This section goes over the 'Stripe - Retrieve Stripe Account' data call and shows the full response.

How to use the data call

As this is a data call, you can access it using the 'Get data from an external API' Bubble expression. To retrieve the details regarding a Stripe Account we use the 'Stripe - Retrieve Stripe Account' option that comes with the plugin.
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This call needs the Account ID value from the account you want to retrieve. We have saved the account ID during the user onboarding.
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You will have access to a bunch of values (you can see the full response below).
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Full response

plain text
{ "id": "acct_1Kjk9kQ9Db3FNBmF", "object": "account", "business_profile": { "mcc": null, "name": null, "product_description": null, "support_address": null, "support_email": null, "support_phone": null, "support_url": null, "url": null }, "business_type": null, "charges_enabled": false, "country": "NL", "created": 1648818289, "default_currency": "eur", "details_submitted": false, "email": null, "external_accounts": { "object": "list", "has_more": false, "total_count": 0, "url": "/v1/accounts/acct_1Kjk9kQ9Db3FNBmF/external_accounts" }, "future_requirements": { "current_deadline": null, "disabled_reason": null }, "login_links": { "object": "list", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false, "url": "/v1/accounts/acct_1Kjk9kQ9Db3FNBmF/login_links" }, "payouts_enabled": false, "requirements": { "current_deadline": null, "currently_due": [ "external_account" ], "disabled_reason": "requirements.past_due", "eventually_due": [ "external_account" ], "past_due": [ "external_account" ] }, "settings": { "branding": { "icon": null, "logo": null, "primary_color": null, "secondary_color": null }, "card_issuing": { "tos_acceptance": { "date": null, "ip": null } }, "card_payments": { "decline_on": { "avs_failure": false, "cvc_failure": false }, "statement_descriptor_prefix": null }, "dashboard": { "display_name": null, "timezone": "Etc/UTC" }, "payments": { "statement_descriptor": null, "statement_descriptor_kana": null, "statement_descriptor_kanji": null }, "payouts": { "debit_negative_balances": true, "schedule": { "delay_days": 7, "interval": "weekly", "weekly_anchor": "tuesday" }, "statement_descriptor": null } }, "tos_acceptance": { "date": null, "ip": null, "user_agent": null }, "type": "express" }