clicked
Fires when a cell is clicked, indicating a user interaction with the cell.
Checkbox is clicked
Triggered upon checkbox selection or deselection, notifying changes in row selection.
Button is clicked
Triggered when a button within a row is clicked, signaling an action in the row.
Table is ready
Fires when the table finishes loading, indicating readiness for interaction or data updates.
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